Above the gray fog

Chapter 1016: A mountain comparable to a star

"You... don't take me seriously."

The sword immortal held the purple fairy sword and stood in front of the Federation God.

This Alliance God has been looking for trouble with the mortal spirit in front of him, the sword immortal. He looked down on him.

The Federation God snorted coldly, ignored the twin sword immortals again, and chased in the direction of Lin Shan.

Seeing this operation, the twin sword immortals obviously got angry.

Isn't this naked disregard?

The twin sword immortals raised their swords and slashed, cutting the void in front of him into two.

In the distance, the Federation God who was about to catch up with Lin Shan suddenly became stiff.

A purple sword light appeared at the waist.

All the matter on the way was annihilated by this sword.

Lin Shan was in trouble again. The sword light didn't even hit him directly. The aftermath along the way shattered him.

After resurrection, Lin Shan was full of despair. Under normal circumstances, he couldn't escape the range of the battle between the two gods.

Just as Lin Shan was about to use the feather pen, his heart was chilled. I don't know when a god stood behind him.

"You can't escape from the realm of rules. Hold this sword and I'll help you."

Lin Shan heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the voice of the Twin Sword Immortal.

A purple fairy sword was in front of Lin Shan.

The Twin Gods had no grudges against him...they shouldn't harm him.

Lin Shan held the hilt tightly with both hands, and the purple fairy sword took Lin Shan and turned into a beam of purple light and disappeared.

The Twin Sword Immortal turned back, used his fingers as swords, and swung out several sword energies to block the pursuit of the Federation God.

"Can we be serious now?" The Twin Sword Immortal blocked the Federation God, waved his fingers, and several huge sword energies blocked all the ways out of the Federation God.

Looking at the sword lights that were coming, the Federation God was also furious.

The emerald green bamboo joints in his hands snapped, and the sword lights all dissipated before they got close.

"Collect." The Twin Sword Immortal shouted, and the purple sword domain that was initially formed quickly shrank, shrinking the battlefield.

The two gods were confronting each other.

Lin Shan didn't know where the purple fairy sword was taking him.

The purple fairy sword took Lin Shan all the way unimpeded, piercing the boundary of rules set by the federal gods, and sent him forward for a distance before stopping.

"Escaped?" Looking at the turning fairy sword, Lin Shan's tense heart was completely relieved.

He immediately activated the feather pen to take back the black brick. The black brick was originally his thing, and it wouldn't take much life to take it back again.

He couldn't just give up the black brick. This was a magical weapon that could deal with the gods, and it was also his ultimate trump card to save his life.

There were 17,349 years left in his life. Not only did he lose all the life he had gained during this period, but he also lost an additional 3,000 years.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment, and the star map marked on the parchment was updated again.

There were 23 blue children of destiny in Gemini, and the rest were green and white children of destiny, and there was no purple child of destiny.

"Next, it's time to find the human race..."

Lin Shan used the divination crystal ball in the Star Picking Pavilion to obtain the direction of the human race.

The divination crystal can be used once every ten years, and it will not accumulate, so it is a waste if not used.

Lin Shan ordered the Weir train to move forward in the direction of divination.

After four months of travel, Lin Shan felt a strong spirituality around him.

Lin Shan opened the treasure hunting tool, and as he thought, there were natural treasures everywhere around him.

This is an area where few creatures have set foot. The area of ​​a galaxy is vast and boundless. The area occupied by creatures is just the tip of the iceberg. It is impossible for every place to be set foot.

Lin Shan separated three souls and went treasure hunting with three treasure hunting tools, giving each of them a starship with a speed of 10 times the speed of light.

The main body continued to rush to the direction provided by the divination crystal.

The Weir train moved forward for more than five years, crossing a distance of nearly 50,000 light years.

Whenever he encountered a child of destiny nearby, Lin Shan would release his soul and let the soul assist the child of destiny.

In addition to the three souls that were searching for treasure outside, Lin Shan has now released seven souls in Gemini.

In order to ensure efficiency and safety, these seven souls are one-tenth of the share.

With his current strength of breaking two bans, the strength of this one-tenth share is far greater than the ordinary one-ban.

The civilization structure of Gemini is very strange. He encountered many gathering places along the way, most of which are in the form of small towns.

No extraordinary people have been seen so far. The creatures here live an ordinary farming life. The machines used for farming are all made of wood and driven by strange runes. This should be the special technology of Gemini.

He searched around a small town and did not see the existence of a city.

Simply eliminate the existence and enter the village to explore.

The creatures here look exactly like humans, but they are not real humans.

If you only look at the appearance, you can't see the difference, but the internal blood and genes are very different.

The most important thing is that these people are not the old fire seeds, but the original creatures.

Their lives are relatively backward, working from sunrise to sunset.

There is a two-meter-high sculpture at the entrance of the village. The whole is a round base with a stone sword tied with chains inserted on it.

The surrounding gray fog is dispersed by this sculpture.

In addition to dispersing the gray fog to generate a safe zone, this sculpture no longer has any other ability.

Lin Shan left the village and continued to move forward.

He walked and explored until he encountered a mountain that could not be described in words.

This mountain reaches 90,000 miles straight. From the radar of the Weir Train, the diameter of this mountain is close to 2 million kilometers.

This diameter... is comparable to the diameter of an ordinary star.

The bottom of the mountain is an irregular circle, extending upward in the form of a pyramid, with the top of the pyramid at an altitude of 90,000 miles.

On the surface, this is a mountain.

In fact, this is a vast world with countless creatures living on it.

There are two small hills with a diameter of about 10,000 miles on both sides of the mountain.

The number of creatures living on these three mountains can no longer be described in numbers.

The area of ​​this mountain combined... I'm afraid it's as much as hundreds of Earths piled up.

"Will the human race be here?" Lin Shan put away the Weir Train and looked at the mountain in front of him. With his visual range of tens of thousands of kilometers, he couldn't see the end of the mountain.

His arrival did not alarm anyone.

At this time, the fox crawled out of the Zhulong ring and squatted on Lin Shan's shoulder. "There are gods on this mountain, and there are a lot of them..."

"It's the breath of the old days."

"The gods of the old days?"

"It seems to be correct. The Ark Fleet of All Races has indeed landed here."

"Let's go up and take a look."

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