Above the gray fog

Chapter 1190 Lin Shan’s message, mysterious authority

After a brief struggle, Locke and Rowling both decided to trust Lin Shan, waited by the side, and made way.

Sure enough, the Sun God carrying the bright red coffin did not trouble the gods, and went up along the passage made by the gods.

"Let's follow." Seeing that the Sun God who turned into a weirdo did not attack them, Locke and Rowling looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

As we all know, there are no companions between weirdos.

If two weirdos meet, there will be a spiritual confrontation.

In other words, as long as this weirdo does not attack them, it can become their umbrella of protection, provided that... this weirdo is stronger than other weirdos.

Still led by Locke and Rowling, the gods maintained the team behind them.

Always keep a distance from the weirdo carrying the coffin in front.

At this time, they have tacitly accepted the fact that the Sun God has died, and the Sun God in front is already a pure weirdo.

The gods followed the weirdo carrying the coffin all the way up, the stairs under their feet have disappeared, and there is endless void under their feet.

After walking forward for an unknown amount of time, the coffin-carrying monster suddenly stopped.

It slowly turned its head.

There was no sadness or joy in its eyes, only a dull darkness.

The gods wanted to retreat, but found that they could no longer move. Just by being looked at, all the gods' bodies died and turned into corpses.

There were corpse spots all over their bodies. Some of the weaker ones even had maggots in their flesh and blood, emitting bursts of stench.

"Why did this monster suddenly turn around? Did we accidentally trigger the rules?"

"This is not a rule weirdness, it's over, the level of this weirdness is far beyond your and my imagination, if it attacks us, we will never be able to escape!"

However, the reality was different from what the gods expected.

The coffin-carrying monster disappeared from the spot after just a few seconds of looking, and its whereabouts were unknown.

Lin Shan's heart was already in his throat, the coffin-carrying monster was clearly staring at him!

Lin Shan didn't know what he felt. The coffin it carried was indeed buried by its predecessor Lin Shan, but what did it have to do with him?

A door appeared where the coffin disappeared strangely.

Ghost hands appeared inexplicably under the feet of the gods, trying to pull them into the abyss below.

"There is an exit, hurry up, hurry up." The holy light behind urged again and again.

The team began to accelerate in front, and one god after another entered the door and disappeared.


Before entering the door, Lin Shan glimpsed someone behind him being pulled down, and it was more likely to be dangerous.

When Lin Shan passed through the door, everything in front of him became clear.

There was a hazy white mist under his feet, making it difficult to see the ground.

"Is it a lantern? There are strange lanterns floating outside. This is definitely not the third floor at such a high place!"

Suddenly, the white mist rose, and the surrounding sounds became smaller and smaller.

When the white mist dissipated, he was transferred again.

When Lin Shan looked up, he could see the sky full of stars. There were no walls around him, only endless void.

He was the only one here, and all the gods beside him had strangely disappeared.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and guessed that this situation might be the same as before, and his consciousness had shifted.

So, what would be here? Or was it the past history?

Lin Shan's mental power spread out, and he searched the entire area of ​​​​one million kilometers in radius. There was nothing but void.

It was easier to find abnormalities in empty places. Lin Shan found that there was a star in front of him, which was particularly bright.

Lin Shan did some divination, but did not find any danger, but a great opportunity.

This relic would interfere with divination. Lin Shan did not believe in his divination, but it seemed that there was no other place to go except this road.

As Lin Shan gradually approached, he found that the bright place was not a star, but a huge ball of light.

There seemed to be something in the light ball?

Lin Shan hesitated for a moment, separated a soul, and controlled the soul to dive into the light ball.

The environment in the light group has not changed. It is still empty, but there are countless tombstones around. As far as the eye can see, there are endless tombstones inserted in the void.

There are no words on these tombstones, and no one knows who they are commemorating.

This is a huge cemetery floating in the void of the universe.

Lin Shan kept flying forward, and an unknown throbbing occurred in his heart, as if something in front was calling him?

After flying for an unknown period of time, Lin Shan saw a huge tombstone standing in the void.

Countless small tombstones surrounded this huge tombstone. It seemed to be piled up by countless stars. Even if it was tens of millions of kilometers away, the whole picture could not be seen.

Hundreds of extremely thick iron chains were derived from the stone tablet. At the end of the iron chain, something was tied... It was this thing that was calling him.

Lin Shan approached and felt a strong pressure emanating from the tombstone. The terrifying pressure prevented him from getting close.

Lin Shan opened the infinite and moved forward step by step.

He finally saw the thing locked by the iron chain.

It was also a coffin, but this one was as black as ink.

The closer you get to the coffin, the less pressure from the tombstone.

As if sensing Lin Shan's approach, the black coffin began to vibrate violently, and the huge chain rattled.

"Snap! Snap!" The iron chain broke under the weight, and bursts of explosions spread in the deep space.

The lid of the black coffin slowly opened.

There was a corpse inside.

Lin Shan was originally alert and curious, but he couldn't help but tremble when he saw the person in the coffin.

Inside the coffin was a corpse that looked exactly like him. There was no breath on the corpse, and it was obviously dead.

But Lin Shan still didn't dare to approach. This scene was so weird that he felt...he might be trapped in an illusion.


The corpse in the black coffin suddenly opened its eyes, jumped up suddenly, and stared straight at Lin Shan.

The corpse spoke mechanically, "What you hear below are all my messages. Listen carefully. I have something important to tell you."

"Only one person in this world can come here. With my legacy, it is not surprising that you can become a god, but you cannot go on the road ahead. It is not because you are not talented, but because of the environment. Not only you, but even I have been stuck for several epochs."

"Maybe you know who I am, or maybe you don't. It doesn't matter."

"You can come here because you must have entered the ruins of the heavenly palace I built. This ruins was originally used by me to bury the war in the old days. In the tenth era, I realized that I could not live again, so I buried everything I had in this ruins, and increased the ruins from the original two floors to eleven floors. Everything you want to know is in there. Of course, you have to have strength first. It's not that I'm deliberately making things difficult for you, but because the weird birth is uncontrollable. "

"Whether you want to explore my past is up to you. I'm here just to give you something."

"In this universe, I have left many footprints and intertwined my fate with many people. I believe you should be aware that you have been walking the path I have walked. From the perspective of fate, as long as you are still alive in this universe, you will never get rid of my shadow, but what I will give you next can let you completely get rid of me and let you live as yourself."

A ball of black flame floated out from Lin Shan's body in the black coffin. The flame seemed to have grown countless tentacles and kept exploring outward.

"Since the old days, I have searched for ten epochs and finally discovered the truth of this world. Unfortunately, the truth is too cruel. I tried to change it, but I failed. But I brought back this thing, which is the external essence of Shenzhou Continent or the Gray Mist Universe."

"I call it, 'Mysterious Authority'. When I got it, my life was running out. I only completed it to the level of Sequence 3. Now, it is yours. No one knows what the consequences of using it will be. The only thing that is certain is that it can free you from the limitations of the Gray Mist Universe lineage."

"The exchange condition is that if you have the ability, please save this world."

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