Above the gray fog

Chapter 1157 No chance of winning

"There is a problem. Everything in this world will be suppressed by the rules of the world. We can't beat the outer gods even if we use sacrificial rituals. And this kind of thing should be very energy-consuming for ordinary people, right?" Jingwei scratched his head. "I used to know a lot of sacrificial rituals, but these rituals should no longer be used. The gods in the past are dead, and the power has changed hands."

"No need to defeat the outer gods. Just delay time." Lin Shan dripped blood on the ritual pattern.

The not-so-complex pattern began to flash a light red.

The mark of the big eyeball in the middle was particularly conspicuous.

"This is the mark of the void...Is it the sacrificial ritual of the void..." Jingwei thought.

"Well, the void, I don't know many rituals, and it happens that I have used this one before." Lin Shan nodded. He had forgotten how he learned this ritual. He only knew that he had used it in the mustard seed space. The specific effect is that it can complete the teleportation between two points. The end point can be selected by yourself or randomly after setting the distance.

"Great Lord of the Void, noble and glorious controller of the Void, the heavens tell of your glory, the sky spreads your majesty, you are the only true God in the void."

"Sacrifice your life and blood."

When Lin Shan's blood completely stained the ritual pattern, the light on the ritual pattern became stronger and stronger.

"It's done, this is the portal, the end should be at the border of the town, we will go in immediately if there is any abnormality."

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief and leaned aside to recover his energy.

"The prayer words of these gods are too embarrassing, how did they come up with them." Jingwei complained while looking at the slowly glowing ritual on the ground.

"Did the gods come up with these prayer words themselves?" Lin Shan opened one eye and asked.

"Well, all rituals are developed and created by gods according to their own authority. The upper gods can create genealogical rituals. After the death of gods, the rituals they created will also become invalid. This kind of thing is mostly used by believers to teach divine arts and cultivate devout believers. It is almost impossible for gods to use genealogical rituals because technological rituals can solve all problems." Jingwei walked to the sack and took out another potato. It seemed that it was not enough, so he stretched out his other hand and took out another one.

"Is there anything special about technological rituals?" Lin Shan took the potato thrown by Jingwei and took a bite.

His eyebrows frowned slightly. It was very unpalatable. Why did Jingwei eat so happily?

"There is nothing special about technology. Gray Mist's current technology is not the same as the old technology. The original technology is the ability to replicate all other genealogies through rituals and various materials. However, it is weaker than the original version. But for a civilization, as long as it masters a series of rituals, it can continue to develop and become stronger. The essence of original technology is to continuously engrave rituals." Jingwei explained while chewing potatoes.

"What about the old technology?" Lin Shan asked.

"Old technology is amazing. Although both are technologies, they are actually not on the same level. Old technology is a gift from the emperor to all spirits. It is the supreme authority of the old days. No one can control it alone because it belongs to all spirits."

"Old technology can do everything that the original technology can do. In addition, the old technology can also make the great power belong to itself. The genetic drugs used in many technological civilizations now rely on the old technology to produce. The rating of technological civilizations is also based on the degree of mastery of the genetic technology points in the old technology. The rituals of the original technology are limited to On the technological level, it is very useful to make some weapons and magic weapons, but it is only limited to making external forces. The old technology is different. The old technology can not only cover the inside and outside, but also do better. The top ten technological weapons in the universe are all made by the old technology. "

"It's a pity, because the old technology will play the same role as the old creatures. Now, under the restrictions of the source court, except for the technology in the field of genes, other technologies in the old technology are not allowed to be studied and used. At least, it is forbidden on the surface. "

After saying this, Jingwei rubbed his stomach and leaned against the wall. It seems that he was full.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slightly. Jingwei's words gave him a clearer understanding of technology.

"Source Court..." Lin Shan muttered to himself. This was the second time he heard this word. Lin Shan guessed that the source court was most likely created by all lineages. It was a kind of meeting-type power organization.

Lin Shan nibbled the potato in his hand to restore his strength.

Ran Yue's expression was bleak and he sat aside in a daze.

Lin Shan looked at Ran Yue, who looked back expressionlessly, "What's wrong?"

He was about to ask what the source court was, when a loud rumbling sound suddenly came from outside.

Lin Shan looked out through the window and saw a huge energy claw that was constantly smashing down, leaving huge claw pits below.

Under the destruction of the energy claw, all buildings were razed to the ground wherever they passed.

"Let's go." Lin Shan stepped on the ritual.

Jingwei and Ran Yue hurriedly followed and stood beside Lin Shan.

A faint light flashed, and the three disappeared directly.

They appeared at the border of the town. The first thing Lin Shan did after standing firm was to squat down and continue to carve the ritual.

After dozens of seconds, another flickering void ritual appeared on the ground again. Two consecutive carvings had made Lin Shan's face pale.

For ordinary people, this kind of ritual requires energy in addition to life.

Lin Shan felt like he had climbed a hundred floors in one breath, out of breath, and felt like he was going to die in the next second.

"Lin Shan, are you okay? I have learned this ritual, I will draw it next time." Ran Yue looked at Lin Shan and said worriedly.

There are three types of sacrificial ceremonies. The one Lin Shan drew is the most basic sacrificial ceremony that does not praise the true name and is not guided by faith. This ritual can be used by anyone as long as they master the prayer words and ritual patterns. The price is to sacrifice spiritual value or life.

"Okay, you come next time, I don't have the strength." Lin Shan nodded slowly. He looked at the town in the distance. The town was full of smoke and dust, and the huge rumbling sound could be heard dozens of miles away.

"Come on, with the strength of the outer god, it doesn't take too much time to destroy the entire town. We must teleport away immediately if there is any abnormal movement." Lin Shan reminded.



Half an hour later.

Suddenly, a cold evil wind blew.

The three of them immediately entered the ceremony and teleported.

After such a detour with the Outer Gods, the three of them were exhausted at dawn.


Above the three of them.

A huge energy claw fell from the sky, and the ritual that had been carved on the ground instantly fell apart and lost its effect.

Ran Yue's face was ashen, and he slowly closed his eyes, having given up resistance.

Jingwei looked up listlessly, "Are you going to die again?"

Lin Shan's brain was working quickly, thinking about ways to break the deadlock. He didn't believe that he would die here.

But for ordinary people to fight against Sequence 8, there is no chance of survival.

The Zhulong Ring suddenly flashed a faint light, and a green leaf broke through the restrictions of the Jieyi system, rushed out of the Zhulong Ring, floated above the three people's heads, and turned into a light green barrier that shook the energy claws apart.

"It's the leaf of Grandpa Tree." Jingwei's eyes lit up, and then dimmed again, "The life barrier can only last for six hours, and there are no old companions here to save us."

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