Above the gray fog

Chapter 1034 Green Onion Rope

"let's go."

"Is there anywhere you want to go?" Lin Shan looked at everyone.

His goal is clear, which is to collect life spans.

If someone doesn't come along, he definitely won't be able to take him with him.

One hundred thousand years of life has not been collected yet, and becoming a god is still far away. His current strength is almost the limit among mortals, and the path to god cannot be delayed any longer.

Although he could leave the human circle and go anywhere, he would definitely go to a galaxy with a large number of Destiny's Children.

"It's up to you to decide. I can go wherever I want." Zhao Xiaoan said calmly.

"Then, I will decide the destination. You can decide for yourself whether you want to stay or go in the end." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Hearing this, other people had no objections, and they had no good place to go. It was easy to leave the circle of people. They had no clue where to go or what to do.

But one thing is consistent. Everyone wants to pursue a higher level of life and see a wider world.

Suddenly, a spiritual force locked onto him. Lin Shan raised his brows and said, "Wait for me a little longer."

Thousands of meters in the air.

Yuan Guang is waiting for him here.

"You're back." Yuan Guang looked at Lin Shan carefully.

"Didn't you already know that?" Lin Shan asked back.

Yuan Guang still had a smile on his face, "Yes, I noticed you as soon as you entered the clan. I have been thinking about whether I should meet you or not. After thinking about it, I don't know anyone else. I just want to meet you." ”

"Reason?" Lin Shan frowned and looked at him.

"Because... I don't have the face to face you pioneers. You are working so hard for the continuation of the human race. I fought my way out from the middle and accepted all the achievements of the pioneers. No matter from which aspect, I have no face to see you." Yuan Guang sighed. In one breath, he explained softly, "If you are willing, the human race is still yours."

"You met me... just to talk about this?" Lin Shan glanced at him, "We have just discussed that we are going to travel far away from the human world. What the human race is like has nothing to do with us."

Lin Shan said calmly, "Although it doesn't matter, we still hope that the human race can prosper and develop. This burden will be on you."

"You want to leave? Why?" Yuan Guang looked confused.

Why did you leave after finally coming back?

"You should have seen the clan artifacts. Destiny has treated us pioneers as tools. Now, we must resist fate, stop being such tools, and find our own way." Lin Shan said calmly.

Yuan Guang fell into silence. He had naturally seen the clan artifacts.

Since the beginning of historical records, every time the human race suffered a major disaster, it was the pioneers who sacrificed themselves to resist the disaster. Looking at the entire history of the human race, aren't the pioneers just the tools of the human race?

No wonder the pioneers are leaving again. If it were him, he wouldn't want to be controlled by fate.

"Then I wish all the pioneers good luck in martial arts!" Yuan Guang cupped his hands, "The human race will always be waiting for you to come back."

"I hope the human race won't forget my name next time we come back." Lin Shan smiled casually.

"Pioneer Lin is blaming me? Is he blaming me for not respecting the faith in the pioneers?" Yuan Guang captured the meaning of Lin Shan's words.

"Weird, not really. It just feels like the human race is getting further and further away from us." Lin Shan shook his head slowly.

"That's true." Yuan Guang nodded slowly, "In terms of the education of our people, we have not concealed the deeds of pioneers in history, and even included them in compulsory textbooks. However, you who were active a thousand years ago, It is like an illusory legend in the hearts of the human race. It is too far away from their lives, so it is naturally impossible to produce much faith. "

"You have to know that human beings have a lifespan of only two hundred years. This is the limit of lifespan that their souls can endure. No medical method can make up for it."

"I will also wait for you to come back. You are a pioneer of the human race and cannot run away." Yuan Guang said with a smile.

Lin Shan said half-jokingly, "When I come back, will you sacrifice yourself to reverse the situation?"

Yuan Guang was stunned for a moment, he really couldn't answer this.

"Okay, since there's nothing to say, you can go back, I'm leaving." Lin Shan began to drive people away. The longer he stayed in the human race, the more uncomfortable he felt.

It's like something bad will happen to him while he's still here.

Now that the strange body has completed its qualitative transformation, Lin Shan still trusts his unique sequence of 'knowing fate'. In order to avoid accidents, he can only leave the human race quickly.

Lin Shan greeted everyone to enter the Weier train.

A group of people got on the train and headed in an unknown direction.

In Lin Shan's divination, there are the most destiny children in this direction.

The most important thing before him is to collect a hundred thousand years of life in exchange for the possibility of a divine path.

The Veer train is speeding through the empty prison on scale 6.

The place is still shrouded in white smoke.

Lin Shan had nothing to do in the train. His body had reached its limit, and his body had also reached its limit. The body still had no clue how to break the three bans, so there was no need to waste resources.

The only thing Lin Shan can do now is to use the ether energy contained in Daybreak to continuously strengthen his physical body.

His physical strength at this moment is comparable to that of Fallen Body Breaking the Barrier. It can be said that he has no shortcomings among those at the same level.

Other pioneers are also doing their own things.

Zhao Xiaoan entered her own 'home' and didn't know what she was doing. Wu Wang fell asleep soundly on the train seat. The sleeping time was calculated in years.

The rest of the people were sitting cross-legged on the train seats, practicing the promotion method of the twin system.

The Weir Train sailed in the void next to the human race for 5 years, passing through more than 4 million light years, and finally arrived at the next galaxy.

This galaxy is still shrouded in white fog.

"Lin Shan, what weapon did you use? This white fog can spread so far?"

"Where is this place?"

"I don't know. There are only a few galaxies next to the human race. Now that Virgo has disappeared, this is not the Falling Dragon Land and Gemini. There is only one last possibility, this is the Green Rope Galaxy." Lin Shan analyzed.

"In fact, our original goal was the Green Rope Galaxy. I didn't expect to stay in Gemini by mistake..." Zhang Zhonghua looked at the huge star floating outside the window, "Should we stay in the Green Rope?"

"No, this place is too close to the human circle. Gemini is the best example. We will go straight through the Green Rope." Lin Shan said.

There are already actual examples to prove to them that even if they are next to the human circle, they cannot escape the disaster...


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