"Here, just like this," Liu Ji said with a smile.

"This..." Ya Yin looked at Liu Ji in surprise, "How did you do it?"

"Use it," Liu Ji said, raising the index finger of his right hand.

At the tip of the index finger, a grain of sand was floating in the air, reflecting a faint light under the illumination of the sunlight spell.



In the distance, in the forest.

"Well... I still can't find any clues," the man in the white cloak frowned.

He had extended his detection magic to the entire nearby forest area, but still had no gains.

Originally, he suspected that the earth walker dug a pit and drilled into the ground, but he didn't find any caves leading to the underground nearby, and he didn't detect any underground dark caves.

It can't be that someone drilled into the ground and buried himself, right?

Even the earth walker can't survive in the underground without air circulation. The large cities of the earth walker will also rely on hanging sunlight stones and underground plants to purify the air.

Moreover, even if the other party used magic to completely cover up the passage leading to the underground, he should be able to find the trace, right?

"Strange..." The man frowned, puzzled.

"Could it be that we really ran into those guys?" The woman next to him asked, "If it was those guys, it wouldn't be strange if they disappeared out of thin air?"

"But do you think those guys would sleep in a doghouse like this here?" The man asked, pointing to the cave next to him.

"Well... who knows, maybe he wants to experience life?" The woman spread her hands, "If we really have no other ideas, why don't we go find a teacher?"

"No! Why go find a teacher for such a small matter?" The man frowned, "The teacher is still attacking the dungeon. If the two of us can't even do a small thing like guarding the perimeter, how will other vanguards look at us?"

"Then what do you say we should do?" The woman shrugged, "I have no other ideas anyway, so let's just pretend that nothing happened and do what we should do."

The man was silent for a moment, shook his head again, and said firmly: "No, it's a big deal, how can we be so careless."

As he said that, he took out the round plate in his arms, put it to his mouth, and whispered a few commands in an unknown language.

"All standby units dispatched?" The woman beside him was a little surprised when she heard his order, "Isn't it too much of a fuss?"

"Making a fuss? Ha, thank you for the compliment," the man said calmly, and then he chanted a spell, and a large number of light spots appeared around him, far exceeding the number before, and spread in all directions.



Outside the camp, accompanied by a wriggling of the sand, an unusually round stone appeared on the ground silently.

This is Liu Ji's "eye".

Of course, it doesn't mean that he really dug out his eyeball, but a part of his body.

For the desert incarnation or the earth element form, any part of the body can be any organ, after all, its composition principle is not carbon-based at all.

The reason why Liu Ji still needs to use "eyes" to see things is entirely due to his instinct as a human being for many years.

The round rock just lay quietly on the ground, no one noticed, and no one would have thought that this inconspicuous stone had already taken in all the information of the entire camp.

Liu Ji's body was embedded in the earth...

Or, he actually merged with the earth.

Looking at the scene in the camp, Liu Ji was a little confused.

At this moment, people wearing standard armor were constantly pouring out of the camp, forming teams and teams, pouring out of the camp in an orderly manner from all directions.

At first, Liu Ji just thought that they had some action to go out, but after observing for a long time, he found that it seemed not that simple.

By integrating his body into the earth, he could vaguely feel how many people were active in the camp under the other side's spiral tower, and as these soldiers continued to pour out of the tower, gradually, he could hardly feel whether there were still people under the tower.

It seemed that almost all the people in the tower had left.

Is this a mission that these people just need to go out in full force?

Or do they actually go out together to do something at this time every day?

Not sure.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Liu Ji's actions will be more convenient.

Since almost all the Tyrant soldiers in the underground space disappeared, Liu Ji quickly found the location of the prisoners.

After all, there was only one area where people could be sensed to be gathering.

As expected, the room where the prisoners were held was at the bottom few levels of the entire underground area.

Although he found their location, Liu Ji did not rescue them immediately.

In order to transport them underground, in addition to waiting for Ya Yin to complete the magic circle first, they needed to be guaranteed to have enough air to breathe during the transportation.

For this reason, just when he was observing these soldiers, Liu Ji dug a long tunnel diagonally underground a kilometer away from the camp, directly to the nearby underground river.

In this way, as long as he waited long enough, the tunnel would be filled with enough air to support normal breathing.

And Liu Ji is now digging the top section of the passage to connect its interior with the outside world, and waiting for the air in the tunnel to reach the qualified standard first.

Oh no, I still can't wait.

Liu Ji was not sure when these soldiers who had gone out in full force would come back. During this period, he needed to do other things.

First, he had to find medicine.

Unlike finding people, medicine was no different from other miscellaneous items in the elemental vision. If he wanted to find the specific location, Liu Ji had to go there himself.

And this was also an ability that Liu Ji was going to test today.

He did not transform into a human form and walk into the towering spiral doghouse, but let a gust of sand and dust drift in.

At this moment, Liu Ji imagined the feeling of controlling the water elemental spirit, letting this imperceptible soft sand and dust carry all his subjective consciousness.

Although the feasibility of this mode of action had been imagined before, this was the first time Liu Ji really tried it.

At the beginning, he did not proceed smoothly.

