"Well, as expected, let's go to Swamp Whirlpool City as Mr. Mass said." Mervent also followed, "When should we set off?"

"Let's collect some supplies in two days," Yayin said. "We'll eat and rest here tonight. You go out to hunt some prey during the day tomorrow. We'll set off early the day after tomorrow."

53. Look how scared you are for your children!

early morning.

Liu Ji and his party packed up drinking water and food, followed the route map given by Mass, and set foot on the road to Marsh Whirlpool City.

As for the bunch of potato people, Liu Ji thought about what to do with them for a whole day and could only let them follow him temporarily, lined up neatly, acting as his green tail.

Since there is only a hand-drawn map and no GPS positioning, there seems to be no way in this world to determine one's own coordinates by calculating stars. Everyone needs to find the reference object on the map first, and then they can determine the specific direction.

The reference for the mass mark is a giant stone bridge.

According to him, although this swamp is an ordinary swamp with no danger, for ordinary people, an ordinary swamp itself is considered dangerous.

Although the main residents of Swamp Vortex City are Earthwalkers, they still have to do business with other races. Therefore, in the swamps surrounding the city, there are many stone bridges across dangerous swamps, connecting those in this huge swamp area. Want to be on a safe plot of land.

The stone bridge marked by the mass is the first bridge you will encounter when heading towards Swamp City from the desert direction. Seeing it indicates that you will enter an area covered with dense swamps.


When everyone actually spent a whole week to find the bridge mentioned in the mass, what they saw was the ruins of the broken bridge head and a few broken bridge piers that emerged from the swamp and were covered with moss.

"Well...it seems that Mr. Mass is right. He has indeed stayed in the desert for too long." Gironini stood on the bridge with her hands on her hips, looking at the swamp in front of her, and sighed, "This The bridges are in such a state of decay, it’s hard to tell whether the city is still there or not.”

"Well, I hope it's still there. Anyway, we have to go there. Even if we're not here, we still have to find some clues," Yayin said, walking to the broken bridge, whispering a mantra in her mouth, and walking along the broken bridge piers. , a road covered with hoarfrost emerged on the surface of the swamp.

Then, he jumped off the bridge first and walked along the White Frost Road.

Seeing this, Jilunini waved to everyone and jumped off the bridge shortly after.

Mowente took Callidora's hand and held her in his arms. The dragon's wings spread out and he floated down from the bridge gracefully.

Liu Ji and Ao Sa, who were still behind, were caught off guard and showed off their faces.

Liu Ji walked to the bridge, looked at the road below, and then at the pile of potatoes behind him, scratched his head, and thought about a question.

Do you think if these potatoes fell into a swamp, would they grow better, or would they just soak and rot?

And if these potatoes with legs jump into the swamp, can they still move as smoothly as before?

Just when Liu Ji was distressed, he felt a big furry hand pat his shoulder.

When he turned his head, he saw Osa holding his empty basket, pointing inside with a smile and making a "please use" gesture.

Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, then he understood. He secretly sighed at Osa's thoughtfulness, smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up, then turned to the potatoes in the ground and shouted: "Children, come out and come into this box." ”

However, for some reason, the potatoes, who had always been obedient before, seemed to be a little hesitant. Each of them only had half of his head out of the soil, looking at each other and Liu Ji blankly.

From their emotions, Liu Ji felt a hint of uneasiness and resistance.

"Huh? Is it true that potatoes can't go into the swamp?"

Liu Jiru thought, took the frame, patted the frame on the potatoes, and said: "Don't worry, we won't let you go into the swamp. Do you see this frame? Just stay inside."

However, the potatoes still seemed very hesitant. After a while, they crawled out of the soil one by one and got into the box one by one.

"Hey, don't be so afraid, I won't let you fall," Liu Ji said, putting the basket on his back.

Immediately, he smiled at Osa, signaled that he was ready, and jumped off the bridge like the people before him.


He forgot one thing.

When he transformed into his desert avatar form, he became stronger not only in physical strength, but also in weight.

With a click, the frozen surface of the swamp was smashed to pieces by him. Half of Liu Ji's body fell directly into the mud. The splashing mud penetrated through the gaps in the baskets, shocking the baskets of potatoes.

