Above the gray fog

Chapter 1206 Dismissal and Transfer

Continuation Court.

A spatial fluctuation flashed through Lin Shan's office, and a figure suddenly appeared on the empty leather chair.


Lin Shan called softly.

A raven in uniform immediately pushed the door and walked in, "Dean, Raven No. 10001 is at your service. What can I do for you?"

"How long has it been since I left? And, has anything major happened?" Lin Shan asked.

"It has been 7 years since the dean last left, and nothing major has happened here." Raven No. 10001 replied.

"Well... go out." Lin Shan waved his hand, signaling Raven to go out.


After Raven closed the door, Lin Shan turned on the computer as soon as possible.

The cursor was placed on the game of the other shore, but he hesitated to open it.

This trip took seven years, and at least six years of it was spent in the turbulence of time and space.

During this period, he often wondered... Is the game of the other shore really as advertised by Yuanting?

The old grievances and grudges between him and Yuanchu, the sacrifices made in the past, these are not so important to Lin Shan.

He can stand on the side according to his position, or he can not help either side.

So far, the only thing that can keep him going is the continuous promotion, the continuous improvement of life level, going further and seeing more new things.

Apart from the initial bond with the human race, after leaving the human race, he is like a rootless duckweed in this vast universe, helpless and helpless.

He has no one to protect, and no special things to do. He walks and stops along the way. The scenery on the roadside is constantly changing, and his mentality of watching the scenery is also changing.

Yang Frog and Zero, these two people must stand higher than him, and they must have seen more things than him. In the end, the two chose to retire, not to avoid, but to truly retire. When they made the decision, what was the world in front of them like?

Is it as Lin Shan thought, everything in the world has lost its meaning...

Holding the mouse in his hand, after a few minutes, Lin Shan still clicked it.

[You have been resurrected.]

[The current progress of virtualization is 91%, do you want to continue the progress?]

Lin Shan clicked ‘No’ to cancel the dialog box.

The little man is still in the village.

It seems that nothing has changed.

What exactly is this virtualization?

If Lin Shan believed in Yuan Ting 90% before, after what happened seven years ago, his trust in Yuan Ting fell to less than 5%.

Lin Shan leaned back in his office chair and closed his eyes, and all kinds of messy information flashed by.

Even he was a little confused. What is true and what is false? What is good and what is bad?

Everything is hidden too deeply.

Things have to be sorted out from the game on the other side.

The game on the other side is what he came into contact with when he first took office. It is not ruled out that the game on the other side is related to Yuan Ting.

During the court meeting, the three things mentioned by the number may have the game on the other side, but whether it is there or not, the court meeting place has been destroyed by the beast before that.

If there is no second hole in the Gray Fog Universe, the more than 100,000 god-level weirdnesses transformed by the Old Gods are blocking the hole below the court meeting place.

It is difficult to explain the connection between them. The leader of Green Sun and Yuanchu may have been in contact for a long time. Perhaps... they decided to sacrifice the Old to prolong the life of Gray Fog.

This involves the game on the other side. Why didn't the gods who were virtualized by the game on the other side become weird?

Yuanting claimed that the game on the other side was the cause of the disaster. Is it because he knew this-knowing that the old gods who had been virtualized could not be transformed into weirdness.

But this conjecture needs a foothold, and this foothold is...all the gods chosen by the game on the other side are the old gods.

Why were the old gods chosen by the game on the other side?

The clues here can no longer be deduced, because he can't be sure whether the previous deduction is correct.

Perhaps...the answer can only be found in the game on the other side. The so-called virtualization cannot affect his consciousness. If he enters the virtualization state completely, can he open the door to the new world? Find the truth of everything?

But... this truth... seems to have no meaning to him...

Lin Shan sighed lightly, pressed the power button of the host, and turned off the computer.

He didn't want to spend time on these meaningless things anymore. At the moment, he only needed to do one thing - fill the mysterious authority and find the opportunity for the mysterious authority to be promoted autonomously.

At first, he thought that the game of the other shore was related to the promotion of the mysterious authority. Now it seems that the connection between the game of the other shore and the mysterious authority is that they both come from the void, but it is very unlikely to find the promotion method of the mysterious authority from the game of the other shore.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Shan decided to fill the believers needed by the mysterious authority first, and after being promoted to sequence 3, he would go to the ruins left by his predecessor to find the answer.

In the slightly dim office, Lin Shan lay on the chair with his eyes closed, letting time pass, his body was like a broken ceramic vessel.

His body was full of cracks, and the cracks emitted a faint black light. His existence at this moment was like a weird and terrifying painting.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shan moved his neck.

One of the clones returned, and along with the memory came a strong faith.

And the source of these beliefs - the believers, also established contact with Lin Shan at the first time.

In the time it took to open and close his eyes, Lin Shan's consciousness had entered a dark space.

Above the green grass was the starry sky.

The brightness of the stars is not uniform, some are big, some are small, some are bright, and some are dark.

This is the space of faith. Each star here represents a piece of faith land. This starry sky is the result of thousands of clones in seven years. It seems a lot, but in fact, there are only tens of thousands. The more remote the area, the fewer intelligent creatures there are. It is not ruled out that other gods may have taken the lead.

In seven years, thousands of faith lands are already a good success.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and sensed carefully. After establishing contact with the believers, the strength of the mysterious authority was indeed rising. Among these believers, there were only a few extraordinary ones, and most of them were ordinary intelligent creatures. Moreover, their faith was not pious.

The most important thing is that these believers are not stable. They may be cannibalized by other beliefs or the civilization will perish. These possibilities will cause Lin Shan's strength to fluctuate.

Although the mysterious authority has been improved, it is still very far from the level of Sequence 3. Judging from the current progress, it will take at least a hundred or eighty years to collect enough believers.

Lin Shan's sight moved forward and fell on an extremely dim star.

This star represents the human race in the human circle.

Because the distance is too far, Lin Shan cannot receive the faith from the human race.

"Knock, knock!" Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in." Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

Raven No. 10001 walked in with a golden letter, "Dean, the Yuanting envoy sent a divine decree."

"Well, put it down." Lin Shan looked strange, not understanding what Yuanting was up to.

Lin Shan picked up the golden letter and narrowed his eyes.

Let him voluntarily hand over the throne? Warning? Expel?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Lin Shan's mind, and he slowly opened the divine decree.

[Tell the God of Astrology Lin Shan. ]

[Strip the throne of the God of Astrology and compensate for any old authority. ]

[Transfer from the Continuation Institute to the Shenzhou World-Shenzhou Civilization Academy as a tutor. ]

Lin Shan slowly closed the divine decree, what is coming will always come?

This divine decree did not allow him to have any thoughts of disobeying it.

Fortunately, the biggest secret was not discovered.

The intention of being transferred to be a teacher was to monitor him. Lin Shan was considering whether to run away after handing over the authority of astrology...

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