Above the gray fog

Chapter 1379 Black Realm, Netherworld Seven

"What's the benefit?" Lin Shan asked bluntly.

"No, this is a matter of course." Crow replied.

"Let's talk about it. It won't take too long." Lin Shan said and looked at Crow.

"Two things, you can choose one to do." Crow continued, "A friend of mine, his great-great-granddaughter is a god in the genealogy, Sequence 3. Her mission this time is a catastrophe-level mission that occurs once in ten thousand years. I I want you to help her. Your strength is basically impossible to match in Sequence 3. Her strength is not bad, but it is still risky to face the tribulation level mission. There are many gods who have died in the mission. "

"Thank you for your recognition, but this should be regarded as a personal request, right? Is the Jie Qi mission also considered as my responsibility as a teaching staff?" Lin Shan looked at the crow, "If I remember correctly, only the gods in the lineage have this obligation. "

"Yes, this is not a business matter. If you choose this, no matter whether you succeed or not, I owe you a favor." Crow said.

"What about the second thing?" Lin Shan asked.

"The second thing is the official business of the academy. The graduates of the previous class have completed half a year of training at the Zhan Zhan Academy and are about to be sent to the border. You need to lead these 100 million new gods to build a new city on the border, etc. After establishing contact with other cities, you can come back after electing a new city leader."

After saying that, Wu Yao looked at Lin Shan, "How is it? Do you choose private matters or business matters?"

"Both of these things seem to be a waste of time. When I come back next time, another group of students will graduate." Lin Shan did not answer his questions directly, but just talked to himself.

"Well, I asked you to lead the class before just because you just came here. The Sequence 3 instructor has a lot of things to do, so it is really not suitable to lead a class. After you have taught these classes for a full year, you don't need to lead a new class. Change In order to cultivate elites and lead apprentices, the college has many departments, some of which have the same teaching method as the Xiuxian sect. There are very few disciples, but they all select disciples with excellent talents to teach. When the time comes, I can teach you Change the department.”

"Just look at the arrangements and arrange whatever is easy for me." Lin Shan said.

Crow nodded slightly and looked sideways at Lin Shan, "Yes, okay, so, which mission do you choose?"

"Does this need to be said?" Lin Shan asked back.

"Gah, you are not only interesting, but also very smart. You need to rest for two days and I will make arrangements for you. Then I will have someone connect with you." Crow said.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly, this time no longer taking the main entrance, and then teleported away.

The reason why he asked the crow in return was not because he had already made his choice. No matter which one he chose, it was impossible for him to absolutely meet the crow's wishes.

He still needs to stay in the Chinese Civilization Academy for several hundred more years, so it's best not to offend the crow principal.

What he meant by asking was that he would choose whichever the crow wanted him to choose.

Nowadays, it is better to be more stable when living under someone else’s roof.

When he is promoted to Sequence 2, the academy can leave whenever he wants, and the crow can do whatever he wants with it.

Two days later.

"Dong dong dong!" A loud knock on the door penetrated the quiet air.

Lin Shan opened the door, and standing outside was Xiaoduo, who was only 1.2 meters tall. She was wearing a blue and green long dress with white flowers embroidered on it. It swayed slightly with her movements, and the golden Her long hair draped over her shoulders looked particularly dazzling.

"It's you again?" Lin Shan was confused.

"Of course, the academy stipulates that Sequence 3 missions must be accompanied by a witch. I am the only witch in the academy who knows you, so naturally I will do it." Xiaoduo chuckled, with a playful light flashing in his eyes. Her petite The figure jumped at the door, like a lively little rabbit.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and asked directly, "What is the mission?"

Xiaoduo put his hands behind his back, shook them, and said, "Go to the Netherworld Seven affiliated with the Black World to help God Huanyue overcome the calamity-level mission."

Lin Shan's expression became strange, "Huanyue High God?" he repeated, and a strange emotion could not help but appear in his heart.

What a coincidence, last time the disciple who helped Huanyue God was asked by her to help her, this time he was helping her.

She probably didn't know that she would go over to help. What would her expression be like if she saw herself?

Lin Shan thought to himself, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, feeling quite interesting.

"That's right, God Huanyue, the God of the Red Moon lineage, is said to be a magnificent beauty!" Xiaoduo's eyes flashed with stars, she jumped up slightly, turned around in a circle, and said, "If you perform well in the mission, you will be a lifesaver to her. When the time comes, she will definitely burst into tears and say, 'I can't repay my life-saving grace, I can only give it to you'!" Xiaoduo His tone was joking, and he was gesturing with his hands, as if he was imitating the romantic scenes described in the book.

"Ah! It hurts!" Suddenly, Xiaoduo covered her head and looked at Lin Shan complainingly.

Lin Shan tapped her head lightly.

"I'm just joking. I read this kind of story novel recently and thought it was very romantic." Xiaoduo pouted, her cheeks were slightly red, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes. "Of course I know that if you want to become a god, you have to cross the border." Love calamity, but you don’t need this to become a god in the academy.”

Lin Shan retracted his hand and regained his composure, "Lead the way."

Xiaoduo rubbed her head, glared at Lin Shan unwilling to be outdone, turned around and led the way, her steps were light and fast, as if she was jumping, and she looked back every few steps to make sure Lin Shan was following.

"What is the Black World?" Lin Shan asked curiously, following her pace.

"The Black Realm is also one of the great worlds, controlled by the Old Ones. Netherworld Seven is a realm. The relationship between the Black Realm and Netherworld Seven is like that between Xiqian Realm and the Shenzhou Great World - a subordinate realm outside the great world." Xiaoduo explained as they walked.

Lin Shan was thoughtful, "Speaking of Xiqian Realm, I remembered that the Supreme God Huanyue was one of the eight supreme gods in Xiqian Realm. Her territory is in Xiqian Realm, so how could she go to Netherworld Seven in the Black Realm?"

Xiaoduo stopped, turned to look at Lin Shan, and explained, "You know this, it seems you have done your homework. The boundary missions that the Supreme Gods participate in are not fixed locations. You can enter from wherever there is an entrance."

Lin Shan simply responded, "Yeah." I hope this mission will not be delayed for too long.

Xiao Duo's voice suddenly became serious: "The sky track cannot be used casually. This time to go to Netherworld 7, we have to go through the passage of the academy first, bypass the Thousand Illusion Sea directly, and then go through the rule passage to the Black Realm. Because the Black Realm is controlled by the old creatures, it is not very close to the big world of Yuanchu, so there is no directly connected rule passage on both sides. We need to take a few big detours." When she said this, her gestures also changed, as if drawing a complicated route map.

Half a month later.

The half-month journey ended in the jumping of the stars.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo watched the starships passing by like light and shadow in front of the star-studded jump channel, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the channel.

"Finally, we are here. Behind this jump channel is the Black Realm. There is a special referral interface in the Black Realm station that can directly send us to Netherworld 7."

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