Above the gray fog

Chapter 1102: Divine Path

Parchment: [Please arrive at Beidou Tianjing - Moro Galaxy - Mugli Star. ]

Parchment: [The great parchment gives you the best route for free. ]

Parchment: [Take Star Legend No. 17, disembark at Qiuqiu Super Dimensional Space, and reach the gray fog resort 300 million light years away - Pegs through the high sky channel of Qiuqiu Super Dimensional Space. In Pegs, cross the deep blue channel and arrive at the North Sea Realm 1.7 billion light years away - Aslan, the main star of the Rama Interstellar Empire. Take Aslan's long-distance starship to the home of astrologers - Mugli Star. ]

Parchment: [The cost of the rule-level jump channel is high, please pay by yourself. ]

Lin Shan silently memorized the route. With his current divination skills, he could not predict things at the level of gods. If there was no parchment to guide the way, even if he knew there was such a divine road, it would be useless.

Lin Shan continued to ask, "What else do you need to do when you get there?"

Parchment: [Take authority and perform rituals. 】

Lin Shan: "Will anyone compete with me for it?"

Parchment: [Not yet, but it may not be the case once you get there. You should know that there are only 6188 Sequence 4 authorities in this world. These 6188 are scattered throughout the universe and can only be described as rare. Each authority has a name and is watched by countless people. Most importantly, most of these 6188 authorities already have owners. There are more wolves than meat, so be prepared. 】

Lin Shan walked towards the fountain in the center of Eden Square, "I remember you couldn't get into this place before?"

Parchment didn't know that he had been to Eden for a long time, which meant that Eden should be able to stop Parchment.

Parchment: [Great Parchment, go wherever you want. 】

Parchment didn't respond to this directly, but Lin Shan could probably guess that the reason was that Parchment had eaten another 100,000 years of his life.

Lin Shan leaned against the fountain and looked around. This time, he didn't see anyone drinking the Fountain of Life next to him.

Lin Shan leaned against the fountain with his eyes closed, listening to the sound of the water for a long time in silence, and asked casually, "What is the difference between authority outside the genealogy and authority within the genealogy? Is the authority within the genealogy more powerful?"

He naturally had a basis for asking this. Logically speaking, the authority outside the genealogy should be more than that within the genealogy, but among the seven divine paths recommended by the parchment for him, only one was authority outside the genealogy.

Parchment: [There are promotion paths within the genealogy, but there are no promotion paths outside the genealogy. Sequence 4 authority outside the genealogy can be generated in many ways, but there are only two types of authority outside the genealogy above Sequence 4: special species talents and ancient inherited authority. If a Sequence 4 authority chooses outside the genealogy, the only possibility for promotion is hunting these special species. Even so, there will be incompatibility. Outside the genealogy is equivalent to no way to promotion. 】

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "If I want to continue to advance, do I have to follow the path?"

Parchment: [This knowledge is given to you for free as a great parchment. Take the God of Astrology, the path you are taking now, as an example. The God of Astrology has five rules: 'fate', 'history', 'high sky', 'star', and 'technology'. Fate is the path you are taking and cannot be eliminated. If you want to advance, you must find a sequence 3 authority that contains any three of the rules of 'history', 'high sky', 'star', and 'technology' in the destiny path. For example, a sequence 3 authority contains 'fate', 'history', 'star', and 'high sky', or 'fate', 'technology', 'high sky', and 'history'. The former abandons technology, and the latter abandons stars. These two paths can be connected to your current path. Of course, you actually have a total of 180 paths to choose from. ]

Parchment: [There are 364 paths to the beginning of a single God Path. The God of Astrology you chose is one of the 364 starting paths of the Destiny Path. As you advance, the paths will become narrower and narrower. There are only 140 paths left for a single path from Sequence 4 to Sequence 3, only 40 paths from Sequence 3 to Sequence 2, and only 8 paths from Sequence 2 to Sequence 1. Sequence 0 is the only one. Only one God can walk on each path. If there is someone on the God Path you want to walk on, you have only two choices: change to another path or kick the God off this path.]

Lin Shan showed a look of realization. Only after the parchment explained it did he completely understand.

He was about to walk on one of the 364 God Paths of the Destiny Path. In the entire Gray Fog Universe, there can only be 364 Sequence 4 Gods of the Destiny Path at most. No wonder he had hardly seen the figures of the gods in the genealogy.

He knew only two gods in the genealogy, the God of Dawn - Tushan Ranqi, and the God of Lightness - Jia Da.

According to the above numbers, it should be extremely rare for a galaxy to have two gods in the lineage.

If he wants to continue to move up in the future, there will only be 180 god paths that can provide him with the opportunity to move forward. How many of these 180 god paths will be unowned?

If all these 180 god paths have owners, his hope of promotion has basically been cut off.

It is unlikely that a Sequence 4 god will try to seize the authority of a Sequence 3 god.

Lin Shan suddenly thought of the difference between Sequence 9 and Sequence 8. Although the gap between the two is huge, it is not like the gap between Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 that cannot be filled. As long as there are enough gods, they can kill the gods.

If dozens of Sequence 4 gods can be gathered, can they kill the gods?

Lin Shan shook his head and threw these unrealistic ideas out of his mind.

Lin Shan walked around Eden Square for a few more rounds, wondering if he could meet familiar faces. As a result, familiar faces did appear, but they were only limited to déjà vu. The few people he knew were not there.

If he could meet someone he knew, he could ask him about the current time.

Maybe he could ask himself...

When Lin Shan was thinking about this, he had already left the Garden of Eden and returned to the soft, white bed.

The space of destiny opened and closed in an instant, and he already knew how many years he had been drifting in the crystal coffin.

743 years.

In 743 years, he had crossed countless light years and crossed the gray fog universe.

Drifting from the remote area of ​​the gray fog universe all the way to the center, it was impossible to locate where he was at the moment, but he was probably very far away from the human circle, tens of billions of light years away or even farther.

The area where the human circle is located is a remote place for the gray fog universe. Because the gray fog universe has been expanding, such a place cannot be reached even at the speed of advanced civilization.

In other words, if there is no special method, it is almost impossible for him to return to the human circle.

This time, the connection between him and the human race is probably completely cut off.

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