Above the gray fog

Chapter 1380: Ruins of War

The Black World, the word "black" in this name, is not just darkness in the literal sense, this big world is really bleak.

It seemed that even the rays of the sun could not penetrate the boundless night, and darkness enveloped the entire world forever.

Xiaoduo drove the starship to hover on a huge steel platform.

On the steel platform, there are shuttles of light and shadow everywhere, like a string of bright star chains, creating a breathtaking picture in the silent night sky.

Suddenly, a serious voice came from the ship's communication channel, [Starship of unknown origin, please open the hatch for inspection. ]

Xiaoduo was slightly surprised and frowned, "Check? I haven't heard of this procedure..."

But this was on someone else's territory, so Xiaoduo still opened the hatch.

The hatch at the bottom slowly opened, and where light and shadow met, three inspectors strode into the ship.

The instruments in their hands were shining with a strange light, cold and precise.

But when they caught a glimpse of Lin Shan, the atmosphere instantly solidified.

The leader among them quickly raised his arm, put it to his forehead, saluted, and said respectfully, "Comrade God, please excuse me."

Without another word, the three people quickly exited the hatch, letting the originally tense atmosphere relax.

Xiaoduo showed a puzzled expression, "They just left like this?"

"Tsk..." Lin Shan tskted softly, his eyes deep.

The crow is really calculating.

The fact that the Black World investigates so strictly must be related to the last time Yuanting targeted the old days. The two parties can no longer be described as having a bad relationship. The fact that they can still maintain peace is because both parties are thinking about the overall situation.

At this time, the original creatures basically could not enter the black world. Crow asked him to come. In addition to matching the strength, his identity as an old creature was the most important.

Then how did High God Huanyue get in?

Maybe it has something to do with the Jieqi mission, or maybe it's something else, but one thing Lin Shan is sure of is that the Black World is the old territory, and the original creatures will never be allowed to roam around.

"Huh, luckily it's okay. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. The fee to go to Netherworld Seven has been paid. Let's run away." Xiaoduo looked at the light screen that suddenly popped up in front of him, breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately walked briskly towards the main control room. direction.

The starship's engine started again, making a slight vibration, like a giant beast brewing power, and then slowly lifted into the sky.

Lin Shan's perception spread. On the huge steel platform below, countless starships stood quietly. Some starships were so huge that they were suffocating. The lights on the ships flickered like Musical notes dancing in the night sky.

Behind them, more starships lined up in a long queue and landed on the platform in an orderly manner.

"Where were those people just now?" Lin Shan was confused. When he first came in, he didn't seem to find anyone.

The three people suddenly appeared outside the starship, and there was no aura leaking out when they appeared.

It's really weird, Lin Shan thought to himself, maybe it's a special method from the underworld.

The starship sped along and soon passed through the regular passage and arrived at Netherworld Seven.

"Let's see... we should go to Netherworld Seven - Qianchen Area. I heard that this is the undeveloped area of ​​Netherworld Seven, and it's desolate and ruined." Xiaoduo quickly moved his hand across the light curtain and read the content above. , flip through to the end and there is a road map.

"First go this way, then this way, and finally this way...oh...it seems like I can't walk." Xiaoduo muttered.

"Many regular passages have been destroyed. We can only fly there directly. Although there is no suppression within the territory, because the space is stable after all, we cannot use jump. It will take about ten days to fly there. By the time we get there, I'm afraid it will be too late. "Xiao Duo bit her finger and said, then looked up, "We can only fly to the first level of the sky and make a forced jump. We may hit something on the way, so be careful not to let me kill you."

"You can't use the jump, but you can also force the jump?" Lin Shan asked, why is this statement so contradictory.

"Nothing is absolute, even the big world can jump, as long as you have the ability." After Xiaoduo explained, he began to operate the starship to rise quickly.

"The reason why the spaces of the realm and the realm are stable is that they form a world of their own. The core area of ​​the realm is the same as the big world. There is no division of the scaled void prison. The absence of scaled void prison means that the space is stable, and the stable space means that it is difficult to break. If you cannot open or bend space, you will naturally be unable to jump.”

Xiaoduo said quickly, and the starship passed through the 90,000-mile barrier with a violent tremor.

"I'll stabilize the starship. Make sure the starship doesn't hit anything." When it reached a certain height, Xiaoduo quickly ran to the main control room.

Half an hour later, a violent burst of light burst out from the distant sky, and fire pierced the sky. Immediately afterwards, a huge roar echoed high in the sky, like some kind of drum beat, which shocked people's hearts.

"What's going on? What did you just hit?" Xiaoduo's eyes widened, and her fingers tapped nervously on the console. The starship stopped at a safe distance several light years away from the explosion area.

"It's okay." Lin Shan's calm voice came to his ears, "I bumped into an empty island."

How could it be okay if we hit an empty island? Xiaoduo's eyes widened, and she quickly started the starship's diagnostic program. The operating status of each unit flashed on the screen one by one, and they were all intact.

"Huh." Xiaoduo took a deep breath, restarted the jump engine, and the starship rushed forward like an ejected light.

Two hours later, the entire journey was safe and sound, and they successfully arrived at the destination that should have taken ten days to reach.

In fact, it was not really safe along the way. If the original route was followed, the starship would have to hit at least a dozen sky islands, some of which even had civilizations.

But all possible dangers were foreseen and resolved in advance by Lin Shan.

He did not choose to destroy the sky island directly, but just drilled a hole.

After arriving at the location, Lin Shan's perception passed through the distance of 90,000 miles below and reflected the scene on the earth in his mind.

This area is indeed dilapidated, but this cruelty is not the dilapidation of undeveloped, but the dilapidation after the war.

Looking around, broken walls and ruins can be seen everywhere. The buildings that once towered into the sky are now only dilapidated skeletons, revealing mottled steel and concrete.

In the ruins, there are still residents living hard. They built simple sheds in the collapsed buildings, using shabby wooden boards and plastic sheets to shelter from the wind and rain. In order to find food and water, they had to search in the ruins or venture to find resources in farther places.

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