Yayin glanced at him in surprise, but didn't say anything. She just lowered her head slightly, smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly.

Looking at the backs of everyone, Mass took a deep breath, smacked his mouth, turned around, and walked towards the newly built cemetery.

It was also time for him to talk to his old friends.



"Let's go back to the beacon first. If we're lucky, there might be someone waiting for us there," Yain said about her arrangements while walking in the desert. "Of course, we don't rule out that there might be a team waiting for us. Wild dogs, but it’s not important. With our configuration, two or three ordinary dog ​​teams can’t do anything to us.”

"What if a general comes?" Mowente asked.

"Then run," Yayin rolled her eyes, "Can you say something nice?"

"Ahem, sorry," Mowente scratched his cheek.

"Well, I don't think it's that easy to meet any generals," Osa said. "And Mr. Mass also said that the tyrant doesn't know what's happening on the other side of the desert yet, although he will find out sooner or later..."

"Then wait until he finds out," Jilunini muttered, "Anyway, after so many years of being at home all over the world, I have long been used to it."

"Well, there will always be a way," Callidora rubbed Jilunini's head, "By the way, do you think we are going a bit fast?"

After everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment. Looking around, they realized that the surrounding sand dunes were moving backwards very fast.

Ossa stopped subconsciously, and suddenly found that he was still moving forward, and the distance between him and the others had not shortened.

"Damn it, this piece of yellow sand under our feet seems to be dragging us forward!" Ao Sa said in surprise, "Could it be Mr. Mass... eh!"

Halfway through his words, Aosa let out a scream of terror.

He suddenly discovered that Liu Ji, who was walking at the end of the team, had only one head left.

Oh no, look carefully, there is only one head sticking out of the sand, and the whole body is buried in the sand.

In fact, this is the "little trick" Liu Ji was told during mass before departure.

The piece of sand now under everyone's feet can actually be regarded as an extension of Liu Ji's body. In a sense, he is now like a huge desert whale, holding everyone on his back in the desert. Swim quickly.

As for everyone walking on his back, because of the characteristics of quicksand, it was more like walking on a treadmill.

Because of Osa's embarrassing scream, others also noticed Liu Ji, who had only one head left.

After looking at him and then at the surrounding scenery, they quickly realized what was going on, and their faces immediately lit up with joy.

Trekking in the desert is not a good experience, and it would be great to have such a convenient "mount".

However, Yayin is an exception.

She looked at Liu Ji blankly, and the stone in her heart hung up again.

Liu Ji is sending them out of the desert?

He, he definitely didn't have this ability before, so why?

No, that's not important. What's important is, did he follow them just to send them out of the desert?

Will he leave again after that?

is that so? Will it be so?

Yayin wasn't sure, she just felt like her heart was beating.

To this day, she has long understood that she does not want Liu Ji to leave in her heart.

Maybe it's because she wants a student, maybe it's because Liu Ji saved her life, maybe it's because of something else...


She looked at Liu Ji, her eyes full of worry.

Liu Ji looked at her with a confused look on his face.

He thought about it, there was nothing wrong with his operation, but why did Yayin look like she was about to cry when she looked at him.

No, it's not that I'm going to cry. Anyway, I feel a little bit like that, and I feel aggrieved, but it doesn't feel like I'm aggrieved. In the end, he feels aggrieved.

"It's hard for her to think that I will be tired like this, and she feels sorry for me?"

Liu Ji thought to himself, then smiled and said with a spell: "It's okay, I'm not tired."

When Ya Yin heard this, her expression became more complicated for some reason.

"Huh? Wrong answer?" Liu Ji was stunned, "Then, what is that? It can't be because she really thinks I'm missing half of my body, right?"

After thinking about it, Liu Ji increased his speed a little, got half of his body out of the sand, and waved to Yayin, indicating that he was healthy and nothing happened.

However, Yayin looked at him waving, feeling as if he was saying goodbye to herself, which was even sadder.

Liu Ji was completely confused. It couldn't be that he didn't think he was fast, right?

Thinking of this, his body sank, and he increased his power and rushed out of the desert.

However, feeling that the speed was getting faster, Yayin felt that Liu Ji was planning to send them away as quickly as possible after saying goodbye to her, and the expression on his face became even sadder.

At that moment, Liu Ji, with his head full of questions, felt for the first time in his life what was the legendary dilemma of straight men.

52. Starch in the blood connects us

Therefore, it is difficult to guess what this girl is thinking.

It was said that Ya Yin had a sad face all the way, which made Liu Ji confused. But as soon as he ran out of the desert and went up the cliff with them, after walking a few steps, the girl's smile started to bloom again and she felt like walking There was wind under my feet.

It's just weird.

What is this? Desert anxiety?

Is it uncomfortable to stay in the desert?

But that’s not right. I’ve never seen her suffer from this problem before. Is this still an acute emotional illness?

Liu Ji couldn't understand it, and neither could anyone else. Ossa and Jilunini were murmuring because of Yayin's expression. Now Yayin's attitude has changed 180 degrees, and even That bright face had not been seen by them since they fled, and it made the two of them look at each other in confusion.

Fortunately for Mowente, as the most steely super straight man present, this man didn't notice anything. He held a map and compass throughout the whole process and directly transformed into a human form to navigate.

