But, for some reason, Misa looked at the blood moon on the horizon and suddenly felt that it seemed to be a little redder than before.

"Strange, it shouldn't be..." Misa frowned, "It takes a lot of blood to evoke the blood rain again. This kid won't go to absorb blood specifically, right?"


I can't figure it out.

It can't be that Liu Ji is killing people now, right?

Is the situation in the desert so bad?

139. Two-in-one Light Face-hugging Exploding Bug, Grape Crown Bloody Broccoli

Liu Ji is a little autistic.

He turned into a crystal man and leaned against the side wall of the passage, sighing.

He felt that he was suffering from claustrophobia, claustrophobia, and deep-sea phobia at the same time.

This underground is basically a worm nest. A bunch of light blasting bugs would suddenly push towards his face at any time. It's impossible not to be claustrophobic.

And even if you go deeper, although you will encounter underground caves from time to time, the passage is still narrow and claustrophobic, which makes people quite uncomfortable.

As for the deep sea...

Well, how should I put it, when a group of bugs explode collectively...

Just understand what it means.

Anyway, it's quite difficult to bear.

There is no injury on my body, but my sanity value has dropped all the way.

Liu Ji has been thinking about getting out of here.

If this is a game, he must have chosen to save the game and play it again tomorrow.

But unfortunately, this is not a game.

So he has to live his life and continue to go deeper.

However, along the way, Liu Ji did have some puzzled things.

There are so many of these things under this village, why haven't they flown out to kill everyone in this village?

At least from the fact that they are going to eat me as soon as they meet me, these bastards should have a strong appetite, right?

It's quite strange.

Can't they get out?

I don't understand.

"Alas, I don't know how far it is to the end," Liu Ji stood up after resting enough and looked into the depths along the road.

Faintly, you can see a glimmer of light at the other end of the road.

"It's probably another insect nest..." Liu Ji felt a little overwhelmed.

After preparing himself mentally, Liu Ji walked towards the direction of the glimmer.

However, as he went deeper, he felt something was wrong.

This time the light seemed stronger than before.

"Is it a big insect nest?" Liu Ji couldn't help but think.

His scalp felt even more numb.

The small insect nest made him sick enough, if there was a big one...

At this moment, Liu Ji suddenly had a desire from the bottom of his heart, that is, to master the lava magic of the three elements of water, fire and earth.

At this time, pouring a full load of boiling lava directly in front of him must have a good effect.

Just like pouring aluminum water into a termite nest.

Unfortunately, he is a rookie and hasn't learned that yet.

The main reason is that Liu Ji has only mastered the transformation of water element and earth element at present, so Ya Yin naturally chose these two magics as his main courses.

However, these two kinds of magic have basically no lethality without the intervention of fire magic and wind magic, so Liu Ji has not tried to fight with magic so far.

He even wore the magic wristband he bought before only when practicing.

He once thought that maybe he didn't need to use magic to fight at all.

But now he feels that this idea may not work. At least in this case, he really wants to fire Tarak's sky-falling fire at the front.

However, when Liu Ji really walked to the entrance of the cave, he found that the scene in front of him was completely different from what he imagined.

There is indeed a huge hole here that is completely different from the previous scale.

Of course, it is said to be huge, but in fact it is estimated that the diameter is only about four to five meters. It's just that Liu Ji is now maintaining the state of the earth element man, so he feels that the hole in front of him looks extremely huge.

There is a thin film at the entrance of the hole, or rather, the entire hole is covered by a thin film sphere.

In the center of the hole, there is a huge...mushroom?

Should it be called a mushroom?

Maybe it's a mushroom, but it looks like broccoli.

Bloody broccoli.

The corolla was full of round blood balls wrapped in a thin film, spreading out from the white-gray trunk, like plump and round grapes, shining with beautiful luster.

Not only that, as time passed, these blood grapes continued to expand and shrink, just like beating hearts.

And on the blood grapes that spread out like broccoli, countless elves were circling and dancing in the air, as if they were dancing some kind of weird dance, or performing some kind of mysterious ritual, or maybe they were just digesting their food.

At this moment, suddenly, one of the blood grapes burst open, a large amount of scarlet juice splashed out, and then instantly evaporated in the air, turning into a blood mist, spreading throughout the cave.

At the same time, the elves' dance became more cheerful, they danced and flew, faster and faster, like a group of drug addicts indulging in carnival, jumping and crazy.

For some reason, Liu Ji felt a sense of manic uneasiness and nausea even though he saw a group of elves dancing in front of him.

