Above the gray fog

Chapter 1378 Calm

"Let's recall the gestures we learned before."

Lin Shan's fingers slid lightly on the table, drawing complex gesture patterns.

As he drew each stroke, each pattern seemed to be given life, slowly rising into the air and gathering above his head, forming three-dimensional gestures that were clearly visible so that the students in the audience could identify them one by one.

After completing the twentieth gesture, Lin Shan glanced at the students below and said calmly, "Try completing these twenty gestures in a row."

The students in the audience heard the instructions and immediately took action, performing one gesture after another. These twenty gestures were all learned by them before, and they had practiced them for half a year, and they had already formed muscle memory.

In this extraordinary classroom, laziness and laziness basically do not exist.

Diligence is the basic quality of students, and becoming stronger is their ultimate goal.

Lin Shan gently closed his eyes and spread out his perception, like an invisible net, tightly wrapping the entire classroom.

He could feel that the speed of each student's gestures was different, some were as fast as lightning, and some were as slow as clouds.

The speed of the gesture is not the key to determining the success of the spell, accuracy is the most important.

As the observation deepened, Lin Shan discovered that the gestures of students with stronger mental strength were more accurate, while those students who could only rely on muscle memory always had some slight errors mixed in their gestures. It was these tiny errors. , enough to cause the curse to fail.

As expected, some students whose life level is lower than Sequence 7 have already failed during the casting process.

At the same time, the students with faster gestures were approaching the seventeenth and eighteenth gestures. Most of them were at the mentor level and belonged to the god-level life level.

In less than two seconds, Lin Shan felt the wind in the classroom suddenly rise and became stronger and stronger, almost blowing up the students' clothes.

But this gust of wind only lasted for just three seconds and then quickly stopped.

After another three or four seconds, the classroom returned to calm and all students completed the seals.

Lin Shan slowly opened his eyes, clicked on the list and seating chart in the light screen, and read out seven names clearly and forcefully, "Bentham Upton, Hugh Ansel, Jasmine, Jane Andao , Reynolds Aubrey, Bai Junda, Mu Xingzhou, the seven of you, please sit in the front row next time in class."

One of these seven people has a very strange name, called "Jasmine Fragrance". It does mean this when translated. It should be very strange no matter which civilization it is.

These seven people can all react to the big curse. Seven people stand out among more than 4,600 students. The proportion is not high, but it is not low either.

"Yes!" The students who were named were excited, as if they had been given a high honor.

Lin Shan continued: "For the remaining students, you don't have the talent to learn great spells. You may be wasting your time here. I will teach you ten more gestures. If you still can't succeed, I suggest you take classes from other teachers. There’s no need to waste your little time here.”

His words were cold and direct, causing huge waves in the audience.

Uneasiness and doubts arose in the hearts of the students. They were unwilling to accept the reality that they lacked talent, but the fact was before them and they could not avoid it.

Lin Shan didn't care about their feelings. His purpose was just to convey the facts. These students only had a few years to study in the college. There was no need to let them waste their time here. With this time, it was better to learn some useful abilities.

If he could teach them, Lin Shan wouldn't mind teaching them some big spells to save their lives, but the reality was always not what people wanted.

He then drew the next ten hand gesture patterns on the table, and the pattern rose up and floated behind the previous twenty patterns.

After what had just happened, Lin Shan noticed that some students had red eyes when forming the seals, and even some fragile students were in tears.

Lin Shan could only sigh in his heart at their youthfulness. Most of these students were young, unlike some tutors who were indifferent even if they knew they had no talent.

The course ended quickly.

As Lin Shan expected, the seven named students were able to cast a slight gravity barrier after learning the ten new gestures, while the others still made no progress.

"You can come to my class if you want." Lin Shan finally said, "But I must reiterate that except for the seven students whose names were called, it is futile for others to continue studying. Of course, if you don't mind wasting time, You can continue to come to the next class.”

After finishing these words, Lin Shan glanced at the whole class and then teleported away.

The students looked at each other, guessing what Lin Shan meant.

"What did Teacher Lin mean by his last words?"

"Instructor Lin means...that we still have a chance to continue learning the Great Curse?" a student said tentatively.

"But, we don't seem to have the talent to learn great spells?" Another student said worriedly.

"That's a great curse. Even if I don't have any talent, I will try my best to learn it!"

Time flies.

the next day.

Origin of life class.

Lin Shan passed on the particle sorting method of the "Blood Soul Technique" that he took the time to develop.

The so-called 'Blood Soul Technique' is a name randomly chosen by Lin Shan. It can only be used by Sequence 5. It is an escape technique that can temporarily hide the soul in the blood.

A simple life-saving ability.

Although many students in the class have not reached Sequence 5, they can learn it first and apply it directly when they graduate.

Old knowledge can be like a natural ability, not an external skill.

After a class, Lin Shan returned to the villa.

His days in the academy were very leisurely, and the courses did not require much effort.

In addition to classes, the rest of the time was spent refining life fuel.

In the blink of an eye, several weeks passed.

Class, rest, class, rest, Lin Shan has completely integrated into this cycle.

If Principal Crow did not look for him, he could live a peaceful life for a long time.

That day, Lin Shan knocked on the door of the principal's office again.

"Lin Shan, long time no see." Principal Crow greeted Lin Shan with a smile after seeing him.

"It's only been more than a month since we last met. What's the matter with you looking for me this time?" Lin Shan looked at Crow.

"It's still the academy's business. The annual teacher assessment is coming soon, but as a senior tutor of the academy, the assessment can be cancelled. In addition, I will give you a backdoor, so you will definitely get the S-level rating." Crow flew in front of Lin Shan.

"I don't care about ratings, but I know that if someone tries to please you, he is either a traitor or a thief." Lin Shan replied, and then sat down naturally.

"Well, Yuanting is short of manpower, and many Sequence 3s in the academy have been temporarily transferred by Yuanting. Yuanting wanted to transfer you, but I stopped him. I have two things for you to do. You can choose one." Crow said.

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