Above the gray fog

Chapter 1372: Medicine

"Teacher Lin, take this verification card." Xiaoduo took out a rectangular wooden card and handed it to Lin Shan.

"How to use it?" Lin Shan asked.

Xiaoduo kept it a secret, "Follow me, you will understand soon." After that, she deftly walked through the dense crowd and led Lin Shan to a hidden alley, and finally stopped in front of a stone house with a rather old appearance.

"Here, come in." Xiaoduo waved her hand and entered the stone house first.

Lin Shan followed closely and entered the stone house. The old appearance was in sharp contrast with the modern facilities inside. The light curtain surrounded it like flowing water, and the numbers and icons flashed quickly on it, clearly showing various inspections and data.

Xiaoduo's hand speed was amazing. She quickly entered the command on a light curtain, and then turned the screen to Lin Shan, "Teacher Lin, this is a one-time verification code. The reaction time is only one second."

Lin Shan moved his eyes from the wooden card to the light curtain and understood the meaning.

The next second.

[The verification code is correct. ]

As a dizziness came, he realized that the stone house was actually a disguised elevator.

The elevator door slowly opened, revealing a long corridor.

Walking along the corridor to the end, the two came to a hall full of science fiction.

The hall was full of busy researchers, their fingers dancing rapidly on the light screen, and a series of instructions and data streams poured down like a waterfall.

The light screen on the wall not only displayed the city's operating data, but also real-time images of some hunters fighting fiercely, and images of the expansion boundary of the gray fog.

"This is our destination." Xiao Duo seemed to have experienced a life-and-death crisis, and breathed a long sigh of relief, and then introduced to Lin Shan in an exaggerated tone, "This is the main control room of Shenzhou. These people accurately monitor and manage the operation of this high-tech city, from climate control to energy distribution, from the balance of the ecosystem to safety protection, all are under the precise control of researchers!"

"Where are the things?" Lin Shan looked at her.

"Teacher Alger, Teacher Alger, are you there?" Xiao Duo shouted in a circle.

The surrounding researchers cast their eyes on her, but moved away in just a few seconds.

A woman in a scientific research uniform walked slowly over, "Xiaoduo, don't shout in a place like this, I've already notified the guard."

"Sister Sandy, long time no see, you didn't seem to be here the last time I came." Xiaoduo looked at the newcomer and greeted her.

"Well, I had other work some time ago, who is this?" Sandy looked at Lin Shan.

"This is tutor Lin Shan." Xiaoduo introduced, "senior tutor of the college!"

Hearing this, Sandy became serious, "Teacher Lin Shan, hello, I'm Jane Sandy, you can just call me Sandy."

"Teacher Lin Shan, are you here to get that thing?"

"Well, the principal gave me a task, I'm here to get the superior substitute of authority." Lin Shan nodded.

"Follow me first, the guard will be here soon." Sandy made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Shan and Xiaoduo followed behind, passing through a series of scientific research instruments, and entered a fairly spacious reception room.

"Please wait a moment." Sandy poured a cup of special tea for Lin Shan, and then stood by and waited.

"Sister Sandy, don't be so reserved. Teacher Lin is a very nice person. Let's chat. Where did you go last time?" Xiaoduo stood up and pulled Sandy to sit next to her.

Sandy showed a helpless look and gently apologized to Lin Shan.

"No problem." Lin Shan waved his hand. He didn't care about these insignificant etiquette.

"I went back to my hometown. There are things for me to deal with there." Sandy said.

"Hometown... I remember, your hometown is in the North Sea, right?" Xiaoduo asked.

Sandy nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, I thought he was going to do something big again." Xiaoduo pretended to be disappointed, "You never take me with you every time."

Sandy smiled, "You are a witch, you have your role."

"Okay, okay, I know." Xiaoduo covered her head and shook her head.

Sandy smiled aside, with a trace of pity in her eyes.

With a rhythmic sound of footsteps, the door outside was pushed open.

At the other end of the door frame, a middle-aged man appeared. His temperament carried a kind of majesty that could not be ignored.

The man's face had been carved by the years, retaining the sharpness of his youth and adding the calmness unique to mature men. His skin was slightly roughened by the wind and frost, but this added to his masculine charm, making people want to know the story behind him.

He was dressed very simply, wearing a tight black combat suit, two long knives on his waist, with complex totems engraved on the scabbards, and the handles close to his waist, as if ready to deal with unknown dangers at any time.

"Xiao Duo is here, who is this?" He asked, his voice was very heavy.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Duo smiled and said, "Teacher Alger, you are finally here, this is Teacher Lin Shan, we are here to get the replacement."

"Oh, nice to meet you." Alger stepped forward and wanted to shake hands with Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was somewhat impressed by his manners, but Lin Shan still pointed it out coldly, "I've seen it just now."

Alger didn't feel embarrassed at all after being exposed, he just smiled and said, "This is more real, isn't it?"

"What are you talking about, Teacher Alger, where is the substitute? Teacher Lin Shan and I have to go back and hand in the task quickly, I will come here to play when I have free time." Xiaoduo said with some dissatisfaction.

"Here, I must take this important thing with me." Alger said, stretching out his hand.

The next second, a large square box with a length and width of two meters was lifted up by him with one hand.

"The things are all here, a total of more than 600 million copies, which is the total share of Shenzhou's defense this year." Alger threw the box on the ground.

"More than 600 million? So many this year?" Xiaoduo showed a surprised look.

"Yeah." Alger nodded lightly, "After all, the pressure is increasing."

Lin Shan frowned slightly. There is a 20% chance of a substitute being promoted to a god. According to this probability, these 600 million substitutes can give birth to more than 100 million gods...

He waved his sleeves lightly, and the lid of the box was opened.

The style of this box is the same as that of a treasure chest. The lid is an arched shape. After opening, the lid falls backwards.

A faint blue light flickered in the box.

Lin Shan walked forward and put his hand directly into the box.

Alger did not stop him, but just watched with interest.

"What is this?" Lin Shan looked at the needle-like metal object lying in the palm of his hand. There was a faint blue light flashing inside. The flashing blue light was a liquid that was constantly flowing. Its state was a bit like a sequence potion after it was formed, but its essence was definitely not a sequence potion.

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