Above the gray fog

Chapter 1387 Not a Dream

"Stop!" The one-horned woman stopped him.

Lin Shan looked at her in confusion. Don't you want to fight?

"Don't you want to know the truth of all this? Your companions, don't you want to know their whereabouts? And..." The one-horned woman tried to persuade him, but before she finished her words, Lin Shan's fist had already whistled out.

With one punch, the world directly arrived at the final chapter.

At the moment when Lin Shan's fist was swung, the reality around him began to distort, the light bent, the sound disappeared, and time and space became irrelevant in front of his fist.

An irresistible shock wave spread outward perpendicular to the ground, and the round bubble world was shattered in front of this force.

However, when everything settled, the scene in front of Lin Shan changed drastically again.

He was still immersed in the culture medium, surrounded by cold metal walls and coiled pipes.

Next to him was another culture dish with Xiao Duo in it.

The seaweed-like monster was busy on the instrument with its many tentacles.

The unicorn woman was still concentrating on playing the childish game, and even her excited expression was exactly the same.

Everything just now seemed to have never existed, like an extremely realistic dream.

"What is it? Ghost wall?" Lin Shan guessed in his heart. He was well-informed and naturally understood that the ghost wall was just the lowest level of illusion. He should not be in the illusion now, as if he was trapped in a closed space and time.

This time Lin Shan did not make any other moves, but directly released his divine power and destroyed the whole world.

In a flash, he came back.

After trying more than ten times, the scene kept repeating.

Lin Shan clearly felt that his spiritual energy was also decreasing.

The outside world is fake, so the spiritual energy cannot be restored, it will only be used a little less.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and meditated for a while in the petri dish, and finally turned his attention to Xiaoduo next to him.

Xiaoduo is also fake. The real Xiaoduo cannot be so quiet after being rescued.

Since everything here is fake, is there a possibility that he is also fake?

This time, Lin Shan directly wiped himself out in the petri dish, of course, not really killing himself.

"Zizizizi... Wonderful, wonderful, breaking the record, if you don't count the time of coma in the first world, zizizizi... It took a total of 32 minutes, I really want to dig your brain out to see how long it is, zizizizi... In the first dream, we took off our underwear." The sound that sounded in his ears seemed to be broadcast from an old radio.

Lin Shan opened his eyes.

This is a room built by light.

There is a table and a chair in the room. He is sitting on the chair at the moment. There is an octopus puppet on the table. The sound just now came from this puppet.

Lin Shan caught the words in the voice, "Dream, it is the power of dream that trapped me here."

"That is to say... What I experienced is a dream within a dream within a dream..." Lin Shan stroked his forehead and felt a little headache, "How did I get hit?"

He looked up. This room has no roof, and there is an extremely deep passage above.

This passage is the only way here.

Lin Shan stared at the octopus puppet, "You, or you should be able to see me."

"Of course, we are happy to chat with you." The octopus puppet made a sound.

"I am busy." A tiny tentacle stretched out from the table and wrapped the octopus puppet tightly, and then the tip of the tentacle opened its mouth and swallowed the octopus puppet.

After swallowing the puppet, the tiny tentacle slowly retracted into the table, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Shan jumped up and rushed upwards.

His patience was almost exhausted.

A few seconds later, Lin Shan came to the end of the passage.

He saw what was at the end.

A table, a chair, and an octopus puppet on the table.

Lin Shan's breath was unstable, and the leaked breath caused the surrounding space to become turbulent. In this gap, Lin Shan saw countless identical rooms.

Countless identical passages.

"Dream within dream within dream..., how many dreams are there?" Lin Shan gathered a majestic divine power in his hand and slapped the wall with one palm.

The whole world seemed to be shattered by his photo.

All the rooms collapsed and turned into tiny particles.

Then, Lin Shan felt a trance, and when he woke up, he was still sitting on the chair.

"Give up, you can't get out."

"Give up, you can't get out."

The octopus doll mechanically repeated the same words, with a chilling monotony in its voice.

"Indeed, under normal circumstances, I really can't get out." Lin Shan nodded, and he reached out to hold the octopus doll that was still talking, "Now, I begin to suspect that you are deliberately delaying time."


Lin Shan gently exerted force, and the doll turned into countless tiny particles in his hand.

Then, he began to seal.

Tens of seconds later.

Lin Shan whispered, "The Heavens Fall..."

No changes appeared, as if the great curse had failed.

"As expected..." This scene just verified Lin Shan's speculation, "Even I am fake!"

This world is fictional, and he is also fictional.

This world can simulate conventional attack capabilities, but the level of the Great Curse is extremely high and is not so easy to simulate.

"Interesting..." Lin Shan looked up at the passage above, feeling his body gradually disintegrating.

This body is fake, existence is fake, even consciousness is fake, he is an empty shell with Lin Shan's memory.

This feeling is extremely wonderful. If it weren't for this verification, he would almost believe it and believe that he is the real Lin Shan. If the real Lin Shan appeared at this time, he would definitely think that the real Lin Shan is fake.

As the body gradually disintegrated, the illusory existence and consciousness gradually disappeared.

This false world tailored for Lin Shan also dissipated into nothingness.

I don't know how long it took.


"Ivan! Ivan! Why did you faint again?" The voice from the outside world came clearly to my ears again.

Lin Shan opened his eyes.

His hand was holding the wrist of the silver-haired girl at this moment.

"Ivan, you hurt me." The silver-haired girl complained and retracted her hand, then asked with concern, "What happened to you just now? Why did you suddenly faint again?"

"I guessed wrong, this is not a serial dream..."

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