"Dude, I'm the manager of Dinglong Hotel, and this is my business card. The man took back his cigarette and replaced it with a business card, Meng Hailong took it, and then he knew that this man had a very loud name, Zhang Fei.

"Manager Zhang, it's a good luck!" Meng Hailong said with a smile.

"Dude, I'm here to talk to you about business. Zhang Fei said sincerely, "In terms of price, I can add another one percent to the price they offer, and in the future, I want as much cabbage as you grow, of course, I have one more request, cabbage can only be used exclusively for our hotel, buddy, if you think you can, we can sign the contract now."

Zhang Fei took out a contract as he spoke, and it seemed that he had already prepared for it.

As a businessman, Zhang Fei is full of confidence that Meng Hailong will definitely sign this contract with him, because he will earn more by cooperating with him.

"Manager Zhang, I'm really sorry, these cabbages have been sold, no matter how high the price is, I can't sell it to you. Meng

Hailong still has this credibility, since he promised Hu Sijia, then he can't sell cabbage to him just because others have more money.

"It's okay, you can continue to provide this batch of cabbage to them, and then sell it to us when the next batch of cabbage is grown. Zhang Fei said with a smile.

"I remember Manager Zhang's words, if I can grow more cabbage, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible.

"Dude, you see if you sign this contract, it will also protect you." "

The contract is waived!" Meng Hailong is not so stupid, he is only worried that he does not grow enough cabbage now, and he doesn't need to worry about not being able to sell it, not to mention, what is needed between people is the most basic integrity, not bound by a paper contract.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fei's attitude changed, and he said with some dissatisfaction, "If you have money and don't make money, it's the first time I've met Zhang Fei, who are you selling this cabbage to? "

Manager Zhang, you can go!" In front of Zhang Fei, Meng Hailong directly tore his business card to shreds, which is also telling Zhang Fei that Lao Tzu's cabbage can be sold to anyone, but not to you.

If Zhang Fei doesn't change his face, if he can grow more cabbage in the future, then Meng Hailong will cooperate with him, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

didn't even understand the most basic politeness, Meng Hailong was not interested in dealing with people like him.

"Okay, you're arrogant enough!" Zhang Fei was bored here, and he couldn't do anything to Meng Hailong, so he had to turn around and leave with a sigh of resentment.

Zhang Fei left, extremely reluctantly, Meng Hailong always felt that he would not rest on his laurels.

Sure enough, two days later, Zhang Fei came again, this time, he did not come alone, but accompanied by Sun Wenqiang.

The two came directly to Meng Hailong's house, and as soon as they entered the door, Sun Wenqiang said directly: "Meng Hailong, Manager Zhang intends to buy your cabbage, the price is completely negotiable, anyway, it is sold to anyone, just sell me a face, sell the cabbage to Manager Zhang!"

This product took a girl to the Dinglong Hotel to play last night, and as soon as the ID card came out, it happened to be seen by Zhang Fei, and found that the goods were from Xiaolong Village, so he chatted with him for a few words, and found that the goods were still the son of the village chief, so the two hooked up.

After Zhang Fei promised to give a lot of benefits, Sun Wenqiang took over the job, he thought that in Xiaolong Village, there was really nothing that he Sun Wenqiang couldn't do.

"I'm sorry, the cabbage I planted has been ordered, I told Manager Zhang two days ago, if you are here for cabbage, then, you can invite.

As soon as Meng Hailong said what he meant, Sun Wenqiang immediately slapped the table and stood up, his mouth was dirty, and he greeted Meng Hailong's family.

Even the eighteenth generation of ancestors was invited out by Sun Wenqiang.

Sun Wenqiang felt that it was Meng Hailong who made him lose face in front of Zhang Fei, in order to get his face back, after scolding, he said in a tough tone: "Meng Hailong, you have heard me clearly, if you don't sell the cabbage to Manager Zhang, I promise that you can't sell the cabbage you grow in the future, no, it should be said that you will never want to grow cabbage in the future." "

Get out. Meng Hailong scolded angrily, grabbed the broom, and directly beat Sun Wenqiang and Zhang Fei out.

Meng Hailong knew what kind of person Sun Wenqiang was, and since he could say it, he would definitely find some trouble for him in the future.

But Meng Hailong is not a soft persimmon, it is impossible to be bullied, this is how to be a man, it is impossible to compromise when threatened, that will only make people even more serious to bully you.

"Damn, this kid is the opposite, let my dad clean him up another day.

Seeing Zhang Fei's dissatisfaction, Sun Wenqiang hurriedly said: "Manager Zhang, don't you just have some cabbage? It doesn't matter if he doesn't sell it to you, I'll take someone to plant it for you, I don't believe that it will be worse than him."

Sun Wenqiang's voice was not small, Meng Hailong just shook his head and smiled bitterly after hearing his words, Sun Wenqiang wanted to grow cabbage better than him, naturally it was impossible.

Although the land is the same, Meng Hailong knows very well that the reason why the Chinese cabbage he grows is so delicious is entirely because of the spiritual spring.

Meng Hailong, who had long been suspicious, would secretly use the spiritual spring to water the cabbage from the outside world every night.

Without Lingquan, the cabbage grown by Meng Hailong can only be ordinary Chinese cabbage.

Following Zhang Fei, people came to Xiaolong Village one after another, with the purpose of Chinese cabbage.

Either the manager of the hotel or the owner of the food stall came, but fortunately, after these people learned that Meng Hailong's cabbage had been sold, they only showed helplessness, but they didn't have too much entanglement, otherwise, Meng Hailong would have been annoyed to death.

As soon as the sky was bright, Meng Hailong, who had finished working in the Lingyu space, did not feel tired, but when he came to the cabbage field with a hoe, he almost fainted.

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