Above the gray fog

Chapter 1156 Sacrifice Ceremony

In the ruins of the town, a tall man was looking for something in the ruins, shouting, "Saint Envoy Gai, Saint Envoy Gai, where are you?"

This man was Musi. Suddenly, he glanced at a long pit on the main street of the town.

An arm stretched out from the pit and was shaking slightly.

"Saint Envoy Gai!"

Musi's heart tightened, and he ran over and pulled away the rubble beside him, revealing the bloody body inside.

It could be vaguely seen that the person buried in the rubble was Saint Envoy Gai.

"Is Saint Envoy Gai okay? How are you?" Musi carried Saint Envoy Gai, who was covered in blood, out.

When the blood-stained Envoy Gai saw Musi, a glimmer flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand as if he wanted to grab something, but he had no strength left. He moved his lips slightly and asked, "Those outsiders..."

"They had already calculated that something would happen tonight, and they had left when it was just getting dark. I just heard the noise and was worried about you, so I came to find you. How did you become like this? Did the evil demon from outer space hurt you?"

"It's good that they left... Remember, you must protect them! This evil demon from outer space is not something we can deal with..." After saying this, Envoy Gai fainted.

Musi hurriedly used his hand to test his breath, and was relieved when he saw that there was still breath.

Musi picked up Envoy Gai, observed the surroundings, and quickly ran out of the town.

The evil demon from outer space may still be around, and it is no longer safe here.

Running all the way, Musi put Envoy Gai in a forest outside a small town. He knew that with Envoy Gai's strength, this kind of injury can be recovered by himself.

After settling the Saint Gai, Musi quickly ran into the town again.

He always remembered what Saint Gai had just said, that he must protect outsiders.

Two hours ago.

A corner of the town.

Lin Shan and the other two were collecting the lamp oil from the Eternal Fire Lamp and putting it into a bottle.

The reason why the Eternal Fire Lamp can burn for a long time is that the essence is all in this lamp oil.

This lamp oil is made of unknown material, and the burning speed is extremely slow.

The three people dismantled the street lights on half a street before filling a bottle of less than 200 ml.

On average, only about three drops of lamp oil can be squeezed out of each Eternal Fire Lamp.

"Lin Shan, what do we do with this lamp oil?" Jingwei tightened the bottle cap and handed the bottle to Lin Shan.

"It doesn't work at the moment. This lamp oil is very special. There is no harm in collecting some." Lin Shan took the lamp oil and put it in his trouser pocket.

He always felt that this lamp oil was very useful, but he didn't know where to use it.

Ran Yue discovered the changes in the town at this time. Even at night, the town should not be so quiet. Many people's doors were even open, which was unprecedented. "Have all the people in this town left?"

"They should have been evacuated by the scholar. No matter from which angle, this is not a good thing." Lin Shan looked at the bright moon in the sky. It should have been nearly an hour since they came out.

"The people in the town have been evacuated. Now we are in more danger..." Ran Yue looked solemn.

Just then, a loud noise came from a distance, causing the ground under the feet of the three people to tremble slightly.

"It seems that the outer god has found our previous residence... Such a big commotion, I'm afraid he is very angry." Lin Shan looked at the source of the sound, but the distance was too far and he couldn't see anything.

"Let's go and hide." Lin Shan looked around and finally chose a relatively low house. After entering, he sealed all the doors and windows.

"Hey, are these potatoes in this bag? There's something to eat!" Jingwei found a sack under the table, which contained fist-sized irregular yellow spherical plants that looked like potatoes.

"If you want to eat, eat them raw, don't use open flames." Lin Shan said seriously, "If we don't take measures, we will have no way to survive if we are discovered again."

"Can we hide here? Although this town is not small, it is not big for Sequence 8. It will definitely search all the houses in one night." Ran Yue looked at the blocked doors and windows, a little worried that this place was not safe enough.

"Now there are only three of us in the whole town, and there is no escape at all." Lin Shan shook his head slowly.

"I think... we should run out of the town at this time. The Outer God will definitely focus all his energy in the town tonight. Maybe we can spend the night hiding at the border outside the town." Ran Yue suggested.

"You can't hide, no matter where you hide. It won't take the Outer God to destroy the whole town in one night." Lin Shan began to write and draw on the ground.

"Then what should we do?" Jingwei was already sitting on the ground, holding a potato and chewing it.

"We should sit here and wait to die." Lin Shan said unhappily. He asked him everything. In this case, no matter how smart his brain was, it was useless. In the face of absolute strength, there was no room for struggle.

"Ah, am I going to die soon? Then I'll eat more before I die." Jingwei heard Lin Shan say this, and ate the potato in his hand in a few bites, and took another potato from the sack and wiped it with his sleeve.

Lin Shan looked at Jingwei who was still chewing potatoes at the critical moment of life and death, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had to admire Jingwei's mentality.

This is the real mentality of seeing through life and death, or in other words, this is the mentality that can be shown by people who don't care about life and death at all.

"Don't eat it yet. Next, we have to deal with the foreign gods with extraordinary strength. Most of the time, wisdom can play its greatest role when there is a slight disparity in strength. Our situation does not fall into the category of slight disparity." General Lin Shan All the tables and chairs on the ground were pushed aside, leaving a relatively spacious space.

"Okay." Jingwei quickly disposed of the potatoes in his hands, came to sit next to Lin Shan, and stared at the pattern carved by Lin Shan thoughtfully.

Ran Yue also came around. She was a little puzzled by Lin Shan's words, "We have become ordinary people. We can't even use a trace of spirituality. How can we use extraordinary power? Is what you are describing a ritual... But we It seems like it can’t be activated.”

Ranyue felt guilty from the bottom of her heart. She believed that this situation was all caused by her, and that she had harmed Lin Shan and Jingwei.

It is impossible for normal tribulation level missions to face such a crisis. The tribulation level missions have a winning rate of close to 60%. If it is exactly like what they experienced, let alone a 60% winning rate, a 10% winning rate is considered high.

"This is a sacrificial ceremony that can be driven by lifespan." Lin Shan explained.

"Jingwei's previous words reminded me that the gray fog universe is the core of the void, and the rules and power of the gray fog apply to all worlds. In this case, the sacrificial ceremony must also be used." Lin Shan said slowly, "We have a long life, It shouldn’t be a big deal to sacrifice a little of your life to resist the immediate crisis.”

Light gradually appeared in Ranyue's eyes, "It seems possible, but... I have never learned how to depict a sacrifice ceremony."

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