Above the gray fog

Chapter 1033 History, Destiny

"Clan weapon..."

Yan Ruxin waved, and the clan weapon flew over automatically.

The surrounding pioneers gathered around and unfolded their clan weapons.

From the appearance, the clan artifact is just a small jade volume.

It can be held with one hand, but when you actually unfold the artifact, you will find that the jade book is more than ten meters long.

There are probably hundreds of jade bamboo slips stuck together, and each bamboo slip records the development history of the human race.

It was first recorded on the jade slips that the pioneer descended into the gray fog and brought human fire to the gray fog world.

Then came the contact with the cat tribe.

The cat tribe shows its fangs, and the human-cat war begins.

The human race suffered heavy losses, and Lin Shan's extraordinary achievements delayed the cat tribe's attack. The human race took the opportunity to carry out the first great migration.

During the migration, the human race suffered heavy losses.

After the migration was successful, the human race settled near the Purple Soul Flower Forest, barely gaining a foothold in Gray Mist.

What follows is a period of exploration.

The human race initially established the seven-department system, and various handicraft industries began to develop.

The contributions made by the pioneers during this period accounted for ten jade slips. .

In the end, the Pioneer decided to withdraw from the center of power of the human race. Without the suppression of the Pioneer, the seven-ministry system revealed great shortcomings. Lu Ruan proclaimed himself emperor at the right time, established an empire and became the first generation human emperor of the human race.

Under Lu Ruan's governance, the human race began to realize its own transcendence.

However, Lu Ruan used special means to advance to transcendence, but he had to pay a price and only had three years to live.

Three years later, Lu Ruan went to the depths of the gray mist alone and disappeared without a trace. Chen Liyun took over as the second generation human emperor.

During the second generation of the Human Emperor, the human race used the Pioneer Association formed by pioneers to decide on the major and minor affairs of the human race.

The human race is developing happily, the cat tribe attacks again, and the second human-cat war begins.

Lin Shan returned after being promoted to Sequence 8 and single-handedly destroyed all the extraordinary beings in the cat clan.

Chen Liyun abdicated and was succeeded by the third generation human emperor Zhou Huansheng. Under the leadership of Zhou Huansheng, the human race launched a massive counterattack against the cat tribe and dispersed the cat tribe into exile.

After receiving the technology of the cat tribe, the human race began to develop rapidly. Zhou Huansheng abolished the imperial system and established a new center of power, the "Human Court".

The human race united with the surrounding races to establish a unified government of all races. The human race was controlled by the major families and was on the verge of collapse.

The human court system has completely become history, and the "ruling centralization system" has entered the stage of human history.

God of mountains and seas...

"Found it, here!" Zhang Zhonghua suddenly said, "Come here."

When the pioneers gathered, Zhang Zhonghua pointed to the writing on a piece of jade and said, "Look at the record here."

[Si Zhennan, the pioneer of the human race, reshaped the underworld and started reincarnation again, so that the human race would not fall into the sea of ​​origin after death and avoid the pain of soul crushing. ]

"This is the last contribution made by a pioneer named Si Zhennan. At that time, the human race was being forced by federal soldiers to have no way out and had to migrate many times."

"Since he disappeared, the war seems to have stopped."

"Look at this." Zhao Xiaoan called to everyone, pointing to the writing on the jade piece and chanting.

"Xia Xuan, the pioneer of the human race, sacrifices himself to secure the Twin Passage forever."

"We have already seen the reopening of the underworld. What does this permanent twin passage mean?"

"Gemini? Are you talking about the Twin Galaxy?"

"I don't know. Look at the picture below. Huang Ying, the pioneer of the human race, transformed into a singularity to prevent disasters for all the spirits of the past and bring peace to the human world for thousands of years."

Wu Wang paced in place, "All of these identities are extraordinary. Do you think...will we become like them one day, suddenly awakening to powerful power, and then make some kind of sacrifice?"

Zhang Zhonghua wrapped up his clan artifacts and gave a pertinent analysis:

"The possibility is very high. There are more or less abnormalities in us. You should be well aware that these records all point to an answer. We pioneers may be the reincarnation of strong men from previous eras, in order to survive in this present moment. The power of the Era bursts to help the human race and even the old creatures.”

"If we also awaken that kind of power, then are we still us?" Zhao Xiaoan frowned and said coldly. "I would rather not have this kind of power."

"Why? Why are we doomed to sacrifice?" Jin Tianzong slammed the table next to him, "Screw the fatalism, I don't want to become another person."

"Don't get excited, calm down. I understand how you are feeling at this moment." Yan Ruxin comforted her, "You all know about existence. Is it possible that... our existence has crossed the epoch and revived in this world, so We and the unknown person are essentially the same person.”

Zhao Xiaoan retorted calmly, "If that's the case, she is her and I am me. We cannot be the same person. At most, she has changed my perception."

"Okay, let's not argue for now. Let's go over the causes and consequences of the matter first." Lin Shan interrupted everyone's speculations, "I'll go over my thoughts first, and you can add to it later."


The pioneers all looked at Lin Shan.

"From the records of the clan artifacts, it is not difficult to see that the three disappeared pioneers were all the same as us at first. They all suddenly awakened after the human race or all the races in the past suffered an unstoppable crisis, and then acted to prevent disasters for all spirits. and sacrifice one’s own decision.”

"The three repeated events tell us that we are also very likely to have changes from the three previous pioneers."

"The solution is also obvious. Leave the human race and stay away from all the spirits of the past."

Zhang Zhonghua nodded slightly, "That pioneer Huang Ying did indeed say the same thing. Whether the human race is to us or we are to the human race, they are like a burden."

Yan Ruxin pondered for a moment and then said, "It's okay to leave the human circle. With our current strength, we can go anywhere in the universe, but this can only prevent the human race from dragging us into disaster. The problems that have arisen in us are not Get cured.”

"What is the unknown power that exists in our bodies? Will it suddenly explode one day? Turn us into another person completely?"

"These are the things we should be addressing."

Zhang Zhonghua sent the family artifacts to their original positions and gave a wry smile, "You have lived for more than a thousand years, and you are no longer the newcomers who first crossed the gray fog. Everyone should know it by heart... Our human race is probably the old human emperor. race."

"We pioneers may be the 'tools' of the old days and previous eras. This is our destiny. Many times we have no choice."

Jin Tianzong tapped the table with his fingers, "If it was really a trap set in the past or in previous eras, we definitely can't break it now. We are destined to protect the human race, but we don't protect it. Does that count as breaking this destiny?" "

"Forget it, who knows." Lin Shan gently touched the family artifact with his hand.

There was a sudden sizzling sound at the place of contact, and a circle of tiny blisters appeared on Lin Shan's four fingers.

"Hey~, Old Lin, I don't want to touch this."

Wu Wang stepped forward, picked up the clan weapon and swung it left and right in his hand.

Nothing happened.

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