Above the gray fog

Chapter 1208: Fallen Kingdom

"That's not right." Lin Shan seemed to have thought of something and said slowly, "The old days are not dead. Yuanchu regards the creatures of the old days as evil spirits because the gods of the old days are the anchor point for Yuanchu to return to the old days. Since they can return, How can it be counted as death?"

"How do you know that the revived old days are the old days? Why can't they be the new Yuanchu? Everything can't be viewed one-sidedly. Even if the old days return, so what? Can we defeat the Outer Gods and revive China? After ten epochs, the old days will only become weaker, not stronger.”

"Is this the reason why Green Sun sacrificed its compatriots to gain some breathing time?" Lin Shan's voice was still calm. He didn't feel very angry about this incident, but he just couldn't understand it.

Zhuzhao's eyes were shining like stars, "I don't know about Green Sun, I'm just a guardian, but I know that real gods are not afraid of life and death, not afraid of the flow of time, not afraid of the vastness of the universe, because They know that all life and death, all beginnings and endings, are the cycle of the universe and the journey of life. On this premise, it is worth sacrificing their inevitable end in exchange for the time of this world. "

"It's really heartless." Lin Shan laughed self-deprecatingly.

Zhuzhao stared at Lin Shan, "The 'ruthlessness' of the gods is a deep understanding and comprehensive acceptance of everything in the world, a clear understanding of the essence of life, and awe and gratitude for existence, rather than one-sided human emotions."

"You mean, the more full the divinity of a god, the more like a real god?" Lin Shan asked back.

"On the contrary, gods with more humanity are more like real gods. What I mentioned above can only be achieved by gods with humanity." Zhu Zhao slowly shook his head, "Although human nature is greedy and selfish, it also has great love and selflessness. Divinity is a negative effect of the rapid development of the new era and has no value. "

"Okay, that's all for the digression. These words are what I said to the sealer - Lin Shan, not you. With your current level, you are not qualified to see me, but I hope you don't become the next one. A sealer who loves too much.”

"You go."

Zhuzhao said softly.

Lin Shan felt that his body became lighter and his consciousness drifted.

At some point, the process suddenly got stuck.

"Wait a minute." Zhuzhao's voice came to my ears.

Zhu Zhao came to the front again, "I forgot to change my authority for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black book in Lin Shan's hand broke free, and the blank pages flipped, then turned into a black light and entered Lin Shan's body.

And Zhuzhao had a purple book in his hand.

"So simple?" Lin Shan was slightly stunned. He had gone through so many difficulties in order to integrate the astrological authority, but in the end, the replacement was successful in such a simple way?

Zhu Zhao flipped through the purple book in his hand, "You are not the true owner of authority, and Yuanting cannot teach you the knowledge on how to become the true owner of authority. These authorities are like weapons of Yuanting. Whoever Yuanting wants to use them, Anyone can use it immediately. The so-called ritual is when the creature with authority applies to Yuanting for permission to use it without the knowledge of the source."

Zhu Zhao ignored Lin Shan's surprise and waved Lin Shan out.

Lin Shan, who was sitting on the office chair, suddenly opened his eyes, and the aura on his body changed in a very short period of time.

Lin Shan closed his eyes again and felt the changes in the power of the strange body.

This is really the case, authority is like a plug-in, at least, in the hands of Yuanting, the new historical authority is perfectly integrated with him.

The authority is called "that time", and the ability is to manifest an "axe of time" that can cut off the timeline and even history.

At this moment, the sacred paper on the table burned slowly, and illusory smoke swirled, forming a vortex channel.

Lin Shan knew in his heart that behind this passage was the great world of China—the Chinese Civilization Institute.

Streams of light quickly entered Lin Shan's body, and the aura on Lin Shan's body grew at an extremely terrifying speed.

The vortex channel could not withstand the strong pressure and suddenly collapsed, turning into wisps of blue smoke, and the divine decree on the table was completely burned.

Lin Shan looked at the golden ashes on the table and disappeared in the next second.

In the empty void, there was a beam of light that flashed away. The beam passed through the endless stars. After an unknown period of time, it stopped in a void.

Below are the ruins set up by his predecessor. Lin Shan stood in the void and thought for a while, then boarded the starship and continued flying in the opposite direction of the core universe.

He didn't know where the end point would be. He planned to find a remote galaxy to develop, first fill it with the believers needed by the mysterious authority, and then return to the ruins to look for the possibility of further advancement.

The starship jumped continuously at an extreme speed, crossing countless galaxies.

Nine years later.

A terrifying starry behemoth suddenly intercepted the starship's jump.

The next second, countless thick tentacles stretched out from the void around this starry sky beast, binding it tightly.

Just hearing a loud "Bang!", the giant beast was crushed by the tentacles.

Among the many abilities of Secret Power, controlling tentacles is the most convenient ability for Lin Shan to use.

Lin Shan stood on the top of the starship, watching large swaths of flesh and blood scattered into the void.

This galaxy...

Lin Shan sniffed it, and there was a power that Lin Shan was very familiar with in the flesh and blood of the starry sky beast.

Lin Shan remembered.

This is no ordinary starry sky beast.

It’s the natives of this universe—Evil Fallen!

Lin Shan was overjoyed. The existence of the Fallen Race meant that this galaxy had not had contact with the outside world and was in a relatively primitive state.

According to the speed of the Great Sky Jump, his current position is at least 300 billion light years away from the core universe, which is definitely beyond the radiation range of the source court.

The next second, a gray mist spread out with Lin Shan as the center, and bats the size of a palm flew out of the gray mist and flew in all directions.

"Look for intelligent creatures!" Lin Shan gave an order.

These bats are the ability developed by Lin Shan in his spare time. The mysterious authority can give creatures low-level wisdom.

Used with the creation sand table, it can be said to be a reconnaissance artifact.

Lin Shan named it Weird Servant.

After waiting for several months, Weird Servant finally brought back news.

On the gray fog land stands a country established by the plant-falling tribe. This country is boundless and seems to gather all the plant-falling tribes in this galaxy. They live in human form and have a prosperous civilization.

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