Above the gray fog

Chapter 1331 Failed Again

The birdman spirit insisted that the Lord of the Bailing Circle had traveled around the world, and no one knew his whereabouts.

Even he himself knew that this statement was false, and seemed to be ready for death.

Lin Shan did not interrogate him, nor did he kill him, but just let Zhao Xiaoan continue to control him, which might be useful later.

A few months later.

In the vast universe, a bright beam of light suddenly slowed down and gradually stopped over a desolate planet with cracks and magma everywhere.

"Lord Lin Shan, we are here." In the spacious hall inside the starship, Zhao Xiaoan and Lin Shan leaned on the soft sofa like lifeless sculptures, with empty eyes.

In front of Lin Shan, an old computer screen displayed the interface of the game on the other side. He was focusing on the challenge of the dungeon. Under the leadership of Ikaros, he had been upgraded for several months and had tried to conquer this dungeon for the third time.

In the first two times, Ikaros was defeated instantly by the strong attack of the doll rabbit, but this time, she was able to compete with it, and the tacit understanding of teamwork was constantly improving. It is worth mentioning that after the failure of the second round, Ikaros recruited three new teammates to join.

These three new partners have their own strengths.

One has melee ability.

Another is good at long-range attack, with the ability to curse and good at weakening the enemy.

The last one provides amplification assistance. They were originally a team. When they heard that Ikaros was preparing to attack the dungeon, they accepted the invitation without hesitation.

The reason why Ikaros can compete with the doll rabbit is not only because she has become stronger, but also because of the cooperation between teammates.

Except for Lin Shan, everyone else has their own role in the field. Lin Shan's role has been played before. If there is no Lin Shan, they are probably still wandering outside.

So Lin Shan is also at ease watching the battle.

Including the experience lost from death, his level has reached level 27 in the past few months. The slower he levels up, the slower he levels up. He basically won't get any experience from monsters he doesn't kill.

But the current speed is already considered amazing, which means it takes several months to go from an ordinary person to Sequence 8.

"Master Lin Shan?" The lizard spirit called softly, but Lin Shan didn't seem to hear it.

"Master Lin Shan?" The lizard spirit called again, and seeing that Lin Shan still didn't respond, it waited patiently, which was what Lin Shan had instructed before.

Lin Shan was sitting on the edge of the circular platform watching the battle. Ikaros led the five people in the team and launched a continuous offensive against the toy rabbit.

Every time Ikaros swung the giant sword, it was like thunder and fury, and its force was so fierce that it seemed to be able to tear the space here.

The fat man focused on long-range support, attacking the toy rabbit's weak points with great precision.

The dog used its healing light to treat his teammates just right, always lending a hand in times of crisis.

The three new members of the team also had their own strengths. Lin Shan couldn't remember their names, so he called them the Curse Master, Melee Warrior, and Amplifier for the time being.

The Curse Master had a gloomy face. With a wave of his fingers like dead branches, the shadows of the netherworld spread all over, weakening the power of the puppet rabbit.

The melee warrior was extremely powerful, with a complexion as deep as the night, and every punch he threw was accompanied by air vibrations.

The Amplifier was tall and was a woman. She constantly strengthened the combat effectiveness of her teammates and stood at the back.

Compared with the previous two strategies, the two sides had been fighting for a long time this time.

Lin Shan watched quietly.

Ikaros always charged ahead, her sword tip always accurately pointed at the fatal weakness of the doll rabbit, the fat man provided shooting support in the rear, his trajectory drew dazzling trajectories in the air, the thin dog shuttled between his comrades, casting healing light, and the three newly recruited people also performed well. The ability of the curse master made the doll rabbit's movements slow down, the melee fighters stood side by side with Ikaros, and the amplifier was a strong support for the team. Her ability greatly improved everyone's combat effectiveness.

The strength of the doll rabbit was beyond their expectations. Whenever it seemed to be about to fall, it could always recover miraculously. Its body seemed to absorb all attacks, and this battle became particularly difficult.

Even though Ikaros's swordsmanship was unmatched, the doll rabbit's counterattack was even more deadly, and the healing light of the thin dog gradually failed to cover everyone.

Exhaustion, scars, despair... Slowly, the strategy team fell into a disadvantage.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became heavy, the thin dog's magic power was exhausted, and Ikaros's health was also in danger.

The doll rabbit seized the opportunity and broke through the front line of defense. In a flash, the teammates in the back, including Lin Shan, were lying in a pool of black blood.

Ikaros fell down last. She used up her last bit of strength and raised her sword to launch a final attack on the doll rabbit. But just when her sword was about to touch the target, the doll rabbit instantly moved behind her. Ikaros flew out like a kite with a broken string, and then fell to the ground.

Ikaros lost his amplification, and the doll rabbit also lost his weakening. The difference in strength between the two was immediately revealed.

The battle ended, and all seven people, including Lin Shan, were annihilated. Their black bodies began to slowly dissipate, and the ground was scattered with fallen weapons and items. The doll rabbit stood alone in the center of the platform, dragging its cracked body to clean up the battlefield.

Lin Shan returned to reality, and Zhao Xiaoan on the side was still in a daze.

Zhao Xiaoan was immersed in the illusion she created. This was what she told Lin Shan. Lin Shan didn't know what the illusion was.

"Have we arrived?" Lin Shan looked at the lizard spirit not far away and asked.

"Yes, sir, we have arrived at our destination. Jodi William lives on this planet. When he was young, he was cursed in a relic. He would produce cold air in his body. Only by soaking in magma can he suppress it." The lizard spirit paused and continued, "Jodi William is the confidant of the Lord of the Bailing Circle. He must know where the Lord of the Bailing Circle is going."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded lightly, then stretched out his palm, and divine power flowed around him.

"Lord Lin Shan, you don't need to do it yourself. I am enough to capture Him." The lizard spirit promised in a solemn tone.

"Too slow." Lin Shan said softly. As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding space began to fluctuate. A red god with cracks was pinched by Lin Shan effortlessly.

The god looked confused, and it was obvious that he had not recovered from the shock, wondering why he suddenly fell into such a situation.

The pupils of the lizard god shrank slightly, and he quickly regained his composure after being shocked. He said to the god in a stern voice: "Jody William, our master has something important to ask you."

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