Above the gray fog

Chapter 1195: Repairing Astrology, Good Luck

Lin Shan pondered for a long time, and finally had to accept the reality.

All the troubles were caused by the mysterious power. The predecessor said that no one had used the mysterious power, and he might not know that using the mysterious power would be wanted by the source court.

From the actions of the source court, it can be seen that the mysterious power may really be extraordinary.

This is undoubtedly a positive response to Lin Shan's decision.

Opportunities are always accompanied by dangers.

Lin Shan knew very well what it meant to be wanted by the source court, which meant that he had become the public enemy of all the original creatures in the gray fog universe, and his level was even higher than that of the old days.

If he was discovered by the source court, he would definitely die.

His biggest advantage now is that he is still a member of the gods in the genealogy. The email sent to him to wanted him is enough to prove that the source court did not find him.

With this umbrella of protection, he should be safe for now.

In order to avoid being exposed, he must repair the astrological power, which is related to his life and property, and he cannot be careless.

As long as he doesn't leak the mysterious energy, no one will find him, and no one will suspect that a god of astrology in the genealogy of destiny is an alien god.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan didn't care about the game on the other side and immediately entered the Zhulong ring.

The characteristics and authority of the weird body are directly integrated into the soul, and there is no need to shape the soul heart like the biological body.

This provides a great possibility for repairing the astrological authority. As long as he integrates all the fragments of the astrological authority into the weird body, he can use the weird body as a carrier to carry the astrological authority again.

By then, he will achieve dual godhood.

Using the god of astrology as a barrier and developing the mysterious authority behind the scenes, Lin Shan has already thought about what kind of life he will live in the future.

The whole process was unexpectedly smooth. The fragments of the purple heart easily merged with the weird body. Although the astrological authority had been broken, he was still the master of the authority. There was no obstacle during the fusion, and everything went very smoothly.

As the last fragment merged into the weird body, the weird body became the carrier of the astrological authority.

In terms of the result, he just changed the carrier of the astrological authority.

But from the perspective of fate, he has taken a new path.

In the future, he will use his biological body to carry the power of mystery, and his body to carry the power of astrology, and achieve dual godhood. In this way, even if the power of mystery is really a pit, he can try to advance in the fate genealogy. Even if the success rate of this path is more slim, it is still a path.

Lin Shan completely concealed the changes brought by the power of mystery, deliberately aggravated the breath of destiny on his body, and confused people.

Ten gray souls emerged from Lin Shan's body.

The souls disappeared without stopping. Their mission is to develop mysterious believers.

Even if Yuan Ting found that there were mysterious believers here, Lin Shan was not afraid. If the mysterious believers were really discovered, Yuan Ting would definitely notify him first. At that time, he would pretend to encircle and suppress them, and it would be over. He could even come up with a true and false disaster. In just a few seconds, Lin Shan had already thought of many ways to get out.

This made Lin Shan a little suspicious. Could he have the potential to be a villain?

Lin Shan shook his head, threw these unrealistic ideas out of his mind, turned on the computer, entered the game of the other shore, and completed it in one go.

[You have been resurrected. ]

The fog in the screen slowly unfolded, and the little man appeared in the place where he was born.

The village below the map is still there.

Lin Shan immediately controlled the little man to go down. Although the village is dangerous and there is a possibility of being killed by other players, this village is currently the only place where information can be collected.

What's more, this is just a game. At most, you can wait for another day to revive. One day is just a matter of opening and closing your eyes. For now, information is definitely more important.

As the little man continued to run down, the picture on the screen also continued to move down with the little man as the center.

In just a few seconds, the little man in the picture has returned to the village again.

[You came to a village. ]

[It had just rained, and the old silt on the dirt road under your feet reduced your movement speed by 50%. ]

Lin Shan walked towards the blacksmith shop following the memory of that day.

[You came to the blacksmith shop, and the blacksmith did not recognize you and asked you if you needed anything. ]

[Lin Shan: No need. ]

[You are penniless and leave the blacksmith shop in disgrace. ]

......Lin Shan in front of the screen was a little speechless. How could this subtitle be the same as the parchment paper?

The blacksmith didn't recognize him, which was good news. It directly refreshed his criminal record in this village.

In the following time, Lin Shan kept wandering around the village, trying to trigger a conversation.

[Evening. ]

He kept wandering until the sky in the picture suddenly darkened, and there were fewer and fewer people on the village road.

During this period, no villager paid attention to him, even if he tried to take the initiative to talk, he didn't get any response.

What is the night in the game of the other shore like? Lin Shan has not experienced it yet, and he doesn't know if there will be any danger.

Just as Lin Shan was thinking about it, a prompt suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Two hours left in the evening, and unknown dangers are hidden in the empty night. ]

There will be dangers at night... Where should he go?

Forget it, I won't go. The worst thing is death. He wants to see what will appear at night.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed from a distance.

Due to the negative slowing effect of the sludge, the shadow's speed is not that fast.

The moment he saw the shadow, Lin Shan thought of the player who killed him last time. This shadow was most likely the same player.

Lin Shan immediately equipped his hatchet and entered the command to defend.

Suddenly, another shadow appeared in the corner of the village road and rushed towards the shadow that rushed towards Lin Shan.

In front of the little man controlled by Lin Shan, the two shadows briefly intersected.

A little shadow fell in front of the little man controlled by Lin Shan, and it looked like he was lying on the ground.

A liquid like ink smudged the ground.

A thin black line like an earthworm slowly moved away from the fallen little shadow.

After a brief moment of confusion, Lin Shan immediately understood what happened.

The little shadow wanted to attack him, but was sniped by this black line in the middle...

Is this black line helping him?

It shouldn't be possible.

Looking at the black line moving farther and farther away, Lin Shan was thoughtful. Perhaps, this black line was like a snake. It was because the black shadow was too fast that it attracted the attack of the black line. He was motionless in the same place, so all the black lines were not interested in him.

This was just Lin Shan's guess. In any case, he was lucky this time.

Lin Shan manipulated the little man to approach the fallen player.

[You found a dying player. ]

[You choose...]

This kind of bargain has not happened to Lin Shan for a long time. This black shadow has the ability to kill him instantly. He will not miss the opportunity to beat the downed dog.

[Lin Shan: Kill]

You choose to execute this player.

The little black man raised his hatchet and chopped at the little black man lying on the ground. The black color under the little man became more and more, which should be the color of blood.

[You killed the player. ]

[Experience gained - 100. ]

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