Above the gray fog

Chapter 128 Sequence 8 Strange Object

Can this weird ability be used by me? If possible, could the weirdness be made into a weird thing?

Lin Shan had previously speculated whether the weird objects and weird abilities were so similar to each other and were originally made from weird materials.

But if you think about it carefully, weird things are everywhere, but weird things are extremely rare, and can even be said to be rare. He has only seen these two weird things in a long time, the 'Red Lantern' and the 'Remnant Tablet of Thoughts'.

If weirdness was used as the raw material, the quantity would not be so rare.

Just like spiritual plants and elixirs, spiritual plants are everywhere, but elixirs are extremely rare. Are weird things also considered treasures of heaven and earth?

"Can I search for Sequence 8 artifacts through parchment?" Lin Shan thought secretly in his heart.

If it was really possible, he would be able to fight two against one in future fights. Even if the trick had a cost, he also had a quill that could spend his lifespan to reverse the cost.

Take out the parchment paper.

Lin Shan: [Sequence 8 monster nearby. 】

Parchment: [Requires payment of one hundred years of life. 】

"Huh? It's really good!"

If the price is clearly marked on the parchment, it means it is OK.

One hundred years of life... It took sixty years of life to buy the Sequence 8 formula for the biological sequence, and it took two hundred years to find the materials. A total of two hundred and sixty years. The strange body sequence is not more expensive than the biological sequence no matter how expensive it is. , he now has a life span of nearly seven hundred years, it seems that it is okay to spend an extra hundred years to find a strange thing to drive him, but he remembers how much help the red lantern gave him back then.

The most important thing is that as long as the strange body advances to sequence 8, its lifespan will be reset.

He gritted his teeth.

Lin Shan: [Pay. 】

Parchment: [Searching within a thousand kilometers radius, no...]

Parchment: [Searching within a radius of 10,000 kilometers, no...]

Parchment: [Searching within a radius of 100,000 kilometers,...]

Parchment: [Successfully positioned. 】

Parchment: [Unknown sequence 8 strange objects, distance 65645 kilometers. 】

"More than 60,000 kilometers, it's still quite a distance. Let's go look for it after collecting the materials." Lin Shan thought to himself as he stared at the writing on the parchment.

Just as he was about to pick up the parchment with his hands, he suddenly discovered that the writing on the parchment that originally showed distance markings had changed.

It becomes, [The fate of the family is blocked and cannot be detected. 】

Lin Shan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Could this parchment be locating strange objects from other races... in their clan?

His face suddenly darkened. There were Sequence 8 monsters in the tribe. He would not believe it if there were no Sequence 8 experts in the tribe. It was possible even if he had a Sequence 7. This parchment was too deceptive. I want him to grab it directly! Or steal?

Regardless of whether it is stealing or robbing, let alone whether it can be successful or not, now even the positioning has disappeared, which means that a hundred years of life have been wasted.

At this moment, Lin Shan's hand holding the parchment was trembling, and now he was ready to tear the parchment apart.

The next second, Lin Shan took action directly.

"Give me my life back!"

A wisp of forest-white flame emerged, and the flame floated to the bottom of the parchment.

The smell of putrid corpses came from the parchment.

Lin Shan stared at the parchment tightly. Although he was very angry about losing his life in vain, attacking the parchment was something he had wanted to try for a long time. He wanted to see if the parchment would fight back...

Unexpectedly, the parchment turned into an illusion. The next second, it disappeared from reality and returned to Lin Shan's mind.

After losing the target, Lin Shan dispersed the flames. The parchment did not show the slightest desire to attack. This move at least made Lin Shan temporarily relieved.

However, at this moment, the writing on the parchment changed again in my mind.

Parchment: [Unknown sequence 8 strange objects, distance 65645 kilometers. 】

It has returned to the punctuation point of a strange thing.

"What's going on? Wasn't it just because of the fate of the family that it was impossible to find out..." This thought just flashed through Lin Shan's mind.

Parchment: [The fate of the family is blocked and cannot be detected. 】

The writing on the parchment switched again.

"Is this, the signal is bad?" Lin Shanwei was stunned. He suddenly found a place that he had missed.

The parchment seems to be able to break the fate of other races, but the signal seems to be not very good, and the writing on the parchment changes again as the thoughts turn.

Lin Shan was too lazy to look at it. As long as it could be located, as long as the signal was bad... it would be usable.

After pressing down the treacherous object in advance, Lin Shan held the small black weight in his hand.

Terrifying spiritual surges, the weight gradually deformed, and finally turned into a ball only the size of a fingernail. This ball is between reality and illusion. It has no entity in itself and can only be touched with spirituality.

If this black ball is given to an ordinary person, a second Lu Ruan may be created, but his lifespan will be short. With the use of strange power, the strangeness of death will gradually awaken.

He wanted to use this principle to send weirdness into certain objects and try to see if he could make weird things.

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Shan turned into a red light and continued to fly along a straight line.

Half a day later.

A strange aura appeared in front again. Judging from the scope of its domain, it was still the strangeness of Sequence 9.

Lin Shan was hanging directly above the strange place. Unlike last time, this time he wanted to make a quick decision and destroy it directly from the outside.

A spear burning with a white flame appeared in Lin Shan's hand. The spear was only normal size, but as Lin Shan gradually transferred spiritual power, the power of the spear was no less than that of the 100-meter-long giant spear. Compressing spiritual power in this way would consume extra spiritual power, but the attack would also be more targeted.

After condensing to a certain degree, the spear could no longer be seen, as if holding a beam of light in his hand.

Lin Shan lightly threw the beam in his hand towards the location of the strange domain below.

A flash of white light flashed across it, and the temperature on it caused the space to distort, and it reached the ground in the blink of an eye.


A huge bang.

There was no strange breath at the original place, only a huge pit tens of meters wide, and the soil in the pit was charred.

"It won't be blown into slag... I should have held back earlier."

Lin Shan was a little worried, but thinking of the immortality of the strange, he suppressed the thought in his heart. The strange was the same as him, and was not afraid of a one-time fatal blow.

When he walked to the ground, a chill hit him. A black mushroom with scarlet eyes was in the soil not far from him. Half of its body had been broken, and a dark current was gradually repairing it.

Ignoring the attack of the black mushroom, Lin Shan approached and squeezed the black mushroom into a fist-sized black ball.

The reason why he didn't squeeze it smaller was because the tribe still needed its spirit ash. If it was too small, not much could be scraped out. Since he was looking for the weird spirit ash, it seemed reasonable to take the weird body back directly and scrape as much as needed.

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