Above the gray fog

Chapter 1189 The strange coffin

"Is everyone okay?"

"Lin Shan, Lin Shan, wake up quickly!"

Drowsily, Lin Shan felt someone calling him again.

The consciousness that was originally sinking picked up at an extreme speed.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan, who was in the outside world, suddenly opened his eyes. Everything he had just seen had been engraved in his memory.

The history he just saw should be the final battle between the old races and the old gods.

He had seen relevant records in the Human Circle Fox Clan, which stated that the sacrifices of all races made the Human Emperor possible. The only thing that didn't match it was that there was no scene of sacrifices from all races in the picture.

But the general direction in history is the same. It is not the Human Emperor who has created all races, but the sacrifices of all races that have created the Human Emperor.

But Lin Shan still doesn’t quite understand the ‘Origin Plan’ and ‘Creation of the Ancient God’.

Most of the famous gods in earth mythology died in this battle. Lin Shan in the picture buried the war in a red coffin.

The originally extremely dark room became bright and transparent, and the bright red coffin was lying quietly in front of Lin Shan.

No matter the pattern or shape, it was exactly the same as the coffin he saw last time.

What is buried in this coffin is not the body of a god, but a great battle.

"Lin Shan, what's wrong with you?" Jingwei was a little worried when he saw that Lin Shan had been lost in thought.

"I'm fine." Lin Shan shook his head slowly, and then asked, "What just happened?"

"Our consciousness was pulled into an ancient battlefield. We only knew that the war was fierce, but everything was unclear. Astrology, you were the last to wake up. Did you see anything?" Before Jingwei could answer, Locke had already taken the lead in asking questions. He had some guesses about the war he had just seen, but he was still not sure.

"What I saw was the same as yours, very vague." Lin Shan shook his head, not telling the truth.

"This coffin is not simple. It must be a very powerful relic. I plan to take it back and hand it over to Yuanting. We will share the compensation equally. What do you think?" Locke patted the mahogany coffin and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll do as you say." Hiyusami immediately raised his hand in agreement.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded in agreement on the surface. In fact, he knew very well that no one could take this coffin out.

Everyone ignored that the coffin originally filled with residual limbs was empty.

Where did those stumps go?

Apparently, right next to them.

In order to prevent these people from taking it lightly, Lin Shan reminded him loudly. "The coffin originally contained many residual limbs and internal organs, but now they are gone. They may have come out. If my guess is correct, those things should have turned into something strange, and... they are right next to us. "


As soon as Lin Shan said these words, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

They also remembered that when the room was dark, they did feel that there was something in the coffin. Why was it empty now?

"Don't move yet, form a circle." Holy Light said, reminding the gods to slowly form a circle.

"Where are the people from Chaos?" Youshen asked.

"When the second floor became brighter, the stairs leading to the third floor also appeared. Right there, they went to the third floor immediately." Rowling, who was the first to wake up, explained. And pointed to the end of the empty room, where there was an upward staircase.

When the gods heard this, they just nodded slightly and didn't pay much attention.

In a place like this, you don't get the benefits by being in front.

"How about... we also give up this coffin and go to the third floor? If there is something more important on the third floor, it would be bad if the Chaos people preempted it." Finally, one of the gods in the team couldn't stand the pressure and spoke. Advised, "If the things in the coffin really become weird and are wandering around us, I feel...the mechanism that triggers the weird attack must be touching this red coffin. Instead of facing danger, it is better to Look elsewhere, our goal is the top of the ruins, it’s best not to take risks here.”

The one who said this was an old god who had been silent before.

After hearing this, Locke, Shengguang and Rowling were a little undecided for a while.

If we leave now, we will lose the coffin, which may be a very high-level relic in front of us, and we will let the Chaos and Inhuman teams take the lead.

However, if you insist on taking the red coffin, you will definitely face danger.

"Vote to decide." Finally, Rowling proposed a vote.

The gods were fine with this.

Including Lin Shan on Yuanchu's side, there are five gods in total.

There are eight people in total on the old side.

13 votes in total.

After some voting, only five votes were willing to stay.

After getting the result, the gods no longer hesitated and walked towards the stairs leading to the third floor.

Although treasures are good, they are not as good as life.

Just when everyone was about to evacuate to the third floor, a sudden change occurred.

The Hidden God in the team suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The gods dispersed immediately.

Lin Shan found that Riyushen's eyes became dark and dull, and he stood motionless.

"Riyu, what's wrong with you?" Locke called anxiously.

Riyushin ignored him and turned around and walked straight towards the bright red coffin.

Every step of the heavy footsteps weighed on the hearts of the gods. They wanted to leave, but they could not confirm the status of the God of Hidden Gods.

At the critical moment, the Holy Light took action again. He threw the giant sword in his hand and placed it between the god of travel and the red coffin.

The huge sword turned around and slapped towards the Sun God.

The sword and the Sun God collided, and a loud sound of golden swords clashing burst out.

The Sun God reached out and grabbed the broad huge sword and gently squeezed it.

The huge sword immediately shattered, and the Holy Light in the team spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the breath on his body dropped rapidly.

"Holy Light!" Jian hurriedly held up the Holy Light and said helplessly, "Do you understand where this is? I warned you a long time ago not to make a move casually. Now, even your life-long divine weapon has been crushed..."

"Go, go quickly, He is no longer the Sun God..." Holy Light said weakly.

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment when he saw this familiar scene. Although the atmosphere was a little inappropriate... But it must be said that it seemed that Holy Light was the one who was injured every time.

"Why leave?" Jian stood up expressionlessly and activated the ability to go back in time again.

The huge sword that fell on the ground slowly floated up, and pieced it together piece by piece as time went back.

The strange Sun God was not affected by the time reversal, nor did he care about the gods behind him. He picked up the red coffin lid on the ground and covered the empty coffin.

Then he carried the red coffin on his back and tied it tightly with a black rope.

"The bones are cold, but the heroic spirit is like fire,"

He murmured slowly, turned to face the gods, and walked straight over.

"He is coming towards us." Locke urged the gods, "Hurry to the third floor."

"Wait a minute." Lin Shan stopped the gods and reminded them, "He is not coming to us."

"What do you mean?"

"His target is also the third floor."

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