Yes, humans like water sources, but animals also like water sources.

When he found the stream and walked downstream for about half a day, he met a bear four or five meters tall with a single horn on its head.

At that moment, he realized that he might have fallen into another world.

Moreover, he might die soon.

At that moment, I don’t know if the arrival of death aroused the instinct for survival. Liu Ji, who had never climbed a tree in his life, jumped to the top of a tree next to him like an ancient ancestor, hugged the trunk and dared not move.

Although it’s funny that at the height he was at, the four or five-meter-tall giant bear could knock him down with a slap if he stood up.

But his luck was not bad. The giant bear probably didn’t see him because of poor eyesight, or this guy didn’t want to eat a meal running on the ground.

In short, it didn’t find Liu Ji, or didn’t intend to make trouble for him, but just slapped the fish by the stream, eating one after another.

Liu Ji didn't dare to move, just hanging on the tree, watching the giant bear slapping fish like cracking melon seeds.

He didn't know where there were so many fish in this small river, he only knew that he didn't dare to eat those fish, one or two of them were like being exposed to nuclear radiation, and the fish scales were flashing with strange light.

But the bear ate very deliciously, so delicious that it squatted by the river and ate all day, and as a result, Liu Ji was forced to hang on the tree all day.

When it got dark, the giant bear seemed to be full and slowly left the stream.

At this time, Liu Ji's hands and feet were almost holding the wood, and he relaxed when he saw this, and fell directly from the tree.

Fortunately, there were some bushes under the tree, at least Liu Ji didn't break any bones.

Liu Ji, who was lying in the bushes, was a little confused. He didn't know whether he was lucky or not.

It's bad luck, he died, but not completely dead, after all, he traveled through time.

Luckily, the location after crossing is really bad. It feels like he could die again at any time.

But at least, he is still alive so far, so let's just call it luck.

He was really hungry after hanging on the tree for a day.

He didn't feel it when he was hanging on the tree before, but now that he fell to the ground, the hunger surged up like a tsunami.

Struggling to get up from the bushes, patting the fallen leaves on his body, Liu Ji scanned the area, trying to find something to fill his stomach.

His eyes first stopped at the stream.

Although those fish looked like they were exposed to nuclear radiation...

No, it was still unrealistic. He was not a bear, and it was too difficult to eat freshwater fish raw.

And it was still unclear whether he could catch the fish.

According to Liu Ji's idea at the time, he wanted to find some wild fruits to eat casually and then leave quickly.

After all, night was approaching, and he didn't dare to stay near the stream all the time. Who knew if he would encounter any wild beasts again.

As a result, some wild fruits were found, but they all emitted weak fluorescence, and looked just like those Fukushima nuclear power fish, so I really didn't dare to eat them.

While worrying, Liu Ji found some plants that looked like potato plants.

He found a stick and tried to dig, and he really dug out a few small potatoes from the ground.

At that time, Liu Ji naively thought that he should have roasted potatoes to eat.

So he dug around quickly and dug out a dozen potatoes of different sizes. After washing them in the stream, he left the stream.

He ran to the woods a little further away, found a dry piece of land, prepared to make a fire, roast some potatoes to eat, and keep warm overnight.

However, Liu Ji found that he thought too simply.

As for when he found it, it was probably when he took a stick and a piece of wood and drilled for a long time without even a spark.

At this moment, Liu Ji realized that drilling wood to make fire seemed to be a technical job.

In fact, it was true. At least for someone like him, the method of using a stick to drill a pile of wood directly to burn it was considered impossible to succeed.

Unless he was the Flash.

But obviously he was not.

So he struggled for half an hour, and the only reward was that he almost rubbed his hands.

He also realized that there was probably something wrong with his process, but at this moment, the strong hunger and uneasiness, as well as the anxiety of failing to make a fire, and the anxiety about the future were affecting his chaotic thoughts.

He really couldn't think calmly about how to light the fire in this situation.

He was even in a trance and wanted to try eating raw potatoes.

Although raw potatoes are poisonous, if they don't turn green and sprout, it seems that the toxicity is quite low?

Looking at the potatoes in his hand, Liu Ji pondered for a long time.

In the end, he didn't know whether he was really hungry or because the unreality brought by the bizarre encounter gave him something that he didn't know whether to call courage or impulse.

For some reason, he really opened his mouth and took a bite of the raw potato with skin and even unwashed mud.

Not only did he gnaw on it, he chewed it twice, and then swallowed it directly.

The taste of raw potatoes was not strange, but the earthy smell of the skin was a bit disgusting, but Liu Ji still swallowed it.

After swallowing it, he realized what he had done.

He was a little surprised at first, and then he felt an impulse in his body.

An inexplicable impulse, like standing up or raising your hand, an instinctive impulse to do something.

He followed this instinct and made this "action".

Then, he turned into a potato.

Or, a potato plant.

