Above the gray fog

Chapter 1371: The City on the Border

"Yeah." Lin Shan hummed softly, and the next second, the four two-headed ghosts died suddenly.

The two men who survived didn't understand what happened, and then they felt a pair of big hands grabbing them and throwing them into the car.

"You saved us?" The bald man sitting in the co-pilot was the first to come to his senses.

"It was Teacher Lin who saved you. He is the teacher of Shenzhou Civilization College." Xiao Duo said.

"It turned out to be the college teacher... We are saved." The bald man breathed a sigh of relief, and then sincerely thanked, "Thank you Teacher Lin for saving my life."

Lin Shan ignored it and kept looking out the window. There were many battles like this one in this area, and the enemies were different. There were beasts, two-headed ghosts, and Lin Shan didn't know that they were all creatures. There were at least hundreds of thousands of battle circles in a radius of 80 light years, not counting some vacant places.

Lin Shan had discovered before that although his perception could reach, it would be disturbed by this chaotic space. For example, he wanted to shoot several beasts 60 light years away to death, but he would find out after shooting that the shooting position was wrong, and he might even kill teammates in the same camp. It was impossible to make mistakes unless it was an indiscriminate large-scale attack.

This battle circle just happened to pass by and was very close, so Lin Shan wanted to come and see to confirm that what he saw was not an illusion.

"Are all the battlefields on this side of the border operated by small teams or single people?" Lin Shan came back to his senses and asked.

"Yes, the environment on the border does not support large-scale armies fighting together. You can also see that the space here is extremely chaotic and the army can be easily dispersed." Xiaoduo nodded.

"Are the enemies all creatures except the gray fog creatures?" Lin Shan asked. This was what he saw. The warriors on the gray fog side were enemies of all creatures in the border.

Before Xiao Duo spoke, the bald man took over the topic and answered solemnly, "Yes, the creatures sent here by the academy will be given the title of hunters. Hunters use various cities as bases to carry out hunting missions. There is only one mission, to kill all creatures except the gray fog creatures, beasts, followers of the outer gods, mutated souls, and people from the outside world."

"For extraordinary resources?" Lin Shan asked.

"Uh... I don't know about this. I remember that the instructors seemed to have said it, but I forgot." The bald man touched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Xiao Duo continued, "It's not just about resources. If the border is not cleaned up in time, these creatures will eventually enter the world cemetery. By then, the trouble will be ten times or even a hundred times greater. The real battlefield is in the world cemetery, where the meat is really minced. In comparison, the average survival rate of the border is much higher, and there are more opportunities in the border. Some people will even actively seek to enter the border."

"You can regard the border as a transit station to eliminate threats in advance. If the border is more powerful, the world cemetery will have fewer threats."

"Yes, yes, yes." The bald man slapped his head and said, "That's what the mentor said at the time."

The hovercraft sped along, and half an hour later, a city rose from the ground on the horizon.

"The front is Shenzhou." Xiao Duo stepped on the accelerator hard, and under the violent roar, the scenery on the roadside turned into a line.

"Isn't the overall environment of the border constantly changing? In other words, the ground is constantly moving, and the city built here will not be affected?" Lin Shan asked.

"The Source Court has built hundreds of thousands of cities on the border, and the number is still growing. The resource information within each city is shared in real time, forming an intricate but efficient network. Hunters are like electric currents running through this network, flowing from one end to the other. Every time they arrive at a new city, the resources they collect can be quickly "digested" in exchange for the necessary equipment and supplies.

"The cities built by the Source Court on the border are different from any traditional cities. They are all living behemoths, extremely large but able to move on their own. Every hundred years, they will migrate forward nearly 100 million light years to keep up with the expansion speed of the gray fog. If they stay where they are, they are likely to be swept into the world cemetery by the gray fog. "

The hovercraft stopped at the gate of the desert city. Lin Shan looked forward. The city was in his perception loophole. It was clearly here, but he couldn't detect it.

The city stood on endless sand dunes.

There was a huge transparent dome above the city. It seemed like another world inside, with lush greenery and gurgling water.

"This city is a small world, precisely designed by Yuanting researchers. It can not only provide ordinary residents with the oxygen and food they need, but also a perfect ecological cycle model." Xiaoduo introduced.

The four of them entered the city together. After passing through the city gate, the bald man said goodbye to Lin Shan, "Teacher, you go first. My teammates and I are going to determine the damage this time."

"Well. "Lin Shan hummed softly and continued to walk forward with Xiao Duo.

Around the city, countless mechanical arms were busy maintaining the operation of the city. They were like tacit worker ants, performing regular inspections and necessary adjustments to the city.

The city was not as big as imagined. The moment he walked into the city, Lin Shan's perception had covered every corner of the city.

To Lin Shan's surprise, this city was guarded by a Sequence 3.

If every city had a Sequence 3 guarding it, wouldn't there be hundreds of thousands of Sequence 3s in the hundreds of thousands of cities on the border?

It should be unlikely that this city named Shenzhou had a Sequence 3 guarding it, perhaps because it was more important, Lin Shan guessed in his heart.

There is only one Sequence 3, but the number of gods in this city is ridiculous. Among the nearly one million people in the city, at least 80% are gods, and the number of ordinary people accounts for only 1%. The rest are ordinary extraordinary people or gene warriors.

These gods should all be graduates sent by the academy.

They may be from the previous class, or the class before that.

As Xiaoduo said, they entered the city not for long-term settlement, but just to replenish supplies for the next trip out of the city.

There are some people setting up stalls on the roadside. The clothes they wear are very shabby, and even the things they sell are not normal. It feels like a wasteland.

"What is this?"

"This is amazing. Do you know the source of God? This is the companion stone of the source of God, commonly known as the ten thousand core stone. After detonation, it can directly kill the gods at close range. How about this, I will sell you one for one thousand God coins, and you will definitely not lose money if you buy it."

"Well, give me one. If you kill one, you will get your money back. If you can't kill it, I will come to you."

Lin Shan listened to the conversations here for a while, and most of them were similar to this conversation.

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