Above the gray fog

Chapter 1306 Heavenly Game

Time flies, one year, two years, ten years, fifteen years passed quietly.

In order to find a planet with vitality, the Dakong ship did not start the jump engine, but shuttled through the vast star field at a speed of nearly 3 million light years per day.

The journey did not take a break until it entered the third star field.

This star field is full of vitality, and many civilizations have been nurtured in thousands of galaxies.

The structure of the three star fields that make up this large field is quite unique. In Dakong's detection, they are arranged in a straight line instead of the common triangular layout, which makes this large field appear particularly abnormal.

Dakong can only survey the shape, and the specific problems will be known after investigation.

In any case, a suitable place to settle down was finally found.

Lin Shan's plan was launched, and the human race had the opportunity to develop again.

In a galaxy called Aliya, Lin Shan chose an area relatively far away from other civilizations and released tens of billions of human people.

The human race still needs time to grow and progress. They are obviously not the opponents of those mature civilizations. Maybe the human race in the past could, but now the human race can't offer anything except thousands of extraordinary people.

But when tens of billions of human races stood on the gray fog land with a blank look, Lin Shan thought about it again and again, and finally took them back.

In the past ten years, the human race has stabilized on the blue planet in the silver bracelet. Although the lifestyle is primitive, they can at least be self-sufficient, and no one dies of hunger.

With the knowledge they have mastered, the human race has developed very quickly and quickly re-established civilization.

When Lin Shan placed them on the gray fog land, the state of the human race was obviously not right. After stabilizing, most people did not want to be displaced again. People who have experienced hardships only hope to have a peaceful life. This is different from what Lin Shan thought. He thought that the human race would become more motivated after suffering.

Lin Shan's perception quickly swept across the entire blue planet, and his brows frowned slightly.

Most human civilians on the planet are content with the status quo, and even some extraordinary people tend to be comfortable. , as long as there is no threat, the "degenerate" side of human nature will dominate.

Perhaps this degenerate nature will promote the development of some technologies, but in Lin Shan's view, this inertia and pursuit of comfort are things that hinder the development of the human race.

Zhao Xiaoan, who was next to him, saw this and frowned slightly, "Isn't it a bit bad for you to let them out and take them back like this... It feels like using tools."

Lin Shan was slightly stunned and looked at Zhao Xiaoan, "You are right."

After Zhao Xiaoan's reminder, Lin Shan also realized that he was indeed too casual with the human race, and there was some suspicion of using them as tools.

From Lin Shan's perspective, these human races are like ants in a box. He wants the human race to become stronger. After all, he is also a member of the human race.

But at his current level of life, it is difficult to maintain care and meticulousness. Even if he keeps reminding himself, he will inadvertently forget at some moments.

For him, it is more of a responsibility and expectation for the human race. There should be no such thing as love.

"I don't mean to offend, I just think... ordinary people are very fragile, and treating them casually may hurt them." Seeing Lin Shan silent, Zhao Xiaoan immediately explained.

"I neglected it." Lin Shan waved his hand, then skipped this topic and began to think about how to make the human race firmly establish itself in this galaxy.

If the human race wants to grow, it must have a foothold. Technology is also an important part of the human race's strength. Technology cannot be achieved overnight and needs continuous development, which is inseparable from a stable base.

The space in the silver bracelet is obviously not suitable for this base. Although the space in the bracelet is vast and can accommodate life, it is only a storage space after all, with thin spirituality and no conditions for developing advanced technology.

Technology is an important part of the human race's strength. If the human race wants to achieve something in technology, it is impossible to live in the silver bracelet forever.

If they do not live in the silver bracelet, the human race must choose an area to settle down, but if they settle down, it will be disadvantageous to Lin Shan's initial plan. Lin Shan intends to lead the human race to fight guerrilla warfare. The guerrilla army representative... cannot stay in the same base for a long time.

Putting the human race in one place to develop naturally will only make history repeat itself. Even if the human race devours the resources of the entire galaxy, it will be difficult to resist the enemy when the human calamity comes. The power of a system is not enough to deal with the next human calamity. If the human race wants to become stronger, it must continue to plunder resources.

Lin Shan is a bit troubled. Living in the silver bracelet, it is impossible to develop technology, and settlement is limited by the surrounding resources.

If there is a small world that can develop technology and move at will, it can perfectly solve the problems faced by the human race.

Such a world exists in theory. You only need to cut a piece from the space of the gray fog universe and compress it to achieve such an effect.

But Lin Shan does not have such a thing, so... the race is still trapped in this problem.

"Technology is indeed an important branch of the human race's power, but it is not indispensable. If there are enough achievements in the extraordinary field, can we give up technology?" Lin Shan asked himself.

"Of course, technology and transcendence are two different paths. The human race can choose only one of them, or they can do both in parallel. How to do it depends entirely on the conditions." Zhao Xiaoan saw Lin Shan's entanglement and explained patiently, and then said, "You may fall into misunderstandings because you think too much. Powerful technology requires a huge infrastructure to be built step by step. Only with these infrastructures can the power of technology be exerted, but these foundations... can be moved. In other words, technology can be taken away. We can develop the human race first, and when it is necessary to migrate, we can move together with the infrastructure."

Lin Shan rubbed his forehead, "I didn't turn around and got into a dead end..."

"You just think too much and pursue a perfect state. Just act according to your ideas. As your consultant, I am only responsible for giving you advice, and my opinions may not be right." Zhao Xiaoan said with a smile.

"Take it step by step. I'll try to see if the previous plan is feasible. You wait here for me." After Lin Shan finished speaking, his figure disappeared on the spot.

The underworld.

Lin Shan's figure suddenly appeared.

Now, he shoulders the divine duties of the Emperor of Dongyue and can enter and exit the human underworld at will.

Over the past decade, the underworld is no longer as crowded as before.

The souls that were previously stuck in the underworld have not been reincarnated or thrown into a deeper hell, because Lin Shan had specifically instructed the four judges of the underworld to let these souls stay in the underworld and set aside a new area, "Heaven", for them to live in.

Of course, the original name was Fengdu City, and Lin Shan changed it to Heaven, which just happened to match the next plan. The name Fengdu City is a bit creepy, and entering Heaven after death sounds much better than entering Fengdu City.

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