Above the gray fog

Chapter 1365 Divine Source

He still remembered that the street boy once told him that both the great curses and curses could only be mastered by one person.

In other words, as long as he masters the great spell, there will be no second person who can master the same great spell.

It's impossible that Yuanting didn't know about this, so why did the academy allow him to offer the Great Curse course?

Lin Shan once thought that maybe Yuanting simply wanted these students to learn the gestures of the Great Curse, and then after he died, there would be an inheritor of the Great Curse immediately, or Yuanting would use some method to kill him.

But whether he waits for his own death or kills himself, this is uncontrollable. He can be considered a strong man now. He cannot be killed by anyone who wants to. Waiting for his natural death will be far away. .

That leaves only the last possibility. Even if the great spell can only be mastered by one person, it can still be taught to students.

This involves the difference between the Great Curse and the Incomplete Great Curse.

Zhutianluo has a total of 6666 gestures, while Xushenzhao has a total of 9999 gestures.

Zhutianluo can produce power starting from the tenth gesture, which means that this big spell can be split. Xushenzhao Lin Shan has not tried it, but it should also be splittable.

The Great Mantra cannot be mastered by a second person. The complete explanation should be - the complete Mantra cannot be mastered by a second person.

Lin Shan didn't know what would happen if he conveyed all the gestures to another person. Maybe that person would still be unable to use the complete spell even if he mastered all the gestures. Or there might be other situations. Lin Shan Shan may never know, unless he gets the information from someone else.

What he knows now is that on the premise that he has mastered the complete spell, he can still break it into parts and teach it to others.

Even if Zhutianluo is originally incomplete, it can still be divided.

Therefore, Lin Shan can teach students about the divisions of heaven and earth without any pressure.

He had nothing to lose, and some of these students needed to go to the battlefield.

They went to protect the Gray Mist Universe.

Giving them a little more strength can be regarded as Lin Shan's contribution to the Gray Mist Universe.

Of course, being able to teach in separate parts is only a guess based on current experiments. What will happen next requires continued experiments.

Just as Lin Shan was enjoying the continuous advancement of his mysterious power, several uninvited guests came outside.

Lin Shan opened his eyes, his eyes were so dark that they seemed to be able to absorb even light.

The black color of the pupils slowly faded, as if a few drops of white were dropped into the black ink, the black was rendered and turned into gray until it returned to its original state.

"If we continue at this rate, we expect to be promoted in eight hundred years!"

"If the Kingdom of Heaven can work harder during these eight hundred years, time can continue to shorten."

Lin Shan said to himself.

Then he disappeared from the bed and appeared in front of the door.

There were three people standing outside the door, including an acquaintance of Lin Shan.

naked god

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes, why is this guy here?

From his heart-rending roar before, it could be heard that he already hated himself.

"Lin Shan, we meet again." The naked god greeted him calmly, as if standing in front of him was really an old friend whom he had not seen for a while.

Lin Shan looked at him and replied calmly, "You probably don't really want to see me."

"Same as last time, I still have a mission this time." The naked god took a deep breath and suppressed the emotions in his heart, "Take it out."

Behind him, the two gods tightly wrapped in heavy metal armor took out two boxes.

"These are the rewards that Yuanting promised to give you. Check them and accept them." said the naked god.

"Oh? Yuanting asked you to deliver these things to me." Lin Shan was curious, but after thinking about it, he probably understood what Yuanting meant.

He opened the first box floating in front of him and said, "Yuan Ting wants you to ease the relationship with me?"

"Yuan Ting has already compensated me for my losses. I don't have to argue with you about what happened before. Everything I did was the will of Yuan Ting. Since you are a mentor here, you should also know something about Gray Mist." The current situation, I hope you will also put the overall situation first," the naked god said with a sigh.

"Huh?" Lin Shan was slightly surprised. The first surprise was because of the hundred stones in the box, and the second surprise was because of the naked god. "I didn't care too much in the first place, but you, I thought you were going to eat it alive. I can calm down."

"God was once a human being, and humans all have emotions and desires, but the reason why God is a God is because God can control them very well, and can even use them for his own use." The naked god said slowly, "Don't underestimate you. enemy."

"Oh." Lin Shan said oh, and instead of continuing the topic, asked, "What is this?"

"It's the Divine Source. It looks like a stone, but it's a pure energy aggregate. The Divine Source is one of the highest energy sources in the gray fog universe. It has many functions. If you use the Divine Source to restore your divine power during a battle, , the divine power converted from this piece of divine source can fill up Sequence 2, and the peak of Sequence 3 can be used ten thousand times, and it can be replenished very quickly.”

"In addition to its combat role, it is also an excellent forging material for divine weapons and divine tools. It can also be used as an energy source for technological weapons. It can even be detonated directly. The detonation energy is comparable to the full blow of a Sequence 2 god. It is best not to use this method. If you use it, detonating the divine source will only have two results, either everyone will hide or they will die. "

"In simple terms, the God Source is a rule-level energy source. Do you know some special rule-level weapons? They can ignore any influence and work. The God Source is the same. It can ignite anything from candles to stars."

"Well, it's a good thing. You used this at the beginning, right? No wonder it didn't consume it." Lin Shan nodded slightly, put away the God Source and the box, and then opened the second box.

The things in the second box were ordinary, just 10,000 ordinary God Money. He still had several thousand God Money in his hand, and the God Money didn't have much effect on him.

The third box contained ten bundles of very old red incense. From the appearance, it was very ordinary incense. In fact, this was also a kind of energy embodiment. A bundle of 100 sticks, adding up to 10,000 incense sticks. These 10,000 incense sticks can make him the owner of a circle of land, which shows how precious it is. In addition to 100 pieces of God Source, Yuanting has invested a lot in him.

The last box contained a Rubik's Cube-like object. The Rubik's Cube floated gently in the box and kept turning, as if a pair of hands were twisting it. Every time it turned, a faint blue-purple light seeped out from the cracks on the Rubik's Cube.

"Is this my life-defining magic weapon?" Lin Shan asked in confusion.

"This is a collector. To create a life-defining magic weapon for sequence 3, you need to collect two kinds of information, the information of qualitative change ability and the information of sequence 3 authority. Unlike the sequence 4 life-defining magic weapon, the sequence 3 life-defining magic weapon will infinitely amplify the qualitative change ability. As long as the life-defining magic weapon is in hand, it is equivalent to mastering two authorities."

"How to collect?" Lin Shan asked.

"Just hold the Rubik's Cube in your hand. It's all automatic. If you are a dual-sequence, you can only collect one type. The collection is random. If you are not satisfied, you can start over." The naked god explained.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded gently and put his hand on the Rubik's Cube.

There was a strange pain at the fingertips, and this pain went straight into the soul.

Soon, two flames appeared on the Rubik's Cube. The first flame was gray, revealing a cold and mysterious atmosphere.

The second flame was black, and there were dots of gold in the black, just like gold powder, the atmosphere was very mysterious and people could not distinguish.

Lin Shan looked at the two flames on the Rubik's Cube, the mysterious power and the knowledge of fate, which was exactly what he wanted.

The collection of the mysterious power was 100%, but he had two qualitative transformation abilities, the knowledge of fate and the dawn. He already had enough means of attack, and the dawn was only the icing on the cake for him.

And the knowledge of fate was his long-lost ability of destiny.

Not long after, the naked god left with two gods in heavy armor. Lin Shan returned to the bed to continue refining life fuel and waited for the next class.

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