Above the gray fog

Chapter 1207 Sun Candle

After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Shan got the answer he wanted.

At this moment, the divine decree placed on the table suddenly lit up.

In the endless light, Lin Shan entered a strange scene.

In the sky, there are colorful clouds stretching like silk, like angel wings, glowing with various bright colors under the sunlight, intertwining into a charming picture.

The scroll is perfectly reflected in the lake below, making it difficult to tell which side is the real world.

Lin Shan stood on the water, with the waves rippling under his feet, as if gently telling him that this was not an illusion.

In front of his sight, there is a table made of amber. The table top is transparent, as if you can see the traces of time. In front of the table, sits a male god. His skin is like exquisite porcelain, showing a crystal luster, and his eyes are Like a star, her long hair is like a waterfall, hanging down on her shoulders.

His dress is woven from countless light spots, and He is gently raising his hand to play with the strings.

The gentle sound of the piano reached Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan's arrival made the male god stop his movements, and he raised his eyes to look at Lin Shan.

The sound is like the chirping of birds in the morning light, and like the sound of nature, "Here we come."

"What place is this? Who are you?" Lin Shan asked one after another. What was placed here was his consciousness, similar to the form in the Garden of Eden.

"This is the Yuanting Bookstore. I am the keeper here. You can just call me Zhuzhao." After saying this, rows of bookshelves fell from the sky and filled the lake instantly. On each row of bookshelves, there were spiral upwards. The stairs stretch up to an unknown height.

"The sun shines..." Lin Shan's eyes opened slightly. These two words immediately reminded Lin Shan of the same book pavilion, one lunar and one sun...

"Yes, that's the name." Zhu Zhao nodded slightly, "Come with me, and I will help you choose authority."

"Why?" Lin Shan looked puzzled. He followed Zhu Zhao through the layers of bookshelves.

"This is the area of ​​the old knowledge, this is the false curse area, this is the void area, here, this is the place where the old authority is stored, there are not many... What? What why?" Every time After passing an area, Zhu Zhao would mutter something and lead Lin Shan to a low bookshelf. He seemed to have heard Lin Shan's inquiry at this time.

"You are the Holy God of the past, why are you in the Library of Yuanting?" Lin Shan frowned slightly. The sunlight in front of him reminded him of Taiyin Youying of the Shenting Library. Both of them were Holy Gods of the past. , ranked as the master, these existences can even represent the old days to some extent.

Why did the Holy Spirit of the past work in the library of Yuanting?

Shenting Shuge and Yuanting Shuge are just one word apart, but have completely different meanings.

"Choose one. There is no distinction between authority and power. The one that suits you is the best." Yang Zhuzhao seemed not to have heard Lin Shan's words. He pointed at the bookshelf and said, "Come to me if you find the one that suits your needs."

Looking at Zhuzhao's back disappearing into the depths of the bookshelf, Lin Shan sighed softly and began to check the authority on the bookshelf.

These books are the embodiment of authority. They are not many in number, less than a thousand, and they are all Sequence 4 level authority.

There are several smaller bookshelves next to them, which contain higher levels of authority.

Lin Shan took out a book at random.

When he opened it, he found that there was nothing inside, and there was no introduction as expected. There seemed to be a seal on the cover, blocking his perception.

The so-called arbitrary selection of authorities in the past is actually a blind choice among a bunch of authorities?

Lin Shan remembered what Zhu Zhao said and chose the one that suits him. Is this a deliberate reminder from him?

How can I choose the one that suits me?

Lin Shan closed his eyes and carefully captured the energy fluctuations escaping from these writings.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shan put his hand on a black book and slowly pulled it out.


This book contains very strong historical fluctuations. Among this bunch of books, he can sense the energy dissipation in only a few, and this book is the strongest.

Lin Shan looked around, no longer hesitated, picked up a black book and walked back.

The moment he stepped back, the faint sound of the piano reached his ears again.

Looking for the sound, Lin Shan quickly found Zhuzhao again.

"Have you chosen?" The red guqin turned into light spots and disappeared, and Zhuzhao looked at the black book in Lin Shan's hand.

"Do you really want to know the answer to the question you just asked me? The sealer - Lin Shan?" Zhuzhao put his hands on his back, the surrounding bookshelves rose rapidly, and the ground turned into water again. "Before I answer you, I also want to ask you One question, why do you want to enter the lineage? The god of astrology belongs to Yuanchu. You should know very well that mastering it is equivalent to joining Yuanchu. "

"Power does not distinguish between good and evil, nor does it distinguish between camps. I am just an ordinary living being. For me, there is no distinction between good and evil between the origin and the old days. I am not blaming you for being in the origin. I am just confused. Obviously Why are you, who was supposed to be the leader in the past, in the library at Yuanchu?" Lin Shan calmly answered Zhu Zhao's question.

"You are an ordinary living being, and I am also an ordinary Sun Zhuzhao, and an ordinary Holy God of the Old Ones. The so-called camp, good and evil, if you look at it from different angles, you will have different answers."

"Look at your shadow." Zhuzhao pointed at Lin Shan's feet.

After hearing this, Lin Shan immediately looked down, only to find that the shadow under his feet was actually a monster covered with tentacles.

"What's going on?" Lin Shan took a step back, and the reflection monster also stepped back.

"This is your essence." Zhu Zhao turned and looked at Lin Shan. "Under the sun, all evil is exposed. Maybe you think you are not evil yet, and you are even kind, but this is all because of your self-centeredness. From the perspective of the gray fog universe, you are a demon, a termite that eats away at the universe."

"The source expelled the old days, just like a group of warriors who protect their homes and country expelled the demons that eat away at their homes." Zhu Zhao said faintly, "Are they wrong?"

"This universe originally belonged to the old days." Lin Shan retorted, looking at the shadow under his feet.

"The old days are gone, this is the source, the times have changed, haven't they?"

"When the Human Emperor reversed Shenzhou, he would not have thought of this. Do you think...the source and the old days have no connection at all?"

"Look." Zhu Zhao waved his hand, and a sapling appeared in front of the two.

The sapling grew rapidly, and as time passed faster, the sapling grew up quickly and died.

However, just when the old tree was about to bid farewell to the world, a new seed quietly sprouted under its protection, and tender green leaves poked their heads out of the soil. It was the beginning of a new life, an endless power. The seed absorbed the nutrients left by the old tree and became a new towering tree.

"The cycle of nature, the inheritance of life, although the old tree disappeared physically, its life did not really end, but continued to exist in this world in a new form. The same is true for the old days. Yuanchu, isn't it the new old day."

Lin Shan was silent. He couldn't quite accept this statement. If Yuanchu was the new old day, what were they, the gods of the old day? The termites that pushed the world to degenerate?

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