Above the gray fog

Chapter 1386 It’s a dream

Lin Shan stared at the area where the gap disappeared and said to himself, "It's inexplicable."

"Evan, Evan, how are you, Evan, wake up!" At a certain moment, the voice of the outside world came clearly to his ears.

Lin Shan knew that this body should wake up.

If the body is dead as the seaweed monster said just now, he will be judged as a failure in the Jieqi mission, and then he will be in big trouble.

This is not his mission, and success or failure has nothing to do with him, but this body is now the anchor point of the Jieqi mission. If this body dies, he will not be able to return to the gray fog universe through the Jieqi system's sky track.

However, it is also a foolish dream to want to defeat the outer gods with this body.

As Lin Shan said before, if the facts are really as the seaweed monster said, the outer gods have already won.

He has no way to confirm whether this is true or false. He can't commit suicide now. If it is true, he may have to travel in the void in the future.

At present, he should find other teammates first. He doesn't know much about the Jieqi mission, and others may have a way to crack it.

Lin Shan stared ahead in the cage, and the darkness in front of him was pierced by a bright white light.

The light gradually spread, like a glimmer in the morning light, dispelling the shadows on the edge of the cage.

"Ivan, you finally woke up, how do you feel? Are you uncomfortable?" What came into view was a silver-haired girl with dust and blood on her body. She was one of the children who fell to the ground before, and she looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

"It hurts, don't shake me." Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked at her.

Hearing this, the girl hurriedly and carefully put Lin Shan on the ground and asked anxiously: "I'm sorry, I was careless, where does it hurt?"

"It hurts all over my body." Although the pain spread all over his body, Lin Shan was able to sit up relatively easily.

He looked around. This was no longer the dilapidated street in his memory, but a small iron space with no windows around, and several children sitting scattered.

"Where is this?" Lin Shan asked, trying to get some information from these children.

"We are at home! Aiwen, what's wrong with you? Don't you even recognize your home?" The silver-gray-haired girl asked worriedly.

"Home..." Lin Shan murmured, and then looked at the children sitting on the ground.

"I think I understand."

Lin Shan said, grabbing the wrist of the girl in front of him.

"What's wrong?" She asked in confusion.

"Nothing, I just feel that this game is a bit boring and don't want to continue playing." Lin Shan's hand exerted a little force, and the girl next to him instantly turned into a blood mist.

The other children showed horrified expressions, but their fear was forever frozen in the next moment.

With Lin Shan as the center, the energy fluctuations spread outward violently, razing the surrounding ruins to the ground, and the fluctuations continued to expand, as if to destroy the entire world.

Using the power of the main body, the outer body was blown up in an instant, but Lin Shan was confident that things would not get worse.

Suddenly, Lin Shan seemed to hear the subtle sound of bubbles bursting.

Then, a series of red and green lights and bubbling sounds appeared in his field of vision.

He found himself immersed in a petri dish, next to another petri dish with Xiao Duo in it.

Lin Shan began to look at the laboratory outside the petri dish.

The seaweed-like monster was busy with the instrument with its many tentacles.

An adult woman with a horn was concentrating on playing a childish game, and her expression revealed a hint of excitement.

[The mental connection has been interrupted. ]

[The pain perception connection has been disconnected, the tactile feedback system is offline, and the emotion collection unit is invalid. ]

[The system is trying to restart...]

[Anomalies have been detected, and diagnosis is being conducted...]

[Diagnosis is in progress...]

[The simulation system has been disconnected. ]

A series of prompt sounds rang in his ears, and the seaweed monster stared at the information flashing on the display screen on the wall. It seemed to realize something and turned around suddenly.

The seaweed monster's eyes met Lin Shan's.

The big green eyes first widened in horror, and then quickly shrank to the size of a pinpoint, and the tentacles surrounding it instantly scattered like explosive hair.

"What's wrong?" The woman with a horn looked at the seaweed monster that suddenly went crazy.

"Awake, awake, he's awake!" The seaweed monster made intermittent sounds with a strange resonance.

The unicorn woman looked back in confusion and found that Lin Shan was looking at her.

The next second, the petri dish broke directly, and the petri dish containing Xiaoduo next to it also broke.

"Ouch!" Xiaoduo cried out, and then woke up in a daze, and saw Lin Shan and shouted in surprise, "Lin Shan!"

"Where are the others?" Lin Shan looked at the unicorn woman and asked.

"How did you find out?" The unicorn woman looked at Lin Shan and asked, "Is this also speculated?"

"Guessed." Lin Shan replied calmly, "There are too many loopholes in all the things you carefully prepared. When my tentacles drilled into the internal space of the gap, I found that all of this was fake. Although the tentacles were cut off by you, it was too late."

"And that strong sense of being bound and the few children you arranged are all wrong. It is indeed easy to confuse people at first, but fake is fake, and there will always be flaws."

"I didn't expect that I would miss this part. If I had known, I wouldn't have played." The one-horned woman shook her head in disappointment, "You cracked it too fast. I haven't prepared a surprise for you yet. What a pity."

"No need for surprises. Just stand there and let me beat you to death." Lin Shan had no expression on his face.

"Ruthless." The one-horned woman put down the light board in her hand and said provocatively, "We will not surrender."

"You are not an Outer God, but the seaweed next to you is an Outer God. In the gray fog, only chaos can drive the Outer God." Before taking action, Lin Shan decided to get some useful information first, "I'm not asking you, I'm just confirming with you."

"Is there a difference?" The one-horned woman asked back in confusion.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded and looked back, "The difference is that if you admit it, I can consider going easy later."

"It's not certain who will beat whom later." The one-horned woman sneered, "You are very powerful, but don't underestimate us..."

"You can answer my questions first, and then talk about other things." Lin Shan was a little unhappy.

"Who do you think I am? Am I your captive?" The one-horned woman stared at Lin Shan with contempt, "Do you dare to do it? If the world is destroyed, you will lose as well."

"Others may not dare, but if you ask me, you are asking the wrong person." Lin Shan's voice was low, and his hands instantly gathered strong divine power. The pressure in the air increased, so that the surrounding objects began to distort and deform.

The buildings, vegetation, and all existing objects within tens of thousands of kilometers seemed to be flattened by an invisible palm, and the surface layer collapsed hundreds of meters.

Just because of Lin Shan's fist, the whole world seemed to be shaking and collapsing, as if it would be destroyed at any time.

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