Above the gray fog

Chapter 1364 Bentham Upton

Half a day passed quickly.

At the end of the course, Lin Shan asked, "Do you have any special gains or insights? You can raise your hands."

The so-called raising your hand means pressing the button in front of you to indicate raising your hand. The moment the student below presses the button, the system above the podium can directly obtain the statistical results.

Lin Shan saw that there were only 3 people raising their hands among the 5,000 people in the audience.

"Tell me about it." Lin Shan said.

"I don't know if this is considered as enlightenment. When I made these gestures, I found that there were slight spiritual fluctuations around me." A fat student sitting in the corner stood up and said. His voice was not loud, but it could be clearly heard by everyone present.

"Spiritual fluctuations? Why didn't I feel it?" A student said in confusion.

"It should be because our talent is too poor, or we don't have the adaptability to the big spell." Another student guessed.

"Well, the big spell should not be based on talent. It is more appropriate to understand it in terms of adaptability or matching." Someone agreed.

"My God, this teacher Lin Shan is so generous. He actually teaches the Great Mantra for free!" There was no lack of amazement in the discussion.

The fat student's speech sparked a heated discussion.

"I have the same experience. Every time I complete the tenth hand gesture, I can feel the subtle fluctuations of the spirituality around me." A woman in a lily skirt added, and Lin Shan recognized her as a teacher at a glance.

The college does not require teachers and students to wear uniform clothes, so most students wear their own casual clothes.

"My situation is the same as the previous two students." The last person to stand up was a young-looking man, a pure humanoid creature, with only Sequence 9 strength.

"Well, the three of you can talk to those students who have not achieved results, why you have achieved results, but they have not." Lin Shan said lightly, his eyes gently glancing at the time under the light curtain. The time arrangement is just right, there are still 5 minutes to go, and when this last link is over, today will also be over.

The first person to speak was the fat student who stood up first, "Maybe we have better talents, or we are more compatible with the Great Curse."

This remark immediately triggered a round of boos, followed by a series of dissatisfaction and ridicule.

"What are you so proud of? Isn't it just one step ahead?"

"If this wasn't in the Shenzhou Civilization College, but in the outside world, you might not see the sun tomorrow."

"What's wrong with being in the college? Fatty, I advise you to walk more carefully in the future."

The fat student saw that he had attracted the public's anger, so he sat down quickly and put on his hood quickly, fearing that someone would recognize his face.

However, his worries were obviously unnecessary, because everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the second student who spoke.

"I think it should be because our movements are standard enough. The instructor just said that even the slightest difference in movements will not work." The female instructor carefully analyzed.

"It's exactly what I thought. I think it should be caused by the non-standard movements." A student in the field immediately responded.

"Is that so? I'm scared to death. I thought I didn't have the talent to learn the big spell."

The male student who looked young spoke last:

"I think what the above two students said makes sense. Talent accounts for half of the reason, and the standard of action also accounts for half of the reason. I don't know if you have discovered that the 10 gestures taught by the instructor are actually 10 patterns, or marks. Just remember each gesture and the position of the ten fingertips, and connect them together to form a complete mark. These ten marks stand together in an irregular sphere. There should be no special connection between the marks. Even if there are overlapping parts, it's okay, but the individual marks cannot be wrong. That is to say, when we make a seal, not only the gestures cannot be wrong, but also the hands cannot have any deviation in the process."

After thinking for a while, he added, "Even if nine of the ten marks are completed, there will be no reaction if the remaining one is deviated."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a landmine exploding.

"Is it really like this?"

"I didn't expect there was such a trick. Why didn't the teacher tell us?"

"I guess the teacher is testing us on purpose."

"It should be like this. I connected these ten gestures and indeed got ten patterns. But it is too difficult to complete these ten gestures quickly and continuously, and get ten patterns at the same time without any difference in these ten gestures. This is not something that can be accomplished by simple practice."

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand why ten gestures can get ten patterns?"

"Because as long as it is a humanoid creature, Spirits have 10 fingers, and the 10 fingers make 10 different movements. If you connect the trails, wouldn't it be 10 patterns? "

"Ah, I understand, so that's how it is. What if there is no living being with 10 fingers? After saying this, he looked at a non-human being in the corner who was almost autistic with a sympathetic look. "

"I don't know about that. Maybe the Great Curse is more inclined to human-shaped spirits, or maybe it's other reasons. "

Many students and teachers under the podium showed a look of realization, followed by excitement. They thought that after getting this information, they would be able to successfully master the Great Curse.

Lin Shan looked at the young student who found the problem, "What's your name?"

"Teacher, my name is Bentham Upton."

After hearing this name, the people below immediately started to discuss before Lin Shan could say anything.


"I heard it right. He is from the Bentham clan. I heard that this clan is very miserable. It was also a big clan in Shenzhou. A hundred years ago, the patriarch of the Bentham clan had some kind of mental disorder and the whole clan entered the border. In the end, it seems that only a few people survived. I don't know what this clan thinks. The few descendants have to be sent to Shenzhou Civilization College."

Most of the people who talked about the identity of this young man were some tutors. They thought they spoke quietly, but Lin Shan heard everything.

"Well, Bentham Upton, you will be the class representative of my course in the future. Come up and add me a contact number. The others can leave the get out of class first." Lin Shan said.

"Yes, instructor." Bentham Upton was teleported to the podium, while other students began to pack up and prepare to leave. Shenzhou Civilization College did not pay too much attention to etiquette between teachers and students, but most students were quite polite.

After adding contact information with Bentham Upton, Lin Shan returned to his small villa and continued to refine life fuel.

He already had a clue about the verification he was going to do.

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