Even if Potato Boy's prices were ideal, they wouldn't be so exaggerated.

Looking at the box of gold, Yayin thought for a moment and walked out of the tent.

Then, she brought one of the earth dragons and its dragon chariot.

Then, she found a board and wrote on it with a pen: "Dragon cart for sale, priced at half a box of gold."

As she spoke, she threw an empty box twenty centimeters square in front of the dragon cart.

There is no doubt that the lion opened his mouth.

For a moment, the villagers were in an uproar. Apparently they felt that Yayin was playing a fool, and they angrily threw contemptuous curses and flying rotten eggs at her.

However, an invisible barrier instantly rose around the caravan, and the rotten eggs that came flying flew back, and their noisy voices were completely blocked by the barrier. Ya Yin moved a bench and sat down, just watching. Look at them calmly.

She didn't really want to make money anyway, she just wanted to see how rich these guys were.

And as time went by, the noise of the villagers really became quieter and quieter.

Many villagers even started whispering among themselves, looking at how they were spending their money, and they even seemed to be really collecting money to buy this dragon car.

It's just that Yayin's asking price this time is a bit expensive, and the expressions of these villagers are getting more and more upset.

But in the end, several villagers came out and poured all the gold grains in their pockets into the small box, barely filling half the box.

They brought the box over and placed it on the table next to Yayin.

Yayin glanced at them, nodded, and waved her hand, indicating that they could leave with the dragon cart.

Those few people didn't show how uncomfortable they were. They even felt like they breathed a sigh of relief after handing over all the gold nuggets in their pockets.

"There is indeed something wrong with this gold..." Yayin frowned.

Although I don’t know the reason, it’s best to deal with it later.

But now...

Yayin took out another board and wrote on it: "Dragon cart for sale, price is a box of gold."

Then, she brought another earth dragon and hung the sign on the earth dragon.

The next moment, the abuse and rotten eggs came again.

Unfortunately, the barrier still existed, and a large wave of villagers once again threw rotten eggs in their faces.

At the same time, the few people who had just bought the dragon car looked very happy. They were laughing from the corners of their mouths to their ears after they had wiped away their previous awkwardness.

As for why they are so happy...

A few minutes later, twice as many villagers as before came to the box, took out all the money in the bag, and found a box of gold.

"Sure enough, as long as they can afford it, these people will buy it..." Yayin smiled, took back the sign, and then found a new one.

On the new brand, Yayin wrote: "Earth Dragon for sale, priced at a box of gold."

Then, she brought a dragon cart and hung two signs on the earth dragon and the dragon cart respectively.

Then, she placed the two boxes in front of the earth dragon and the dragon cart respectively.

Just when the villagers took out their rotten eggs again without a long memory, Yayin turned her head and said softly: "By the way, there are two dragon carts for sale later, and the price... you understand."

After saying that, she sat back in her seat.

For a moment, the villagers looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all rushed forward, just to put their money into the box.

Seeing their crazy looks, Yain squinted at the gold placed aside.

To be honest, she was a little curious.

What is so special about this gold that makes these people have to spend it?

140. Two-in-one Hey, I won’t leave even if everything is sold out, hey, it’s just for fun~

Underground cave.

With a snap, the last light blasting insect was shattered into pieces in the air by the quicksand.

The bright red blood fell in the air and fell into the blood pool, causing crisscrossing ripples.

"Huh... finally done..." Liu Ji's figure appeared at the top of the cave. One of his hands pierced the ceiling of the cave and hung himself on it.

Looking at the pool full of blood at his feet, Liu Ji felt his scalp numb.

A few minutes ago, this place was a huge hole. In just a short time, it was filled with more than half of it.

Although I knew how nutritious these bugs were, it was quite shocking to see their "corpses" filling the entire cave.

And it’s quite troublesome.

There was so much blood that it drowned the bloody broccoli. Liu Ji wanted to find out what that thing was, but now it's like this...

He didn't want to get into this pool of blood anyway.

"Oh, let's clean it up..." Liu Ji muttered, swung his right hand, turned the entire arm into a large area of ​​loose sand, and then stretched it into the blood pool.

Soon, with Liu Ji's right hand as the center, a huge whirlpool arose in the blood pool, and the water level began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the outside, it looked like Liu Ji was absorbing the blood with his hands.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying that, but Liu Ji's own feeling is more like "erasing" the blood, so there is no nausea at all.

My eyes are all red and dizzy.

After about five minutes, the blood in the cave finally bottomed out.

Although there are still remnants on the ground and nearby walls, Liu Ji is not here to clean up, so it's fine.

The key is that this blood broccoli can be exposed.

Liu Ji landed on the ground, walked straight to the bottom of the broccoli, and looked at the roots.

With elemental vision, he can see that there are human shapes here, but if he looks at it with ordinary vision, he can only see the thick and winding roots of the broccoli that are deeply rooted in the soil.

As for the outline of the human, it has long been buried and wrapped by these roots.

Looking up, Liu Ji felt how huge this broccoli was.

It is at least three or four meters high, thick and strong, and the dense blood crown on the top is several meters in radius.