The elves' constantly intersecting figures in the air made his stomach churn and his back felt cold.

He lowered his eyes and looked along the stem to the bottom of the "blood broccoli".

There, its roots grow.

Humanoid roots...

Wait, is that really a root?

The perception of elements returns a clear outline composed of elements. Liu Ji cannot see its surface clearly, but he can see the clear internal context.

What was outlined in that direction was clearly human internal organs and blood vessels.

But those internal organs and blood vessels were full of abnormal cuts and cysts. Rather than saying that it was a human body, it was more like an empty shell hollowed out by some kind of parasite.

And this plant, or something that resembles a plant, obviously developed from this body.

Looking at all this, Liu Ji felt even more upset in his stomach.

The film covering the space is like a huge egg, and the tree in the middle of the egg is like a developing embryo.

And these flying little elves are like parasites living in this giant egg, sucking the nutrients of the embryo.

Although the relationship between the three is most likely very different from Liu Ji's imagination, in terms of perception alone, this is the impression it gave Liu Ji.

Very, disgusting...

Liu Ji wanted to leave here.

He now understood that the reason why these elves did not leave the underground was probably not because they couldn't leave, but because the underground was much more comfortable than the ground.

Looking at their mesmerizing dance, this may already be their paradise.

Maybe if he leaves now, these things won't come out from here...


Look at the weird blood tree growing out of human corpses.

So, how did the people who were the seedbed of this tree get here?

Did you take the wrong step and end up in a pothole?

Come on, given the terrain of this place, you said it was due to a map bug, and Liu Ji thought it was more likely.

And the reason why he traced it all the way here was because of a nearby woman who was captured by the villagers.

If all this is not a mistake, then...

"Could it be that the villagers here are raising these things?" Liu Ji couldn't help but speculate, "Then the foreign women we found are all going to be used as seedbeds to raise blood trees?"

Although there is still no way to explain what happened to the other tribesmen who farmed outside the village, based on the current information, this guess can really make sense.

"Well... no, if we go back now, all the suffering we have suffered will be in vain," Liu Ji sighed heavily.

At this moment, he once again experienced the painful memory of being unable to draw a card and almost dying.

"Damn it, do it!" Liu Ji growled, raised his sharp crystal right hand, and stabbed straight at the film.

Suddenly, a foul-smelling and chaotic elemental magic rushed towards him.

Even if Liu Ji is the earth element with the most stable elemental structure at the moment, he can still feel this magic trying to erode his body.

Liu Ji was startled and quickly transformed into the incarnation of sand.

At this moment, this is what he thought - the incarnation of sand can even swallow the chaotic King Cavalry, so corrosive magic power of this level should not be a problem.

However, the next moment, he realized that he might be missing a layer.

Yes, the Incarnation of Sand can perfectly resist this gas.

But, the confrontation was too perfect.

Almost instantly, Liu Ji felt that the gas in the entire dome was rushing towards him, as if he was like a humanoid vacuum cleaner, sucking up all the blood in the entire area in an instant.

Then, naturally, the glowing elves stopped.

Although they have no eyes, it can even be said that Liu Ji doesn't know where their heads are, but...

He could feel that these guys were slowly turning towards him.

Liu Ji swallowed the saliva that didn't exist.

He had a very strong bad feeling...

No, that's not right, it shouldn't be called a hunch, that's called a reasonable guess.

"Well, let me remind you first! You only have one life, and you can't come back after you die. Don't mess around," Liu Ji pointed at the group of elves and said, "I advise you, don't try to use your own life to Disgusting ouch woc..."

Before Liu Ji could finish his words, the group of face-hugging Explosive Plasma Bugs of Light had already rushed towards him.

He had no choice but to fight.

Quicksand surged in the air, and the elves exploded into bright blood flowers.

As always, the bleeding was huge.

The blood splashed on the blood-colored broccoli mushroom flower, adding a dripping enchantment to it. I wonder if it was an illusion, but the speed of the blood grape seemed to be beating much faster than before.



Before coming, Yayin never expected that all the things they brought would be sold out.

In just half a day, under the frantic sweeping of goods by this group of villagers, they were able to empty out all the contents of several of their trucks.

You know, there are a lot of things here that were collected from them by the previous group of merchants?

With this indiscriminate shopping method, those who didn’t know better thought they were doing zero-yuan shopping today.

The gold grains collected as currency were enough to fill a half-meter-square box.

This is a box of gold!

Although it was exchanged for several trucks of goods, no matter how you think about it, these trucks of goods are not worth the price.

Far from worth it.

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