As for Callidora, she was probably the only one present who roughly understood what was going on, but she didn't say anything and just stayed aside with a smile on her face.

In this weird atmosphere, a group of people followed Yain and followed the dense forest to the hut where they left the beacon.

Just when everyone was about a hundred meters away from the hut, Yayin's expression suddenly changed and she waved her hand to signal everyone to stop.

Without a word of communication, everyone present except Liu Ji entered a battle-ready state. Mo Wente even disappeared directly into the darkness, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Although Liu Ji was half a beat slow in reacting, he was not stupid. When he saw what was happening, he realized something was wrong. He dodged and moved to the front of the team in front of everyone's astonished eyes.

Yes, the front.

This is what the Mass taught him.

For a novice like him, the best way to use this body is to rush forward and use it as a human shield. There is no pain anyway, and there is no need to worry about being injured. He can just shine it on people's faces and say hello, as long as he can hit them... No , as long as you take damage, you will be successful.

Just when everyone was stunned by Liu Ji's strange behavior, Mo Wente suddenly emerged from nowhere and said subtly: "Well, I think you may not need to be so nervous... I think, maybe, those Guy is not a threat."

"Are you sure?" Yayin asked.

"Well, I'm 90% sure. The breath response of those little things is very weak, and..." As he said, he looked at Liu Ji, "I think they may have something to do with this brother."

"Huh? Why?" Yayin was stunned.

"Well, what should I say?" Mo Wente stepped forward directly. "Forget it, let's just go there. You will know after seeing it."



The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

A group of chubby potatoes were playing on the ground outside the wooden house.

They have green leaves on their heads and round bodies. They all have small eyes and big mouths, running around laughing and joking.

At this moment, with the sound of rustling grass blades, Liu Ji, who was still trying to act as a human shield, led everyone out of the jungle.

Upon seeing the scene, Liu Ji and others were stunned on the spot.

Liu Ji, in particular, looked at these little potatoes with a horrified look on his face, and couldn't help but have some bad premonition in his heart.

When the potatoes saw the crowd, they all stopped moving as if the pause button had been pressed.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a few seconds, suddenly, the potatoes raised their hands and ran toward the crowd, shouting "Grandpa" in extremely standard Mandarin as they ran.

Then, they ran all the way to Liu Ji, running and jumping around him while constantly calling "Grandpa".

Liu Ji looked at these little bean brats with horror on his face and felt like his whole body was numb.


What the hell?

What happened to Potato Baby, a close relative of Calabash Baby?

But he doesn't remember when he gave birth to a child?

Don’t even remember when I planted potato seeds?

These potatoes must have made a mistake...

Damn, he really felt like he was connected by blood with them.

But why!

If potatoes have blood, they are connected by blood!

It would be a big headache for an average person to have multiple sons out of thin air, and he had to be a prodigal outside. He didn’t do anything, but he had a bunch of grandsons, or a bunch of potato grandsons. This makes him feel complicated, said Lao Bantian. Not a word.

Watching the potatoes jumping around Liu Ji, the others looked at each other in shock.

"What are they shouting?" Jilunini looked up at Yayin.

"Well, the pronunciation seems to be the same as Liu Ji's..." Yayin scratched her head, "Maybe these are his kin?"

"It's possible," Mo Wente nodded, "After all, he was just a potato in the beginning."

"But, no matter how you think about it, this is too different for people of the same race." Callidora squatted on the ground and carefully observed these little potatoes. "Is it because of age? Are these children of his race?"

Aosa rarely spoke.

For some reason, he remembered that he had dug up a bunch of Liu Ji's roots and picked up a few potatoes. Then Liu Ji turned into a human, the roots shrank, and the entire land collapsed, and those potatoes were buried in the soil again. …

So...there shouldn't be any relationship between this, right?


Why does it look like the shape is a bit like...

No, it must be an illusion. Potatoes all look similar...



After struggling for ten or twenty minutes, Liu Ji finally accepted the bizarre reality that he was raising a bunch of little beans.

To be honest, he just wants to take these guys back to mass right now, just in time to give these things to his brother to keep as pets.


Damn blood connection.

He could actually feel what these little bean brats were thinking.

This group of little things didn't seem very smart. Their thoughts were very simple. They were just happy to see him and wanted to follow him.

It was easy to manage these little things. Liu Ji could understand their thoughts, and they could also understand Liu Ji's meaning. Liu Ji ordered them to follow him quietly in his heart, and they really lined up and followed Liu Ji.

I don't know if it was to absorb nutrients from the earth or something, they buried their bodies in the soil, leaving only leaves exposed.

But they moved quite fast in the soil. When they followed Liu Ji, their formation was extremely neat and smooth, and they looked like a green tail.

Coupled with his long green hair, the temperament of the whole person from top to bottom...

It was... full of life and power.

As for the others who saw this scene, except Ao Sa who was thoughtful, most of them just thought that Liu Ji had met a child of his own tribe, and even Ji Lunini was still muttering whether there would be some inexplicable words like the Potato City.

As for Ya Yin, she walked into the house, picked up the beacon she had placed in the house, and murmured, "What a pity. Judging from the situation, they have not been around here."

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