Above the gray fog

Chapter 1407 Lord of Time

"What's your situation now? An independent consciousness was born from the fragments?" Lin Shan's brows furrowed, and there was an unfathomable light in his eyes.

"You can think of me as a conscious fragment of authority. You still don't know the true composition of the great parchment. If you understand one day, you won't ask me this question again." Sora on the opposite side stretched. , "The human body is really convenient."

"Aren't you going to return to your original body?" Lin Shan asked.

"The true body?" Sora rolled his eyes, this action accompanied by a joking smile, "I'm afraid you have misunderstood what I meant."

"I am here just to wait for you, not for you to take me back to my true body. To explain it in a way that you can understand, your so-called true body has communicated with me and asked me to wait for you here. If you don't come to me after a while, I'm going to go find you." Kong said lazily. He walked to the table and sat down. The chair creaked as if to protest the sudden weight. "I'll use it. I have tried some means to make the person I control now float in reality, but I can only come out for a maximum of two hours a day."

"You mean, Parchment asked me to come here not so that I can take you back, but so that I can come and see you?" Lin Shan looked at Kong.

"What parchment belongs to you and me? I am the parchment. I asked you to come to me." Kong raised his eyebrows slightly, "I am a fragment, but it is also parchment. We are split from the same consciousness. Different personalities.”

"Just pretend that you asked me to come to you. What's the matter? I haven't given you the promised benefits yet." Lin Shan stared at Sora, his hands folded in front of his chest.

"Don't worry, the Great Parchment doesn't lie. It's natural that there are big things to ask you to come here. The things that the Great Parchment can worry about are all matters related to the survival of the Gray Mist Universe."

Lin Shan didn't speak anymore. He stared at the parchment and waited for the next step.

"I have a very difficult task for you here." Sora's voice was low, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from under heavy pressure.

"How difficult is it?" Lin Shan asked calmly.

"It's very difficult." Kongshen said seriously.

Lin Shan waved his hand, "If it's so difficult, then don't leave it to me."

"Only you can do this." Sora's voice was filled with helplessness.

"Let's talk first." Lin Shan said.

"You need to go upstream along the long river of time and find a source weapon called the Time Sword." Kong stared at Lin Shan and said word by word, "I will work together with the Lord of Time to send you back to the second era. , the reason why only you can do it is because you lost the Time Plate in the Second Era.”

"If there is no time to fix the current long river of time, the gray fog universe will fall apart within less than ten thousand years. The gray fog universe is now looking at tigers and eagles. When the gray fog falls apart, you will see tigers, leopards, eagles, and even even The rats will all want to come and grab a bite to eat.”

"By then, there will be nothing." After saying that, Sora's eyes became deep, as if showing a dark picture of the future.

"Well... Judging from all the information I have received so far, it is only a matter of time before the Gray Mist Universe is destroyed." Lin Shan was silent for a while, and then expressed his thoughts aloud, "It is already the eleventh era. , this means that the Gray Mist Universe has been defeated ten times. Even if the number of masters will increase by one or two in this era, it should not affect the overall situation. I think if there is really no way to save it, there is no need to save it anymore. Gray Mist Universe It’s huge, but the void outside the gray fog universe is even bigger. One day, wouldn’t it be okay for everyone to give up the gray fog and live in the void?”

"Things are not as simple as you think. The Outer Gods are eyeing the Gray Fog Universe. If they could leave, there wouldn't be so many people left to keep working hard, failing again and again, and regrouping again and again, because once the Gray Fog Universe The fog universe is gone, and most living things have no chance to come back again. First there is the world, and then there is us. When the world is gone, our existence will also disappear. No matter whether we run to the ends of the world, or even to the bottom of the abyss, To no avail."

Hearing this, Lin Shan froze on the spot. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing. The gray mist universe was gone, and everyone would die together.

"If this is the case, some people in the Source Court are intruders, and the intruders come from outside the gray fog universe. Will they not be affected by the gray fog universe?" Lin Shan asked.

"It is true that there are a very small number of invaders who do not belong to the gray fog universe, but there are only single digits of such old immortals left. The rest of the invaders have long since become completely native after countless generations of reproduction. Creatures." The parchment revealed another piece of information that Lin Shan didn't know. "The origins you know are all invaders. There are only four kinds of creatures in the gray fog universe that are not invaders. The Old Ones, the Zhi Clan, and the Fallen Clan. and some innate beings.”

Lin Shan leaned against the wall beside the bed, slowly digesting the information.

"How is it?" Kong asked softly, his eyes fixed on Lin Shan, as if trying to read the answer from Lin Shan's expression, "I know you are not him. If you don't want to do it, we can think about it again. There is no other way."

Lin Shan raised an eyebrow slightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "This is the first time I see you speak so fluently." A teasing light flashed in his eyes, as if at this moment, his thinking had broken away. Let go of the current stress and drift in another relaxing direction.

Kong's face was expressionless, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing, "The great parchment disdains talking to weak creatures. Moreover, I am an independent personality, not the parchment you know."

The ridicule in Lin Shan's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a kind of inquiry and doubt, "If according to what you said, the gray fog universe is destroyed, all living things in the gray fog universe will die, and those gods standing on high places will not themselves. It’s not to protect the world, they just want to continue to survive, right?”

Kong shook his head, "No, when you reach the peak of the gray fog, which is the level of dominance, you will find that you can cut off the connection with the gray fog universe at any time. You can say that Sequence 1 is fighting to survive, but you It is absolutely impossible to say that the Overlord is just trying to survive. As long as the Overlord gods do not seek death, they will be invincible in the void. They can easily give up the gray mist. As of now, no Overlord has ever had such an idea. "

Lin Shan was silent for a moment, then raised his head, "Why? This seems to be inconsistent with the laws of human nature and divinity." His voice was mixed with confusion, and without any thought, he expressed that he was ready to fight to the death with the alien gods. Fighting preparation.

What are the masters doing this for? Willing to sacrifice to protect the world...or is there some other reason...

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