Above the gray fog

Chapter 1196 Yuan Ting arrives

[You have been upgraded. Your current level is Level 1: Basic Nether Creatures, the most basic void creature. The mastery of void energy is limited to the basic level required for survival. Generally, it does not have much attack power. Mainly Rely on basic physiological structures for defense and food acquisition. ]

[Talent extraction in progress...]

[Acquire talents - miracles can happen with great strength. ]

[It is discovered that the player's body contains high-level void power, and he gains an additional talent - following him like a shadow. ]

[Obtain a special title - Servant of Mystery. Title effect: Double the mana amount and double the mysterious perception. ]

A series of text prompts continued to appear on the screen, making Lin Shan feel the thrill of upgrading again.

It is a pity that the upgrade of the game character does not affect his own strength. From this point of view, the only function of this game is to bring out items and cannot synchronize his strength with the outside world.

That's right, if they can be synchronized, the game villain should be close to the strength of Sequence 3.

Lin Shan carefully sorted out the information in the subtitles, as if he had just arrived in the gray fog world, which proved how much Lin Shan attached importance to the game on the other side. He always felt that this game was not only as simple as it appeared, but must have hidden greater secrets.

After killing the dying player in front of him, he leveled up, from an unknown level to a primary void creature.

The elementary void creature revealed a lot of information in just six words.

The place in the game is the void. The void contains too many meanings. The gray fog universe can be called the void, and the places outside the gray fog universe can also be called the void. But void creatures are something Lin Shan has never heard of. .

Could it be a creature born from the void like a beast? Lin Shan secretly guessed.

In addition to upgrading, he also received two talents, Powerful Miracles and Shadow Follower.

The ability to produce miracles with great force is easy to understand. The talent of following one's shadow, if Lin Shan guessed correctly, the so-called high-level void energy in the prompt is the mysterious power.

If it is true, it proves that the game on the other side is not simple, and even mysterious powers can be detected.

It also explains the origin of the mysterious power from the void, which just confirms the words of the predecessor Lin Shan, that the mysterious power is the external essence of the gray fog universe.

Lin Shan didn't understand the meaning of external essence before, but now he vaguely understands it.

Just when Lin Shan was about to check the uses of these two talents, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

Lin Shan immediately closed the game on the other side and said, "Come in."

A raven came in. Lin Shan couldn't tell the exact number.

"What's wrong?" Lin Shan looked at Raven.

"Dean, there is a messenger from Yuanting looking for you." Raven No. 10001 immediately explained the purpose of his visit.

"The envoy of Yuanting is looking for me?" Lin Shan frowned slightly, that shouldn't be the case, he couldn't be discovered so soon.

"Where is the envoy?" Lin Shan asked.

"Just outside the courtyard gate." Raven No. 10001 said.

"Well, take me there." Lin Shan adjusted his facial expression and motioned for Raven to lead the way.

After passing through various complex instruments, Lin Shan arrived at the gate of the Survival Institute with greetings of "Hello, Dean".

The so-called Yuanting Envoy is a humanoid god. His upper body is bare, his muscles are strong, and his lines are clear, giving people a strong sense of power. His skin is bronze and shimmers slightly, as if his skin itself is a source of light.

The skin is also carved with complex lines, intertwined like a maze, with different shades.

When Lin Shan was looking at him, he was also staring at Lin Shan.

His eyes were bright and shining with golden light.

"The God of Astrology—Lin Shan, this is the divine decree issued by Yuanting. Please cooperate with me in the investigation."

A bright yellow folded book floated in front of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan took it and opened it.

The power of Huanghuang God was so overwhelming that he couldn't open his eyes.

[Special seal, Yuan——Chi, is the special envoy of Yuanting, and the gods of the same rank in Yuanting are at his disposal. 】

Lin Shan closed the folded book and returned it to the god named Chi.

"Special envoy, is something wrong?" Lin Shan asked calmly.

Chi said calmly, "Lin, there are believers of alien gods in your galaxy, do you know about this?"

"Believers of Outer Gods?" Lin Shan said calmly, "Please envoy to clear out those believers of Outer Gods. Although the Qianyu Galaxy is my territory, I don't know anything about the situation here."

"I have eliminated the troubles discovered, Lin. The main purpose of my coming here is to remind you that there will be believers of alien gods in this galaxy. It may be related to the God of troubles that Yuanting has been chasing recently. You must pay more attention to any information. Report to Yuanting immediately."

"Yes, I know." Lin Shan nodded slowly, "Is there anything else?"

"It's okay." Chi suddenly circled around Lin Shan twice, then turned into little bits of light and disappeared.

Watching Chi Feiyuan, Lin Shan returned to the office expressionlessly.

He sat down heavily on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

After being deceived, he should be safe for a long time.

What Lin Shan didn't expect was that Yuanting's reaction would be so quick.

Not long after the split soul came out, there were not many mysterious believers, and it was discovered unexpectedly.

Lin Shan was not worried about the split soul being discovered. The strength of the envoy just now was at the level of Sequence 4. His split soul strength far exceeded that of Sequence 4, so it was definitely impossible to be discovered.

Looking at the computer screen, Lin Shan fell into deep thought. The mysterious believer has been discovered. What should we do next?

Qianyu Galaxy is no longer a core area directly under the jurisdiction of Yuanting, and is more than 60 million light years away from the core area of ​​the universe.

At this distance, Yuanting's reaction can still be so quick. Yuanting's means are much more powerful than he expected.

After thinking about it, Lin Shan decided to go a little further. Yuanting's radiation range must have a limit. As long as he goes beyond this limit, he will be safe.

Lin Shan tapped his finger to the left, and the scattered souls immediately returned.

After occupying Qianyu Galaxy, he also gained a special ability. Within the range of Qianyu Galaxy, he can move at will regardless of the distance.

Lin Shan received all the memories of the souls, and the strongholds of the mysterious believers were all destroyed. The accuracy was astonishing, and it could even be accurate to individual creatures.

"Go, farther away." Lin Shan said to himself, "To spread the mysterious faith."

Gray streams of light emanated from the body. There was no astrological breath from them. In the eyes of Yuanting, these souls might be foreign gods.

Lin Shan watched the souls go away, closed his eyes, and entered Eden Square.

He hadn't been here for a long time, and the number of souls he had now was not enough.

He wanted to exchange some God-Pregnant Stones and ask Scarecrow some questions.

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