Above the gray fog

Chapter 129: Rolling pills

Two months later.

In the room on the third floor of the clan palace.

It took two months to finally find the last material. The 'Terror Cicada' does not have the ability to fly. Its thick armor-like wings are used to defend against attacks. This is a main defense sequence.

The 'Terror Cicada', like other evil-degenerated tribes, was moving all the time. Lin Shan only encountered it after going back and forth several times in a straight line of thousands of miles.

The final result was that dozens of members of his entire tribe were slaughtered by Lin Shanquan, and the cores were taken out and brought back to the tribe.

Since then, a set of Sequence 9 body-falling formulas has been assembled. It seems that fifty-six potions have been prepared. The number is limited by the number of the main drug 'Terror Cicada'. This number is already considered too much. It can only be used at one time. There are also cases where single digits are configured.

After settling matters within the clan, Lin Shan returned to his room.

He held two strange balls in his hand, one was from the red lantern, and the other was from the strange 'weighing weight'.

One red and one black. The difference is that the red ball representing the red lantern has an entity, while the weird black ball representing the 'weighing weight' has no entity. It is made of supernatural beings and cannot be touched by ordinary people.

Lin Shan put the 'red lantern' back into the drawer and picked up the green bamboo pole leaning against the wall.

"Ordinary materials may not be able to withstand the weird power, but this green bamboo pole can certainly do it. The question is, how should I incorporate this weirdness into it."

Lin Shan held a green bamboo pole in one hand and a red ball in the other. He used his spirituality to squeeze the black ball onto the green bamboo pole.

As Lin Shan gradually increased the squeezing pressure, the black ball gradually deformed and turned into an oblate shape, fitting on the green bamboo pole, but there was no sign of fusion.

Lin Shan continued to increase his intensity. The black ball was extremely malleable and its coverage area gradually became larger. One-tenth of the entire green bamboo pole was covered with a pitch-black film.

Seeing this, Lin Shan dispersed his spirit and held the part wrapped in black with his hand.

After a moment, he let go of his hand and frowned slightly.

It failed. He didn't feel any power. The feeling of holding the magic object was not like this.

Lin Shan continued to use his spirituality to crush the small piece of black.

Half an hour later.

At this time, the green bamboo pole could be renamed the black bamboo pole. Lin Shan held the 'black bamboo pole' in his hand, but still did not feel any power, only a cold feeling.

If it is a strange object, although it is cold in the hand, it has a "live" feeling, as if it is alive.

Although he failed, he was not too disappointed. It would be really strange if the magic thing was really so easy to make.

Lin Shan peeled off the 'black skin' covering the bamboo pole and tried to cover it on other objects.

In the end, I tried almost all the furniture in the house. There were no accidents, but it still failed.

The strange power is always 'covered' on the object and cannot be truly integrated.

The weird object should be the product of the complete fusion of the weird and the object, and the object also acquires the property of not being completely destroyed.

“Some important links are missing, maybe the materials are wrong, maybe a specific method is needed.”

Roll that layer of 'black skin' into a ball again, Lin Shan thought to himself.

Finally, he threw the little black ball into the drawer and ignored it.

"Should we look for the strange thing first, or should we look for the willow tree first?"

"The risk of monsters being in the territory of other races is too great..."

In the end, Lin Shan decided to find the willow tree first.

I have positioned it before. Will the parchment paper be charged again?

As soon as this thought came up, the parchment responded, and the original weird positioning on the paper disappeared.

It becomes a green punctuation point with a distance of 657 kilometers.

"It seems that those who have been positioned do not need to be positioned again. Speaking of which...why does the tribe need to be positioned again?"

I can't figure it out, maybe the clan is special.

A dark door opened from the room, and red light flashed in the room. When the red light dissipated, the place was empty.

Half an hour later, a valley.

Lin Shan used teleportation continuously, and it only took half an hour to appear at a location that once took months to reach.

He stepped out of the dark door.

A large willow tree came into view.

It's a big willow tree that even ten people can't hug. Its branches hang down for hundreds of meters.

"With such a huge body...do you really want to eat it?"

Lin Shan was a bit confused. He might not be able to finish eating this size in a year, and it was not like he could fall into a body and become a 100-meter giant beast.

If nothing else, there seems to be no other way but to eat it directly.

"Isn't this a magical elixir specially prepared for falling bodies?"

A small wisp of flame turned into a dagger, and a wicker fell down as the white light flashed.

Catch the wicker, put it in your mouth, and bite it in one bite.

It's so hard that I can't bite it at all!

Lin Shan was a little helpless and lit the wicker directly to see if he could refine anything.

After the forest white flame dissipated, nothing was left on the spot. The willow tree was a pure spiritual illusion and had no real substance.

Parchment: [Maybe you can try to squeeze it with pure spirituality. 】

The hint from the parchment made Lin Shan hesitate,... Wouldn't it be better to give the hint earlier?

Cut a willow tree again.

Holding it in hand, spirituality surges throughout the body.

The wicker began to slowly deform, which was strangely different from the compression sequence 9.

If the weirdness of Sequence 9 were compared to plasticine, this wicker would be like a hard clod of soil that had been exposed to the sun for many days.

Not only is it difficult to shape, but the spirituality is also easy to dissipate.

What is dissipated is the medicinal properties, Lin Shan felt a little pain.

It only took two minutes for the 100-meter-long willow branch to turn into a light green pill, emitting a green light. This pill is also a substance between entity and illusion.

Lin Shan threw the pill into his mouth.

The next second.

A violent spirituality rushed into the heart, and after flowing around the heart, it completely dissipated. Lin Shan felt that his original motionless spirituality moved forward a little.

Suddenly, with a fiery look in his eyes, he stared at the huge willow tree in front of him. A willow branch has such an effect. If all are compressed, will he be promoted directly?

Dense white flames appeared around Lin Shan, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped. The cold flames turned into countless short swords flying around the willow tree.

Half an hour later.

There was no big willow tree at the original place, only neatly arranged stumps piled up next to it.

Even the tree roots no longer exist, leaving a ten-meter-deep pit at the original location.

Looking at the pile of tree stumps that are more than ten meters high in front of him and the pile of willow branches next to them, Lin Shan sighed, "It's a big project."

If you want to roll all these tree stumps into pills, it will take dozens of days of work without sleep.

Not to mention, there are also piles of willow branches next to them.

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