Just when Liu Ji was panicking, suddenly, a giant rock hand emerged from the mud behind him, picked him up, and then carried him all the way to Ya Yin with a confused face.

Then, Yain stretched out her staff, tapped his head lightly, and said with a spell: "Be careful."

"Ah, sorry," Liu Jihan smiled and scratched his head.

Because Liu Ji has been learning mantras while on the road this week, and now he can finally have this most basic phrase conversation smoothly.

Yayin manipulated her giant hand to put Liu Ji on the ground, and whispered: "Follow me."

After saying that, he led everyone and Osa who had just jumped off, and headed towards the depths of the swamp along the ruins of the ruined ancient bridge.

At this time, a brown bird flew over from a distance a few dozen meters behind the crowd.

The bird landed on the reeds by the swamp and pecked at the insects on the reed stems.

Then suddenly, one of the round, fat insects fell from the reed stems and landed on the mud with a thud.

The bird tilted its head, looked at the fat insect twisting on the mud, made a light chirp, and then landed on the mud, quickly pecked the fat insect.

Then pecked again.

Pecked again, picked it up, shook it, threw it on the ground, pecked again, picked it up again, shook it again, raised its head, opened its mouth, and swallowed it into its stomach.

Well, comfortable.

This is probably the fattest insect it has eaten recently.

The satisfied bird spread its wings and wanted to fly somewhere else to find some other food.

However, it found that it could not fly.

Looking down, it was found that black lines had drilled out of the swamp soil and into the skin of its legs.

The bird was frightened and struggled immediately, but the more it struggled, the more painful it felt in its legs. The black lines that had drilled into its skin seemed to stick to its bone marrow. Whenever it struggled, it felt a piercing pain.

The pain made the bird even more panicked, and its instinct for survival made it frantically flap its wings, trying to break free from the shackles of the black lines.

But this fierce struggle not only failed to make it fly, but made it unstable and fall directly to the ground.

It wanted to stand up in a panic, but the half of its body that was in contact with the mud felt the same piercing pain as its legs, so it could only desperately wave the only wing that was still exposed to the ground.

Then, gradually, even this only wing could not move, and its eye that was exposed to the ground stared unwillingly at the sky that it once owned.

Then, countless black lines climbed up its body, dragging it into the depths of the swamp little by little.


A bubble rose to the ground, and with a puff, it turned into a small mud pit.

54. It's a pity that the backward information of the old otaku who has lived for thousands of years can be reliable.

Liu Ji was a little strange. He didn't know if he was scared by the splashing mud before. The little potatoes that used to chirp and make noises as long as they had a chance to get out of the ground were very quiet all the way.

"Is there something wrong in this swamp?" Liu Ji suddenly had this worry in his heart.


They walked along the way, except for a lot of mosquitoes, it seems that nothing unusual has appeared.

Mr. Mass also said before that this place was just an ordinary swamp thousands of years ago.

It's a bit disturbing that the bridge has become a ruin.

About ten minutes later, everyone crossed the long stone bridge ruins and came to the first safe plot in the swamp.

It was a stone hill, about the size of a football field. The surface seemed to have been artificially processed and looked very flat, but it was covered with moss. Obviously, no one had been here for a long time.

Yain looked at the map, then looked up at the land, frowned and said: "Sure enough, Mr. Misa's information is too outdated. The map says that this is a post station, but now there is not even a foundation left."

"It's not necessarily a matter of time. He once said that the desert was not a desert before," Kalidora continued, "This direction leads directly to the desert. I think, maybe it is because that side has become a desert that this road has gradually become deserted."

"Well... this explanation is indeed more reasonable," Yain sighed and looked ahead, "That is, the next road will be difficult to walk..."

According to the instructions on the map, for the next road, they need to rent a local creature called swamp turtles at the post station, and continue to move forward with the swamp sleds pulled by them.

But now this bare rock hill, not even a bird can be seen, let alone a swamp turtle.

In the short term, Yain can continue to use magic to pave the road, but over time, her magic reserve will always be insufficient, and the swamp terrain is not like other places. Even if she wants to use earth magic to temporarily build a foothold, the earth platform will slowly sink.