The rhizome is grayish white, the blood vessels are bright red, and the whole broccoli is beating rhythmically like a heart. Just looking at it can easily cause discomfort to humans.

Liu Ji used his hand as a knife and gently scratched the rhizome.

Suddenly, a stream of corrosive gas gushed out from the wound.

Liu Ji frowned instinctively and fanned his hands back and forth in front of him, trying to wave away the smoke.

But in the blink of an eye, the wound Liu Ji had just left on the broccoli had healed again.

Liu Ji touched the healed part, which was as smooth as new, and there was not even a scratch.

By the way, the root of this thing feels slippery, just like touching someone's bald head.


But it seems that the round blood grapes on it are more like bald heads...

Bloody bald heads...

Forget it, it's too weird.

After looking around the root, Liu Ji extended his lower body and sent his upper body to the position of the "crown".

Looking at these round blood grapes, to be honest, it's really disgusting.

If you are far away, you will easily get panic attacks. If you get close, you will see the blood grapes beating like hearts, which are like alien eggs. You always feel that a face hugger will rush out of them in the next second.

Liu Ji slowly exhaled a mouthful of dust, trying to restrain these crazy thoughts that would affect his san value. He raised his right hand, raised his index finger, turned his index finger into a sharp thorn, and stabbed one of the blood grapes.

With a puff, the grape ball burst instantly, and a thick red mist rushed in his face.

Liu Ji waved his hand, using his hand after diffusion as a fan, and barely blew away the mist.

Then, he looked at the gap where the grape ball was originally located.

This time, no new grape balls appeared immediately to fill the gap, but the other grape balls around the grape ball seemed to be slowly moving towards the gap, and it was estimated that it would take a few seconds to completely squeeze the gap.

In these few seconds, Liu Ji noticed that there seemed to be something glittering in the gap.

He quickly reached in and grabbed the thing out.

Liu Ji opened his palm and saw that it was a golden round bead that was only half the size of a fingernail.

Moreover, it looked a bit like gold?

"Strange, how could it be a seed? How could there be gold? Something like a pearl?" Liu Ji was a little confused.

I don't know, anyway, I'd better take it back and have a look.

However, this body is good in every way, but it is inconvenient to put things in it. When he drilled into the hole, he abandoned his clothes. Now he has no pockets on his body. If he wants to take anything away, he can only put it in his body.

After pressing the golden bead into his left forearm, Liu Ji raised his finger that turned into a spike again and stabbed the next bubble.

He wanted to see if the appearance of this small golden bead was accidental.

As the red mist was blown away, he saw a little flash in the gap again.

He reached out and took it out. It was still the same golden bead as before.

Liu Ji touched his chin, thought about it, and raised his hand again.

This time, his right hand turned into hundreds of yellow sand spikes suspended in the air.

"It's too troublesome to stab them one by one, let's do it all at once..."

Thinking this way, Liu Ji waved his "right hand".

There were dense cracking sounds, and a huge amount of blood was steaming up.

Liu Ji frowned, and just wanted to fan away the blood mist as usual, but before he could do it, he suddenly heard a piercing scream like the scream of a banshee that resounded throughout the space, shaking the sand and dust on Liu Ji's body, and the whole person looked like a hedgehog with frizzy hair.

The next moment, the blood mist was actually sucked back by the broccoli with only the trunk left, and the gray-white branches began to wither instantly, becoming scorched and shriveled, and the size began to shrink continuously.

And from the shrunken corolla, small golden beads rolled down from the top and fell all over the ground with a crackling sound.

After about ten seconds, the piercing scream gradually faded away, and Liu Ji slowly loosened his hands covering his ears.

Although covering his ears in this form was useless, it was purely a conditioned reflex.

"What the hell, this sound is too shabby..." Liu Ji's face was as sad as if he had eaten a big mouthful of peeled old ginger shredded potato shreds.

The game he hated most in his previous life was horror games.

The horror game he hated most was the horror game that suddenly gave him a face and screamed.

Although there were no ghost faces in this wave, the face-hugging and exploding worms along the way had already made him uncomfortable enough. Now there was a banshee screaming, which rounded off all his minefield elements.

It was very annoying.

It even made him a little annoyed.

Although getting angry because of being suddenly scared seemed a bit incompetent and furious, how to say it...

If you are playing escape, when you are exhausted by monsters and ghosts, you suddenly find that your protagonist has become a Doom Slayer, what will you do?

This is how Liu Ji feels now.

But the thing that just screamed has become a pile of dry garbage, and there is no way to vent your anger.

It's very angry.

Liu Ji's lower body shrank and returned to his normal height.

Looking at the charred wreckage in front of him that had shrunk to only one meter high, Liu Ji rubbed his chin, then walked forward and knocked the garbage with his hand.

Well, hard.

Like burnt and hardened coke.

Liu Ji grabbed two of the forks and broke them apart with force, splitting the garbage in half.

Liu Ji looked inside the thing.

A dense array of long and thin tubes similar to nutrient tubes were densely arranged inside the thing.

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