Above the gray fog

Chapter 1015 Twin Sword Immortals

The federal god was speechless after being confronted by Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was also troubled when he saw that the god stopped talking.

If he could get rid of the god, he would have done so long ago.

Once the suppression of the black brick was lost, the god would definitely point the spearhead at him at the first time.

The only solution now is to rush directly to the twins with the god.

As long as he shuttles through the twins with the god, he will always encounter the twin gods.

The unique breath of the gods should not be concealed. Otherwise, the federal gods would not be so reluctant to enter the twins.

The warp of the Weir train stopped at the border of the twins, and then started the engine to fly into the twins at a speed of 27 light years per day.

After entering the twins, the Weir train was like being stuck in a quagmire, unable to move forward.

After only a few seconds of stalemate, the engine was shut down with the alarm.

"This breath..." Lin Shan was not surprised but happy.

He didn't expect...the twin gods would come so quickly.

I saw another blurry figure standing quietly in the void tens of thousands of kilometers away.

There was a purple flying sword floating next to the blurry figure, and the flying sword was buzzing. Even though it was tens of thousands of kilometers away, the sound of the sword still lingered in my ears.

"Twin Sword Immortals... let me go quickly, or you will die!" Seeing this blurry figure, the voice of the Federation God who was restrained by Lin Shan became anxious.

"Federation God, do you want to tear up the treaty... start a war of gods?" The voice of the sword immortal opposite was cold, with a terrifying sword intent that penetrated the void and went straight into my mind.

"Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm being held hostage?" Even if the female god of the Federation had a good temper, she couldn't hold it back at this moment.

"Can a mortal hold a god hostage? This acting... is a bit too fake!" The sword immortal obviously didn't believe what the Federation God said.

"If I really want to invade, do you think I will come in so openly? Besides, I will know if I hold you hostage and test you." The federal god was furious. He never thought that he would encounter this one day.

Lin Shan was shocked and guessed what the federal god was thinking.

As long as the sword fairy attacked the federal god, he would definitely dodge, and the federal god could take the opportunity to release the control of the black brick.

The twin sword fairy who blocked the road fell silent, thinking.

Normally, the two gods have signed a contract, and any god entering the country cannot hide his whereabouts. The front line has not yet decided the outcome, and the federal god has no reason to choose to invade at this time.

The twin front line has always been at a disadvantage. If there is an invasion, it is the twin gods who invade first...

Moreover, the mortal spirit has been hitting the federal god with the black block... It really looks like a hostage.

Holding the god hostage with the body of a mortal spirit, what is the origin of this mortal spirit?

Lin Shan naturally would not do as He wished, and quickly interrupted, "This federal god, He chased me first and I used a special method to counter it. I heard that there was a war between Gemini and Virgo, so I brought this god to Gemini, hoping that Gemini could help me get rid of this god's pursuit."

The Twin Sword Immortal understood the situation.

But the federal god in front of him was indeed held hostage by a mortal spirit. Even if this mortal spirit had the strength to break the second ban, it was still very outrageous.

"You don't know what a god is yet. He is not the original body. The original body of the god is integrated into the rules and placed in the void. It is truly immortal. If you want to kill a god, you must first erase the rules that He has integrated into, and then find the void where His original body is hiding."

The Twin Sword Immortal did not ignore Lin Shan because he was a mortal spirit, but patiently explained the knowledge of killing gods to Lin Shan, "Since He has entered the territory of the Twins, he must leave something behind. You step back."

The Twin Sword Immortal shouted, and the purple divine sword floating behind him swiped and stabbed at the federal god.

The Twin Sword Immortals asked him to retreat, but in fact... he couldn't move at all now.

Locked by the flying sword, he felt as if his whole body was sealed in cement, and he couldn't even breathe.

There was no other way, he could only use the feather pen again to keep the federal spirit in place, and he himself retreated hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The flying sword directly penetrated the illusory figure of the federal spirit, because the specific form of the spirit could not be seen at all, and Lin Shan didn't know whether the federal spirit was injured.

The flying sword turned back and wanted to continue attacking, but the federal spirit ignored the flying sword and looked at the direction where Lin Shan was in anger.

In just a blink of an eye, He had appeared beside Lin Shan, and with a slap, he smashed Lin Shan to pieces, and the entire void collapsed on a large scale.

"You must die today." Looking at Lin Shan who was resurrecting, the federal spirit whispered coldly, "The Realm of the Void".

Lin Shan's resurrection was directly curbed, and his true spirit was being extracted bit by bit.

For the forbidden-breaking, the extraction of the true spirit means complete death.

A green whip appeared in the hands of the federal god. This whip was not an energy body, but a real weapon.

With a snap, it whipped Lin Shan, who had not yet resurrected, fiercely.

Nearly half of the true spirits instantly collapsed.

At this moment, the purple flying sword finally rushed over.

A sword broke through the boundary of the federal god's rules. The flying sword hovered above the federal god and separated countless flying swords of the same size.

An extremely large purple cage gradually formed, wrapping the federal god tightly in it.

"Sword net."

The twin sword immortals stood on the purple flying sword.

Lin Shan took the opportunity to revive, and with lingering fear, he instantly pulled away, fearing that he would be affected by the battle between the two.

The next second.

The illusory figure of the Federation God blocked him again.

Without thinking, Lin Shan took out the black brick and was about to hit it, but he was not so lucky this time.

The Federation God just took a look.

Lin Shan's whole arm collapsed inch by inch, turning into bloody and fleshy pieces, and the black brick flew out of his hand.

The Federation God took the black brick and showed a touch of joy, "This is... a relic of the god level."

"I can get this thing on this trip... What does the spirit armor mean..."

Before he could continue to study, the purple flying sword had already chased him again.

The Federation God held the black brick and slapped it backhand, easily knocking the purple flying sword away.

The Federation God suddenly became transparent, then disappeared directly, and appeared behind the Twin Sword Immortal, and slapped the black brick in his hand fiercely on the Twin Sword Immortal's forehead.

The Twin Sword Immortal rubbed his head, and golden blood precipitated.

"What? Childishness still exists?" The Twin Sword Immortal laughed.

While talking, the sword immortal backhanded the Federation God into two pieces.

"What's going on? Why is it ineffective?" The Federation Spirit suddenly appeared somewhere else, looking at the black brick in his hand in astonishment.

This black brick was not like this when it hit him.

He looked at Lin Shan who was running away again, stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Shan to him.

"How to use this black brick? Tell me, I will let you go."


Lin Shan, who thought he had escaped, had a question mark in his eyes.

Didn't he run away? Why did he come back again?

Looking at the black brick in the hands of the Federation Spirit and the questions he asked, he probably guessed how he came back.

Lin Shan quickly thought about how to deal with it. He couldn't tell him how to use the black brick. If he mastered the black brick, the Twin Sword Immortals would be in danger.

"Ah, what did you say?" Lin Shan pretended to be stupid.

"Tell me how to use this black brick." The voice of the Federation Spirit appeared directly in Lin Shan's mind.

Before Lin Shan could answer, the purple flying sword appeared instantly, including Lin Shan, and split everything within a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers into two.

The remaining true spirit revived Lin Shan again, and the moment he was revived, Lin Shan flew in the opposite direction.

This was the nth time he had tried to escape.

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