Death, bring me to Bai Ge's side.

Maybe...... I'm going to see him......

I couldn't breathe anymore, and I saw myself sinking little by little?

There was no resistance, no struggle, looking at the sparkling waves in front of me, it was the sunlight on the water.

And I, about to sink into the darkness.

A few bubbles came out of my mouth, kept going upward, and finally broke the sparkle.

At this time, I should have been confused and scared, I should, but I just felt very uncomfortable.

The brain has gradually become unable to think about problems.

There are many scenes in front of me, like a dream.

The chubby black cat downstairs in the rental house seemed to be smiling at me.

The owner of the breakfast shop on the street greeted me.

Colleagues in the company who have been with me for two years are also waving at me.

They were all bidding me ...... farewell

I opened my eyes as wide as I could, and I looked through the murky river as if I saw a familiar face.

Memories of the past come flooding back to my heart.

"I want to call the master .....

" "I made it for you, is it delicious?"

"Get in the car, it's too late to explain." "

The memory stretched forward little by little, until the day I first met .....

Whoever bullied you, I'll help you fight back!"

Bai Ge ......

My eyes are getting darker and darker, and my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.

I seem to have seen Bai Ge ......

I'm sorry..... Mom and Dad....... I can't do my filial piety for you......

What will the world be like after death?

My last thoughts were gone.

If you die, you won't be sad, you won't regret it, and you won't have to look at the insurmountable distance in pain.

It seemed to dawn on me that I understood.

That's it....... The

pain gradually dissipated, and the warm touch came from the palm of my hand.

Bai Ge, are you here to pick me up?

It's good to see you.


"It's so uncomfortable..... "I

opened my eyes groggily, and there was a pure white ceiling in front of me, and there was a smell unique to hospitals.

"What ...... is this"

struggled in pain, trying to turn over, but his elbow accidentally touched something.

I turned my head to see a familiar figure lying on top of me, and I couldn't see the face, but the familiar silhouette ......


a familiar voice.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Wake up. "


" and "Feng Hao...... "

I thought it was Bai Ge."

"It's good that I followed you, or you'd have drowned.

Feng Hao rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"It's better to be dead. "I was hanging low, a little listless.

"Don't say that. "You still have your aunt and uncle and me.

"And .........

" "Knock knock...... There

was a sudden knock on the door, Feng Hao stood up and went to open the door.


sighed deeply, and I lay back on the bed.

"Sister, who do you see coming

?" "Who?"

I turned my head a little impatiently to look at it, but I was stunned at this glance.

"Bai Ge?"

I widened in disbelief, and my hands trembled to try to touch his face.

Bai Ge leaned down obediently.

The warmth reached my hand through his face, and his hand was on mine.

"Original...... Death really brought me to you.....

" "What a stupid thing to say, you're not dead." Although

I still have a headache and my mind is muddy, I can hear this sentence clearly.

I clutched his hand tightly and refused to let go.

I was afraid that this was a dream, and I was afraid that everything was my dying lamplight.

I must be looking funny now, maybe I could put an egg in my mouth.

I feel like my CPU is burning.

"But..... You ......

" "Meet!"

My mouth was gagged by Bai Ge, and the warm touch made my eyes widen.

I understood something instantly, I was forcibly kissed by Bai Ge

......!" But I'm ..... ......."

All of this is true, not a dream, I can finally be sure."

This moment is eternal and ephemeral.

When he wanted to let go, I hugged him tightly and wouldn't let him go.

I want to compensate him for the lack of ...... for these three years

As we parted, my face flushed, and my palms interlocked with his.

We looked at each other, and I wanted to engrave him in my mind, so that I would be content even if it was really a dream.

"Want to hear my story?"


Bai Ge was about to speak, but I put two fingers on his lips.

"Can you sit next to me?"

he smiled and sat down beside me obediently, and I leaned obediently on his shoulder, feeling his warm body temperature and strong heartbeat.

Until this point, our hands were not parted.

"I ...... at the beginning

" "I really can't be helped."

"Originally, I was going to be discharged from the hospital, and then I would like to confess everything to you, and I wanted to spend the last period of time with you. "

Well, why....." I was a little excited and wanted to speak, but I obediently shut up in the middle of speaking.

"But at that time, the doctor came to me and said that there was a medical project that was going to be a clinical trial, and asked me if I would like to be an experimenter, so I tried it with the determination to die. "

Then you ....." I looked at Bai Ge with some distress.

"Rest assured, fool, I'm all right. "

I went to Siberia for that project, and I thought that if the experiment failed, I would be buried in a pre-booked tombstone.

"The chances of success in that trial were slim, but I didn't expect to survive, the lung cancer was under control, I spent two years there recuperating there, and now I'm basically cured.

"It's a miracle, isn't it?"

"yes, it's a miracle. "

I laughed silly, and tears of laughter came out.

Maybe..... I can't escape Bai Ge's palm in my life.

The weather was fine that day.

On that day, Eros stood at the top and laughed at the incompetence of the Grim Reaper.

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