Above the gray fog

Chapter 1307 A Game

Originally, Lin Shan wanted to establish a "heavenly kingdom" belief system centered on the Gougou Kingdom, but the current situation of the human race made him change his mind.

He has temporarily shelved the plan of the Gougou Kingdom. He wants to establish a dual system of faith and development with the "Kingdom of Heaven" as the core of the human race.

There are nearly 100 billion souls living in the Kingdom of Heaven. They do not need to eat or drink, have no physiological needs, and do not even face the threat of death. It is not an exaggeration to call this place the Kingdom of Heaven.

The death toll of the human race must be far more than 100 billion. The reason why the underworld only receives these souls is that some people have no souls, or their souls have been torn apart by the enemy.

As a result of these two reasons, out of the nearly 300 billion people of the Apostles and Geminis, the underworld only received less than 100 billion, resulting in a loss of more than two-thirds.

Lin Shan skillfully walked into the Dongyue Emperor's Palace, sat in the main seat and studied for a while, constantly verifying the feasibility of the plan.

Then he stared with satisfaction at the green panel frame floating in front of him.

This was the result of thirteen years of work. He had long discovered that the human underworld was extremely malleable, so malleable that he could even change some of the underlying rules at will.

So, he studied carefully and spent thirteen years, based on the rules of the underworld, combining the elements he needed, and finally created a real game called "Heaven".

It may be a little worse than the games on the other side, but it is definitely not comparable to those games created by so-called advanced civilizations.

But the purpose is the same, they are all for invasion, such as the high civilization that invaded the virgins back then. The reason why Lin Shan had this idea was that the civilization's invasion method inspired him a lot, although in the end the civilization did not succeed in the invasion. Because the virgin was blown up by him in the middle.

Lin Shan believed that the game he created should be much more advanced than the games created by higher civilizations. Although the functions and play methods were different, the foundation of the underworld was there.

The only regret is that the rules of the underworld can only affect the inside of the underworld and cannot affect the outside world. For example, it is impossible to materialize game props or directly infuse players with power to upgrade. These are impossible.

If the underworld really has practical abilities, Lin Shan doesn't need to create any games. He can just use the rules of the underworld to turn all civilians into extraordinary beings, even gods. What the human race currently lacks most is resources. The same is true for the underworld, but the underworld has an extra Powerful framework.

The game created by Lin Shan uses the framework of the underworld to pave the way for the large-scale plunder of resources by the human race.

The human underworld can connect all the original hells and can send souls below human gods to any hell, even if it is hundreds of billions of light years away.

Considering safety, Lin Shan decided to try this function by finding nearby civilizations and invading the hells of other civilizations at close range. He could observe these players at close range and make adjustments accordingly. After waiting for so many years, Lin Shan finally got it. Time to test the results.

Lin Shan operates on the panel.

Extract one hundred of the most elite people in the current soul bank to be reincarnated in the Ste civilization.

The current Kingdom of Heaven can be said to be an internal beta version. After all the loopholes are resolved, human souls can be dispatched on a large scale. After death, they will return to the Kingdom of Heaven with their resources and life levels.

But all plans are based on one premise, that is - the underworld has the ability to transport more souls. If, as Zhao Xiaoan said, the rules of the underworld will be suppressed by the original hell, then the plan can only be changed. Choose the soul of an elite tribesman to play the game.

By then, the resources of the human race will be infinitely compressed, and a two-pronged strategy must be implemented to allow the human race to develop rapidly. While playing the game of heaven in secret, in reality, they need to constantly wander around the galaxies and search for resources.

Lin Shan stared at the progress bar in front of him - seventy-four percent.

In the Kingdom of Heaven game, Lin Shan can help as much as possible, but in reality he cannot intervene frequently and has to rely on the human race itself.

Let’s not talk about whether his frequent attacks will attract the attention of the Department of Balance. If the plan goes smoothly, life fuel will continue to flow. He needs to advance as much as possible. He has no time to protect the human race. Even if the human race develops faster, it will be faster than... Not as effective as his promotion to Sequence 2, one of the reasons why he leads the human race is that the human race can help him collect life fuel, and the second reason is that he can help the human race in the process.

hundred percent.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. There was no pressure to transport a hundred souls. The upper limit of the underworld was very high.

While he was thinking, Lin Shan suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Xiaoan who suddenly appeared next to him.

Zhao Xiaoan was made one of the Yamas in the underworld by him. There should have been ten positions of Yamas, but three were lost in the long history, leaving seven vacant positions.

Lin Shan looked at Zhao Xiaoan and said: "I have to be busy with the Kingdom of Heaven game. Please worry about the human race. The civilization of this galaxy is led by a fifth-level civilization. You can try to win it first. Faith is the first priority. , resources come second, try to avoid causing too much damage.”

The human race in Yangjian can let Zhao Xiaoan help. Even if he can't take action personally, he can give some instructions. With Zhao Xiaoan here, he can at least ensure the unity of the human race and avoid bloody internal fighting.

"Put faith first, resources second, and don't cause damage... Are you sure this request is not to make it difficult to complete." Zhao Xiaoan was stunned for a moment and rolled his eyes, "How can we achieve it? Rob the other party Resources, and let them trust you? Moreover, if you want to get something without causing damage, will the other party give it to you for free, unless I do it myself... But it seems inappropriate for me to do it... Humans can't just be fed. powerful."

"If I don't take action, with the current strength of the human race, it may not be able to defeat the fifth-level civilization, especially the fifth-level civilization with my younger brother. The fifth-level civilization already has gods. Even if the human race can win, it is impossible to plunder faith and resources without causing too much damage to the other side... The most likely result is a tragic victory."

Seeing Zhao Xiaoan's reasonable analysis, Lin Shan's expression became a little weird, "Isn't this a very simple thing?"

Zhao Xiaoan's doubts could not hide the beauty on his face, as if a pool of autumn water was gently stirred by the breeze, "How is it simple?"

Lin Shan explained lightly, "Well... To complete these three conditions at the same time, only two people and a god are needed."

Zhao Xiaoan rolled his eyes impatiently, with a bit of playfulness in his tone, "Speak human language?"

"In simple terms, a good person, a group of bad people, and a god." Lin Shan said slowly, and there seemed to be a deep meaning hidden in his words.

Zhao Xiaoan frowned, his tone slightly unhappy, "Is this human language?"

"You are the good guy, the players of the game of Heaven are the bad guys, and I am the god." Lin Shan seemed to have conceived the entire script.

Zhao Xiaoan's brows were untied, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, "Oh? Then tell me about your plan?"

Lin Shan shook his head, with a calm attitude, "It's already the most detailed, there is no script ready, and then let the actors go on stage and play independently. For us, this is really just a game."

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