Above the gray fog

Chapter 1332 The Choice of the Weak

"Are you... Derrick? Why are you here? Who is he?" Jodi William glared at the lizard god.

"He is the noble God that I will serve all my life, a being with a noble status. You should respectfully call Him Lord Lin Shan, or Lord Lin Shan, just like me. Now, Lord Lin Shan has something to ask you." The Lizard God said slowly. Slowly.

Lin Shan put it down and asked calmly, "Do you know the whereabouts of the Lord of the Bailing Circle?"

"Are you looking for me for the Lord of the Bailing Circle?" Jody William looked ugly, "Are you... Sequence 3? Are you looking for the Lord of the Bailing Circle to do something bad to the Circle Master?"

"Don't try to find out the position of the leader of the Bailing Circle from me. If you want to kill him, kill him. Don't waste your time on me." Jodi William said extremely calmly.

Lin Shan looked strange. This leader of the Bailing Circle, whom he had not yet met, was willing to sacrifice his life for him even as a god. Such an opponent was often very difficult.

Several slender, silky tentacles trapped Jodi William tightly, blocking the power in his body, causing him to lose the ability to commit suicide.

"Go find your friend who controls the soul." Lin Shan turned to the lizard god with deep eyes.

The lizard spirit perked up, and when he faced Jodi William, a trace of discomfort flashed in his eyes, "Jodi William, if you are willing to tell the truth now, maybe it can alleviate some pain."

Jodi William was also a former partner. Although the relationship was dull, they were not rivals after all. The betrayal at this moment made the lizard god's meager conscience feel uneasy.

"Derrick, I don't blame you." Jody William struggled to turn his head, looked at the lizard god, and said in a weak voice, "He is Sequence 3. I know you have no choice, but I hope you understand that some Things are far more important than life.”

"Hey..." The Lizard God sighed softly and walked towards the main control room.

His steps were obviously heavy. He already knew this cruel law of the universe, but every time he faced a choice, there was always a wave of emotion deep in his heart. He muttered words, as if he was explaining to himself, As if he was justifying to the world, he said in a voice that only he could hear, "For me, nothing is higher than life. This world is like this, the weak eat the strong. This is how the leader of the Bailing Circle forced me to submit. I still There are clansmen, and I also want to live a little longer..."

"Between survival and dignity, I chose the former. I have no right to condemn those compatriots who give up their dignity in order to survive, because I myself am also a person like that, and I respect such people."

Derrick's eyes revealed unspeakable sadness. He walked along the smooth, mirror-like metal floor in the main control room and walked towards the ship's navigation console. His hands skillfully danced on the console, guiding the starship through the vast starry sky. , heading to their destination.

Three days later.

The land of gray fog.

The starship floats quietly in the sky tens of thousands of meters high, like a lonely palace, overlooking the land below shrouded in eternal gray fog.

Lin Shan sat quietly on the sofa and looked out the window at the thick gray fog.

Three days is just a short moment on the scale of the universe, and the same is true for Lin Shan.

The lizard god slowly walked out of the main control room. His eyes briefly stayed on Jodi William, and then slowly turned to Lin Shan. There was an imperceptible prayer in his deep green eyes, and he leaned forward gently. , with respect, said in a low and sincere voice, "Master Lin Shan, the next person you want to meet is a close friend of mine. Do you think, can I handle this matter personally? I promise you , everything will serve your will.”

Lin Shan stared at him. After being silent for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Yeah."

A look of relief and gratitude flashed across the face of the lizard god, and he solemnly responded, "Don't worry." As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in the air.

Passing through the thick gray fog, the Lizard God came to an area surrounded by dazzling lights. Below was a prosperous civilization with flashing lights. In the huge building complex, starships were like meteors woven in the sky, shuttling through the dense transportation network.

He was free at the moment, but he never thought about escaping, because it was simply impossible to escape.

Soon, a beam of light flew towards him.

"What gust of wind brought you here?" A slightly complaining voice sounded.

The visitor is a woman. Her image is completely different from that of a lizard. She has a perfect human form, with an elegant and attractive posture. The clear black and white lines around her neck are a sign that she is different from the human race.

The lizard god took a deep breath and seemed to be trying to sort out his emotions, "I'm sorry."

The woman frowned slightly, "What happened?"

The lizard god's eyes were complicated and unreadable, but he finally told the other party exactly what happened.

Listening to his narration, the woman's expression gradually became serious, "So, you chose to cooperate with that god in order to gain the dominance of the Bailing Circle? Do you want that supreme power?"

The lizard god shook his head, "That's not the case. At first I thought I was doing it for power, but after thinking about it, I realized that what I desire more is survival."

"You want me to help you?" she asked bluntly.

"What if I say no?" There was a hint of coldness in the woman's voice.

"Then I will make an excuse, saying that you are not here, and I will think of other ways." His voice was low.

The woman smiled softly, "That way, you will die."

"Maybe." He said a little helplessly.

"Don't you want to live?" she asked provocatively.


"Then don't you feel it's contradictory to do this?"

"It's quite contradictory." His voice became heavy.

"I will help you." The woman took a deep breath, "You come to me, but actually, you don't give me the right to choose."

"Maybe..." The Lizard God seemed to want to say something else.

"Stop talking." She interrupted him, "Let's go, don't let that god wait too long, this kind of existence, hey..."

They stood side by side, and before they were about to leave, the Lizard God suddenly asked, "Have we betrayed the Lord of the Bailing Circle? Do you feel this way?"

The woman glanced into the distance and spoke calmly, "It's not so much a betrayal. It's better to say that we never really belonged to the Bailing Circle. The Lord of the Bailing Circle didn't even really know us. Our original choice was just forced by the situation. Now, facing this God, we still have no choice.”

"I feel relieved if you think so. In fact, I think so too." Relief flashed in the eyes of the Lizard God.

The two looked at each other, turned around and embarked on the journey to an unknown destiny.

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