A potato plant with no hearing, no vision, no touch, only a sense of its own physical condition, alive, with green branches and leaves.

2. Photosynthesis is fun for a while, photosynthesis is fun all the time

What kind of experience is it to be a potato?

Well, at least at the first time, Liu Ji felt very uncomfortable.

It was a kind of discomfort close to suffocation, but not completely suffocated.

He almost subconsciously changed back, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

He didn't know why he could turn into a potato, but the fact was that it happened so unreasonably. There was no system prompt, no golden finger appeared in his mind, but Liu Ji realized almost in an instant that this might be his own benefit of crossing.

Just like most online novels, some kind of customary, essential small gift for crossing.

Although the first feeling was not good, even a little funny, he immediately realized that this ability seemed to be exactly what he needed now.

After all, in this wilderness, a potato may sound unimportant, but it is obviously easier to survive than a human who needs to eat, drink, defecate, sleep, maintain body temperature, and be careful of injury and infection.

As for why he felt a sense of suffocation when he just transformed, it was probably because his lower half of his body was not in the soil.

Of course, this is just his guess.

But he thought it was worth a try.

Liu Ji walked around nearby and found a place with good lighting and soft soil. He planned to dig a hole and bury himself.

Obviously, it is not easy to dig a half-person-high hole without a shovel. Fortunately, Liu Ji’s potato was not that big after he turned into a potato. It was not difficult to dig a 20-30 cm earth hole with the help of a wooden stick.

After digging the hole, Liu Ji stood in it.

He piled the excavated soil at his feet, so that after he turned into a potato, the soil should be able to bury his roots.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ji recalled the strange impulse in his body and acted according to it again.

Then he turned into a potato again.

To be honest, it was wonderful to be able to turn into a potato at will, but it was even more wonderful to turn into a potato with its roots wrapped in soil.

How can I describe this feeling?

It was like curling up in a warm bed while eating a fat house happy meal.

Of course, I didn't really eat it, so nothing would dirty your bed.

How can I describe that feeling? It was wonderful. It didn't feel as bad as the first time, and it was even a little comfortable.

At least it was much more comfortable than when he was hungry, sleepy, and his feet hurt.

Slowly stretching out the branches and roots, Liu Ji yawned in his imagination.

Then, he fell asleep.

Maybe potatoes don't need to sleep, but Liu Ji's consciousness needs sleep to recuperate.

As for what to do next, let's think about it tomorrow.



The distant royal court.

The star map woven with complex arcane magic was shining.

Hundreds of arcane practitioners stood in formation, and the seven-color glow slowly flowed.

The old king stood under the star map, waiting quietly.

The horn of disaster has sounded, and according to the oracle, the savior of the other world is about to come.

The star map slowly circulated, and suddenly, a blurry picture appeared in the air, and then it continued to condense, becoming clearer and clearer.

The old king opened his eyes wide, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

He knew that it was coming, and the brave man they summoned was about to appear.

Ten seconds, it only took ten seconds for the picture to condense, but for the king, these ten seconds seemed longer than a day.

Finally, the picture completely condensed into a solid, and a deserted wilderness appeared in front of everyone.

The old king was stunned. He looked at the master of arcane who presided over the ceremony in astonishment, but saw the same astonishment in the other's eyes.

"This... failed?" The king asked tremblingly.

"No, it may be a positioning error. Try again!" The old master of arcane said, waving the staff in his hand, dispelling the picture in the star map.

About half an hour later, they summoned the picture again.

But just like last time, what appeared was still the deserted wilderness.

They dispersed the image again and tried again, but the result was still the same.

Again, again, but no matter how many times, the image that appeared in the star map was the deserted wilderness, without any change.

The atmosphere of the entire royal court fell to the bottom, and everyone's face was very ugly.

They carefully searched every inch of the image, trying to see if there was a figure, but no matter how they looked left and right, up and down, they could not see where there was a figure in the image.

The anxious people did not notice that in the center of the image, behind the tall weeds, there was a green leaf of a potato plant, swaying gently with the breeze.



What is it like to grow potatoes in the soil?

How to say it, it's a bit unstoppable.

Mainly when you concentrate on photosynthesis, it's very comfortable.

There is no sun at night, and it's boring, and it feels no different from sleeping.

But when the sun comes out during the day, the feeling of chloroplasts being activated and energy pouring into the body can be summed up in one word: comfortable!

It was so comfortable that Liu Ji didn't notice that a whole day had passed.

Since he had no vision or hearing in the potato state, his sense of time was also very vague. When the sun went down, the comfortable feeling completely faded away, and he realized that it was dark again.

This was a little embarrassing. Liu Ji originally planned to spend a night in the soil and leave during the day after turning into a potato, but he didn't notice that it was night again.

"I can only wait another day before setting off," Liu Ji thought.

At least now, he really thought so.

But when the sun came out the next day, he unknowingly carried out photosynthesis for a whole day.

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