"Don't worry about the appearance. We are not going to enter the main tower this time, but to their war warehouse," Yayin said, adjusting the picture in the aperture, pulling the view down, and aiming at the layout at the bottom of the tower.

As soon as he shone on the bottom of the tower, Liu Ji was stunned, and then he was surprised: "What? They also have Gundam?"

Under the tower, several huge golden "mobile armors" were parked around the tower.

"Gaoda? What is that?" Yayin frowned, looked at the picture, and asked, "Are you talking about those war puppets?"

"Ah, yes, those big golden things," Liu Ji pointed at the picture and said.

"This is a war puppet, which is usually used by the tyrant army to attack the city," Yayin said, "That thing consumes a lot of magic crystals, and it is not usually used, but you still have to be careful. They will also act as monitors. If you pass by their front, it will also trigger an alarm."

"Fuck, why does it sound like a car barking on the side of the road," Liu Ji couldn't help but muttered.

"What is a car?" A question mark popped up in Yayin's head again.

But she didn't ask it out loud. After all, now is not the time to chat. It's more important to talk about business first.

"There are only two anyway, and they are both in front. Let's not worry about them," Yayin said, pulling the camera to the back of the camp.

In the surrounding area under the tower, there are golden round bags one after another, which look like yurts.

"These are their temporary allocation warehouses," Yayin said, "the food they need to eat in the near future, the weapons they need to call for in the near future, and some supplies and medicines that are ready for use in the near future are all in these tents."

"Well, that's right," Liu Ji touched his chin, "In other words, in addition to these, there are long-term warehouses?"

"Yes, it's underground," Yayin said, "Don't be fooled by the spiral doghouse, which is just a tower. In fact, the upper part is not only a watchtower, but also a strategic blockhouse, used to house soldiers' dormitories, and to store core materials, collect spoils, and hold prisoners. They are all underground."

"And prisoners?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows, "So they can capture prisoners. I thought they were all ruthless killers."

"Of course they will capture them. They even have a breeding camp, which uses prisoners as reproductive machines to help them mass-produce reserve soldiers," Yayin sighed, "They have been fighting for thousands of years. Do you think all these cannon fodders are made out of thin air?"

Liu Ji frowned.

He recalled the breeding tower he encountered in the underground of Swamp City...

When Liu Ji thought of the numb people in the tower who were like zombies, and the pungent smell and the filthy room on the floor, he still felt nauseous even now.

"This is a little uncomfortable," Liu Ji frowned and said, "Can you save them and leave?"

Ya Yin looked at Liu Ji, was silent for a moment, and said, "You should know that we can't have a head-on conflict with them at least on their main battlefield."

"I know, but what if there are our companions among those captives?" Liu Ji said.

"This possibility is too small..." Ya Yin said.

"But it's always possible, right?" Liu Ji said.

"This..." Ya Yin fell silent.

After a long while, she said, "Okay, I know what you mean, but it's meaningless if we just rescue them..."

"This is still the main battlefield of the Tyrant Army," Ya Yin said in a deep voice, "Even if we rescue them, they have to be able to leave here safely."

"What about using teleportation magic?" Liu Ji said, "Just teleport them all away, and you can also fake the illusion that we escaped together, how about it?"

"It's feasible in theory, but it's difficult to do it in practice," Ya Yin shook her head, "If we arrange it in advance, the aftermath of the magic will expose our position. If we arrange it on the spot, it will take so long, and it is estimated that people who should come and those who shouldn't come will come."

"Then, what if we arrange it in advance deep enough underground," Liu Ji said.

With the experience of Swamp City, he knew that there is no high temperature and high pressure underground in this world.

"This..." Ya Yin was stunned, thought for a long time, and said, "As long as the air can be guaranteed, it is not impossible..."

"Of course the air can be guaranteed," Liu Ji said, patting the two potatoes sitting next to him.

Because he needed to maintain the earth element state when moving, he brought two potatoes with him to provide oxygen on the road.

"It seems that you have made up your mind," Ya Yin was a little helpless, "but you don't even know who they have captured..."

"Yes, it seems a little bit crazy," Liu Ji let out a long breath, "but, when I think of the tower I saw last time, I feel that if possible, I don't want to see people being treated like that..."

"Ah, that tower," Ya Yin also immediately reacted to what Liu Ji said.

Although she had not seen what the tyrant's breeding base looked like, it was probably not much different from the scene in the tower in Swamp City.

If I recall the scene in the tower again...

"Okay, but we still have to get the medicine first," Ya Yin said.

"Of course, but I'm thinking about a question," Liu Ji said, "Do you think that if it is in their real warehouse, will there be better special medicine?"

"No, there is no specific medicine for healing, but..." Ya Yin thought for a while and said, "Indeed, there should be high-grade medicinal materials kept as insurance there, but I have to go into their warehouse, but in fact, I am not good at this..."

"What if I help you attract enough attention from them?" Liu Ji said, "For example, blow up their tower or something like that?"

"Hmm?" Ya Yin frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"How should I put it," Liu Ji touched his chin, "Actually, I kind of want to drive a Gundam."



Outskirts of the battlefield, in the dense forest.

A man in a white cloak walked in the forest.

Just now, he issued a search order for the entire area, mobilizing all soldiers below the general level in the area to look for any suspicious traces.

As always, relevant reports were quickly sent back.

Although most of them were suspicious false alarms or traces left by wild beasts, the man did not care, because he knew very well that the truly valuable traces might be hidden in these so-called false alarms.

This time, it seemed that what greeted him was also a "false alarm".

