Above the gray fog

Chapter 1103 Financial resources equal strength

Lin Shan suddenly thought of his child.

Before, he didn't even dare to think about having a child, and it was not in his life plan.

Lin Shan didn't know what it felt like to have a child for no reason.

Happy, sad, entangled, all kinds of emotions kept floating in his heart.

After a while, Lin Shan sighed softly.

This was the last thought that Jiu Qi gave him. I hope I can see what my child looks like in my lifetime.

Forcibly suppressing these thoughts in my heart, Lin Shan borrowed the terminal in the room to search for information.

The information recorded in the terminal is all related to "Star", which roughly introduces the system of Star and the mission of Star.

There is an option to connect to the galaxy regional network next to the terminal. Click it to see the introduction of Yiyi Galaxy and find all the information related to this galaxy.

The starship will not stay here for too long, and there is no need to read the information about the galaxy. When he has nothing to do, Lin Shan began to study the power of "Star".

After an unknown amount of time, a female voice sounded in the room, "Mr. Lin Shan, the Lord in Gray is waiting for you outside the door."

Lin Shan came to his senses, got out of bed and opened the door.

He saw the Lord in Gray at first sight, and their eyes met.

The Lord in Gray was a non-human being, wearing a loose gray robe with complex silver patterns embroidered on it, giving people a mysterious and solemn feeling. He was tall and slender, like a large monkey, standing on his feet and leaning forward. The Lord in Gray's skin showed a light gray texture, faintly emitting a faint light. His eyes were deep gold, revealing wisdom and calmness, and there was a bunch of thick silver hair on his head, swaying gently with his movements.

It wore a pair of silver gloves on its palms, which were inlaid with gems and flickered with a faint light.

"God?" Lin Shan took a step back, his expression solemn.

He thought that Evan Barton might be a god, but he never thought that one of his followers was also a god.

The Lord in Gray stared at Lin Shan with his golden eyes.

Lin Shan felt the air around him begin to solidify as if it had a weight of millions of meters.

With a light hum, Lin Shan gathered his spirituality to resist the pressure.

A small lightning flashed between the two of them. Lin Shan's face gradually turned pale, while the gray-clothed man remained calm.

Lin Shan's expression turned cold, and his body left his body in an instant. The spirituality within a radius of one million kilometers was swept away in an instant.

"Hmm..." The gray-clothed man hummed lightly, took a step back, and looked at Lin Shan with a surprised look on his face.

Lin Shan stared at the other party vigilantly, not understanding what He meant.

Sequence 5 broke the three prohibitions, but could only fight with the gods. It was impossible to truly suppress the gods.

"Lord Barton asked me to come. If you have any questions in the future, just ask me. Don't bother Lord Barton."

The gray-clothed man dispersed the terrifying power. When He spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, as if it was a whisper from hell, which made people shudder.

"Hmm." Lin Shan nodded gently, continued to look at Him, and asked with his eyes if there was anything else.

"Can I come in?" Gray looked back at Lin Shan.

His voice seemed to have magic power, which made Lin Shan tremble uncontrollably.

"Of course." Lin Shan calmed down and made a gesture of invitation.

"There is a difference between gods and mortals. I didn't mean to target you." Gray walked into the house and explained to Lin Shan.

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded slowly. He knew this. This was a natural suppression from the level of life.

"I came to you to talk to you about the 'star'." When Gray walked in, the room suddenly changed drastically. A table appeared out of thin air. There was nothing on the table. There were only two lonely benches standing next to it.

What Gray said next basically overlapped with the information he had just seen, but Lin Shan still listened carefully.

"Lord Xing is in charge of 'matter'. The most important thing for living beings is money. Lord Xing created three forces, namely 'Universe Trade Group', 'All Realms Trading Company' and 'Star'."

"Universe Trade Group is spread across all major areas of Gray Mist. It regulates the economic development of many civilizations with an absolutely neutral identity. The same is true for All Realms Trading Company. In addition to restraining the Universal Trade Group, All Realms Trading Company covers a wider range. I won't go into details about this. 'Star' is what I want to focus on."

"'Star' is very special. It only recruits extraordinary people, and the recruitment targets are extremely demanding. It requires outstanding existence. In other words, it requires a great influence on the Gray Mist Universe. You just meet the requirements, so Lord Barton wants to include you in 'Star'."

"'Star' is above the Universal Group and All Realms Trading Company. It is a supervisory agency and occasionally performs special tasks." Gray Clothes observed Lin Shan's reaction while speaking. Lin Shan just pretended to listen quietly.

"What are the benefits?" Lin Shan asked directly.

"Joining Xing, your strength will be linked to your own financial resources. In other words, the richer you are, the more powerful you will be. However, when fighting, you will also lose your wealth. How to manage your money depends on your ability."

"In other words, as long as you have enough money, a mortal spirit can also kill gods."

After hearing the latter words, Lin Shan immediately thought of Lao Wang. Lao Wang has always said that his strength is linked to the number of treasures. Could it be that... Lao Wang is actually a member of "Xing"?

"How is it?" Gray asked when he saw Lin Shan in a daze.

"Is my talent good? Is it a good match with "Xing"?" Lin Shan looked at Gray.

Gray smiled, and Lin Shan got goose bumps all over his body. "Don't think too much. I just meet the right person. During the long journey, Lord Barton will try to invite anyone who is suitable."

"When will we reach Qiuqiu Super Dimensional Space?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

"Qiqiu Super Dimensional Space? There is still 120 million light years to go. We will take the high sky channel, which will take more than two years. Why are you asking this?"

"I will get off the ship in Qiuqiu Super Dimensional Space and do some of my own things." Lin Shan said truthfully.

"This does not affect your joining "Star." Gray took out a contract and put it on the table.

Lin Shan thought about it and pressed his handprint.

The contract paper immediately curled up.

Gray said lightly, "Have you joined a force at the same level as "Star"?"

"Does the Continuation Institute count?" Lin Shan asked.

"The Continuation Institute... that's it." Gray waved his hand, "In that case, you can no longer join "Star", so let it go."

Looking at Gray leaving, Lin Shan always felt that he was a little unhappy.

A year later, when the starship stopped again, it had traveled more than 10 million light years and crossed several galaxies.

"Lin Shan, the starship will enter the high sky channel next. There is a group of beasts in the channel. You go and clean them up. I will stay to protect the starship." Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, was awakened by a sudden voice.

"Okay." Lin Shan responded.

Inside the starship, looking at the flowing light of Lin Shan, the gray-clothed man looked solemn. The main task of Star Legend No. 17 is to deliver goods. Since it is delivering goods, there is definitely a possibility that the goods will be intercepted.

"I hope Chaos will not cause trouble."

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