This feeling was like turning his hand into another self and letting the original self fall asleep temporarily. The overall feeling was very subtle.

But after repeated attempts, Liu Ji gradually grasped the trick.

When practicing water magic, one must divide his consciousness into two parts, one to maintain himself, and the other to shape the flowing liquid.

Now Liu Ji can still continue this idea and divide his consciousness into two parts, primary and secondary.

But this time, he needs to make a switch, integrating the main consciousness into this light and floating dust, and leaving only a secondary consciousness in the body that is integrated into the land.

According to this method, after repeatedly reversing the primary and secondary consciousness several times, Liu Ji finally grasped the little subtle trick.

In fact, it is just a hurdle in feeling. After crossing it, everything becomes logical.

"Looking" at his body that is so thin that it is almost difficult to feel as a whole, Liu Ji is a little dazed.

I always feel that I seem to be less and less like a human...

But soon, Liu Ji put this funny idea behind him.

It's not that he can't change back. The Great Saint of Man can change 72 times, and no one has ever doubted whether he is still a monkey.

Moreover, whether he is a human or not may not be determined by appearance.

Just like the dull-eyed Tyrant soldiers standing at the door of the spiral doghouse just now, they look like human beings, but Liu Ji can't treat them as human beings at all.

"Come to think of it, I just came in like this, it's easier than I thought..." Liu Ji looked at the scene in front of him.

In this state, he is not like humans who can only use their eyes to receive light in one direction to observe things, but can directly take in all angles of the scene in his mind.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable, and sometimes there is an imbalance in the sense of direction when processing these images in the brain, but more of it is a sense of comfort with an infinitely broad vision.

Although the spiral doghouse is a slender spiral tower, it is actually quite large, and the space inside the first floor is also quite empty.

Looking up from the center of the tower, you can see circles of spiral stairs and floor boards.

As Yayin said, the tower body itself is more like a watchtower and a watchtower.

The only thing worth noting is probably the huge crystal floating in the center of the entire tower.

It is not difficult to see from the rich magic fluctuations that the crystal should carry the magic energy supply of the entire tower.

Looking at the crystal, Liu Ji always has the urge to punch it to see if he can break it.

But, just think about it.

The first task now is to find medicine. He has to drive the Gundam to blow up the blockhouse after he finishes his work.

"The entrance to the underground..." Liu Ji "looked" around.

However, the strange thing is that there seems to be no passage or stairs leading to the underground. There is only a strange magic array engraved on the floor in the center of the tower.

As a newbie who has not learned the basic elemental magic, Liu Ji naturally knows nothing about magic arrays.

But even if he doesn't understand it, he can guess that these people rely on this magic array to travel between the ground and the underground.

It makes sense. In this way, even if someone sneaks in like Liu Ji, they can only enter the blockhouse area and cannot go deep underground.

But, that's for others.

The reason why Liu Ji came into the upper tower was purely to see what it looked like inside.

As for the underground...

Liu Ji's body changed, and then he shuttled down, falling directly into the underground space along the rock layer.

But as soon as he landed, Liu Ji was stunned.

Looking at the golden and magnificent spiral doghouse on the ground, he thought that the underground would be of the same style.

However, when he really came to the underground, he found that everything was very different from what he imagined.

This is a very empty and huge space.

The entire underground space was pitch black, and countless black hose-like things were spread on the ground and walls, as if they were transporting something, wriggling rhythmically, and constantly making some kind of sound similar to a heartbeat accompanied by a sticky feeling and the sound of liquid flowing.

It was like the organ of some huge living thing.

However, Liu Ji's elemental vision told him that this was not a living thing, but a kind of architectural creation like a wooden house and brick house.

However, from the appearance, it can be seen that this is obviously not any kind of construction technology that Liu Ji has ever seen.

He couldn't even tell what the raw materials of this thing were.

In addition to these hoses on the ground and walls, this empty space is also dotted with giant eggs woven from hoses that appear to be large enough to accommodate humanoid creatures.

Although these giant eggs are empty at the moment, Liu Ji feels that these things should be the beds of those soldiers?


Not sure, but it is possible.

He "walked" closer to one of the giant eggs and looked inside.

The space wrapped by the hose was full of some kind of transparent sticky liquid. If you "smell" it a little, you can still feel a fascinating fragrance.

If Liu Ji had not had no appetite in this form, he might have been hungry after smelling this smell.


It seems not.

Although the smell is good, the scene is really disgusting, and it is estimated that it will only make you feel sick.

After exploring this empty room and confirming that there is no extra valuable information, Liu Ji floated out of the room.

As soon as he left the room, there was a spiral passage winding downwards.

There were no stairs in the passage, and the floor, walls and ceiling were still densely covered with black hoses, which made Liu Ji quite uncomfortable.

Therefore, Liu Ji deliberately quickened his pace.

He thought that he would feel better if he walked out of the passage quickly, but he didn't expect that when he walked out of the passage, he found that the really annoying thing was still behind.

It was a spherical hole.

It was a very standard sphere, not too big, with a diameter of about several dozen meters.

However, on the surface of this sphere, there were countless roads densely distributed, from top to bottom, from front to back, from left to right, covering the inner wall of the entire spherical space.

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