The guards in gray-white armor stood in front of a tree and waited. When he saw him coming, he saluted him and showed him the marks on the tree.

The man walked to the tree, looked at it, and frowned slightly.

At first glance, there were only claw marks of a beast on the tree, which looked like the marks left by some kind of cat after hunting.

And on the ground nearby, there were a few feathers and some bloodstains, which also looked like they were left during hunting.

"Another beast..." The man thought so, squatted down and carefully checked the surroundings.

Originally, he didn't have much hope, but soon, he noticed something wrong.

The grass leaves nearby had traces of being specially arranged by someone, and the tilt was very unnatural.

He squatted down, closed his eyes slightly, and began to chant the spell softly.

Soon, the silver-white light appeared again and drifted around him.

Then, these light spots went under the grass leaves, forming a faint path under the grass leaves.

"Hey... there is indeed a problem," the man smiled.

He stood up and walked slowly along these light spots.

As he moved forward, these light spots also slowly extended forward, always guiding his direction.

Finally, these light spots flowed into the back of a huge rock a little further away.

Looking at the huge rock, the man's expression became serious.

He gently drew out the double blades at his waist and walked slowly towards the rock.

One step, two steps...

He kept approaching the rock.

Gradually, he had a vague feeling.

There seemed to be someone hiding behind the rock...

"Not running away? Waiting for me? Or is it a trap?" The man thought so, concentrating his attention.

Just as he was about to turn to the side of the rock, suddenly, a figure jumped out from behind the rock.

The man raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and stabbed the figure with a sword.

With a clang, his rapier was blocked by another identical rapier.

"Ahaha, I really scared you!" The woman in the white cloak laughed, flicked his dagger, jumped two steps away, put her hands on her hips, and looked at him triumphantly, "See, I said I would find it faster than you, right? Isn't it amazing?"

"Okay, okay, amazing," the man saw who was coming and smiled bitterly, "But can you not make such jokes next time? What if I really hurt you?"

"Ha, how is that possible? Don't even think about it," the woman laughed and turned the rapier in her hand nonchalantly.

"Okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore. What did you find?" The man said, looking behind the rock.

"Some messy pine and cypress leaves, which should be used to make the bed, and some food scraps and firewood ashes left over from life," the woman said, talking about the vines on the rocks, "someone should have lived here before, but has left."

"Didn't you find any traces of them?" the man said, squatting and moving into the narrow cave, turning over the pine and cypress branches on the ground.

"No, I tried, but it was very strange. Their traces seemed to disappear suddenly," the woman shook her head, "I suspect that they used teleportation magic. Only you can do this, so I'm waiting for you here."

"Then you should at least tell me, instead of waiting for me to find you myself," the man said helplessly, "Isn't this a waste of time?"

"Hey, that won't work. Wouldn't that mean you can't exercise your ability to find people," the woman grinned.

"Don't try that. I see you've just been here for a short time," the man said, gently waving his hands to spread the light spots around him.

"Tsk, so what," the woman smacked her lips and muttered, "I won anyway."

"Yes, yes, you won," the man said, and suddenly noticed that the light spot began to drift towards a certain place.

"Found it, the trace of teleportation..." he murmured.

"Oh! Sure enough!" The woman suddenly became excited, "My guess was right!"

"No, don't be happy too early, it's a bit weird," the man said, controlling the light spot to condense in the air, frowning and staring for a long time, and said, "No, no, no, this is the teleportation array they used when they threw our people away."

"Huh?" The woman was stunned. "No way, can they disappear out of thin air? Can you look for other traces?"

"Of course I'm looking, but..." The man scanned the surroundings and observed the light spots, but he couldn't find any other traces of transmission.

"Strange..." He muttered, and expanded the search range of the light spots again.

However, there was still nothing.

"They can't fly away, right?" The woman next to him said, "Didn't the air defense tower notice them?"

"It shouldn't be the case," the man frowned.

But, he really couldn't find any trace of the other party leaving. It seems that there is really no other explanation except flying away...



He looked underground.

Indistinctly, he seemed to feel that the light spots in a certain place were slightly denser than those in other places.

"Wait, could it be the Earth Walker?" He frowned and thought, "Could it be that they are actually hiding underground?"

149. Two-in-one The human body has its limits, so...

Outside, deep underground in a tyrant camp.

"Then, the plan is, I just need to prepare the teleportation array here?" Ya Yin asked.

"Yes," Liu Ji nodded.

"Well..." Ya Yin rubbed his brows, "Are you really sure you can find the right medicine? You can't even read their words."

"Of course," Liu Ji said confidently, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

"Well..." Ya Yin scratched her hair, "Okay, since you insist so much... But be careful, don't make a big fuss, at least don't attract Wang Qi."

"Not that bad," Liu Ji waved his hands repeatedly, "I can't be so reckless no matter what."

"That would be best..." Ya Yin nodded.

After a moment of silence, she added, "Even if you accidentally provoke Wang Qi for some reason, at least try to delay it until the agreed time, and then you can come back directly, and I can take you away by teleporting. If the tyrant himself does not come, it will not be so easy to track the teleport I prepared in advance."

"No, so it's really not that bad," Liu Ji said with a wry smile, "In fact, I have an idea. If it works, they may not have a chance to find me at all."

"What idea?" Ya Yin asked in confusion.

"How should I put it," Liu Ji touched his chin, looked at Ya Yin, and then...

"Ah!" Ya Yin suddenly screamed, and the whole person shrank to the side, slightly curling up her waist, as if someone suddenly poked the itchy flesh on her waist.

However, when she looked closely, there was nothing on her waist.

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