"It would be great if Snow was here, his summoned beast is just suitable for dealing with this kind of thing," Jilunini muttered.

"If it doesn't work, I can only think of a way to pave the road," Yain sighed, "I'm tired just thinking about it..."

"Where is your little apprentice? Can he help pave the road?" Mowent interrupted.

"He? This..." Ya Yin hesitated for a while, but still shook her head, "No, he is still just learning spells, and he knows nothing about the control of magic power and the guidance of magic. It is difficult for him to do this kind of long-term control of magic power output and output range."

"Really? It's not that simple," Mo Wente scratched his head, "Magic is really complicated."

"But, you did remind me that although he can't help pave the road, he may be able to help with other things," Ya Yin said, "But it's getting late today. While there is still a natural foothold, let's make a fire and sleep here for one night. As for what to do tomorrow, let me think about it."

"Well, listen to you," Mo Wente agreed, and then turned around and asked others to make a fire and set up camp.

At the same time, Liu Ji, who couldn't understand what everyone was saying, was standing on the bridgehead pier on this side and looking at the scenery.

The potato kids were still very quiet, hugging each other and shivering, and they kept sending uneasy emotions to Liu Ji, which made him a little panicked.

At first, he could convince himself that it was the potato kids' instinctive fear of this muddy land, but gradually, he also felt something was wrong.

There was a lack of certain sounds in the environment here.

The wind rustled, branches and leaves rubbed, mosquitoes buzzed, and mud bubbles burst...

But Liu Ji had not heard any birds or frogs since he stepped into the swamp.

Could it be that there were no birds and frogs here?

After all, it was a different world, so it was not impossible.

But Liu Ji still felt a little uneasy, and he always felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the dark mud.

Just as he was staring at the swamp nervously, he suddenly felt something poking his waist.

Liu Ji, who was highly nervous, jumped up in fear, turned around and saw that it was Ya Yin who poked him.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Liu Ji's trembling appearance, Ya Yin asked in confusion, "Is it the first time to enter the swamp?"

"Uh, yes, the first time," Liu Ji nodded.

It was indeed the first time. He had never been to the swamp in his previous life.

"But," Liu Ji scratched his cheek, "the swamp is weird, and I can't hear the birds singing."

Ya Yin was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then her eyes swept around, as if she was concentrating on listening to the sounds nearby.

The more she listened, the deeper her brows frowned.

She had been thinking about the problem of the road before, and she really didn't realize that there was indeed no bird singing in this swamp.

Swamps, a breeding ground for mosquitoes, should be the best place for birds to forage. It would be strange if there were no birds singing in such a place.

But, what's the reason?

What is the reason for this situation?

Just as Ya Yin frowned and thought, suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd behind them.

"Osa? Osa! What's wrong with you! Hey! You walked into the swamp!"

Yain was startled and turned around to find that Osa's entire lower body was trapped in the swamp. At this time, he looked like he had just woken up from a dream, but soon he also noticed his situation and showed a horrified expression.

Jilunini, who had just screamed, was not idle either. He pulled up a thick rope for camping and threw it directly to Osa.

Osa grabbed the rope and was about to pull it up, but suddenly he grimaced in pain from the pain in his lower body.

He instantly realized that something seemed to be holding him back in the swamp.

Not daring to delay, Osa immediately roared, a layer of golden light flashed across his fur, and his entire body seemed to have expanded a whole circle.

At the same time, a red light flashed in Jilunini's eyes, and his aura changed drastically in an instant, appearing manic and violent.

Then, she growled, pulled the rope hard, and pulled Osa out of the swamp.

However, she did not pull Osa directly to the shore, but pulled him out of the swamp.

Everyone also noticed at this moment that countless black threads were clinging to Osa's legs, tearing his flesh.

Those threads seemed to have life, constantly wriggling, trying to drill into Osa's flesh and blood, and then drag him into the dark quagmire.

At this critical moment, the long sword was unsheathed, the dragon wings spread out, and the sword in Mowente's hand flashed, and in an instant, the thousands of threads were instantly cut off.

"Luni! Pull him up!" Mowente shouted loudly in mid-air.

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