Above the gray fog

Chapter 1408: Going upstream along the long river of time

Kong's eyes became deep, as if he had traveled through time and space, "You haven't truly understood human nature, nor have you fully understood divinity. From your birth to now, you have only lived less than ten thousand years. You have never seen life. Miracles that come from nothing in the natural process have not witnessed the world from a small dot to the present boundless world. The youngest one above the gray fog is more than 50 billion years old, except for a few masters with a high life foundation. , Most of the masters were once flesh and blood creatures, and flesh and blood creatures cannot stand the tempering of time."

After a pause, Kong continued to add, "The foundation of life I'm talking about is the basic level of life, not the hierarchical level of life. Flesh-and-blood creatures only rank in the middle among all basic lives. Congenital genetic defects plus human nature and gods It’s a double polish of sex, and you’ll get tired of seeing the scenery from high places, which is very difficult to endure.”

"Are you trying to say that these masters didn't leave because they were tired of living?" Lin Shan looked strange, which was similar to Principal Crow's state of wanting to die.

Kong shook his head and corrected Lin Shanzhen's views. "There are very few people who are tired of living. In difficult times, as long as you continue to shape your personality and divinity, and play with humanity and divinity wantonly, you will feel that time has passed by in vain. A qualified creator must have a sense of playfulness. , the masters don’t want to leave, because they are masters, and with your current level, it is difficult to understand their level.”

"Okay, I've said so much. If you continue to talk, you will be charged. Do you want to go this time? You can make a choice now." Sora yawned again, looking sleepy.

"If I go, what dangers will I encounter and what are the benefits? You must explain this to me first." Lin Shan said after thinking for a while.

"Benefits? If you are not interested in saving the world, then let's be more direct. You should be promoted in a few hundred years, but if you follow the normal fate path, these 500 years will be extended indefinitely. Go down, and I can ask the time guy to give you a thousand years to complete your promotion before departure."

"Can I still give you time?"

"Your place of faith is in the Bailing Circle, right? You just need to speed up the time flow in the Bailing Circle, so that you can gain 1,000 years of harvest in one year." The parchment said it casually, as if accelerating the time of a circle was casual. same thing.

"The Lord of Time is the Lord of History, right?" Lin Shan asked.

"That's right." Kong nodded, "Only that guy can control the river of time at will."

"What's the downside?"

"The downside is that you might die." Kong said seriously, "As you go upstream in the long river of time, you will encounter things beyond your imagination, the fading of history, countless powerful beings that have been eroded by time, and even Bizarre creatures that have never been seen before.

"This is not a bad thing." Lin Shan shook his head slowly. Unknowingly, he also looked down on life and death.

At first, he was very afraid of death.

"There's no harm in that. Let me give you another piece of information that interests you. The innate spirit fish lives in the river of time."

"The fish is in the river of time?" Lin Shan thought, this is indeed good news.

"He already knows the locations of two of the materials for Super Heart Light. The Purple Soul Flower is in the Purple Soul Flower Forest, and the Silky Thread Fish is in the River of Time. Lin Shan remembers that the description of the Silky Thread Fish in the book is, the body is like Silk threads are formless and stateless. When you see them, your perceptions are distorted. When you hear them, you are cursed. When you eat them, you get the rules of the curse. When you catch them, they are difficult to shape. When you touch them, they are like phantoms, inhabiting the deepest water in the world. "

What bottom can be as deep as the bottom of a river that spans time?

He only needs to know the location now. With his current strength, it is naturally impossible to collect these materials.

Another kind of inner light, mentioned many times, must have an important role.

"Do you know what the function of the heart light is?" Lin Shan looked at Kong, the parchment was right in front of him, and Bai Bai didn't ask.

"I know, but I don't want to say it." Kong became serious, "When you find out, you will regret knowing so early."

If the parchment didn't ask, Lin Shan stopped asking and asked about business, "When are you going?"

"The gray fog time river is no less dangerous than the abyss. Before you go, you should be promoted first. Sequence 2 is barely qualified to survive. Something is going to happen at the Divine Civilization Academy. Leave the time to me. I will go back first. , you wait here for a few years.”

"Wait, I have another question."

"What's the problem?"

"Since you are waiting for me, why do you want to bind yourself to fate?"

"It's not you I'm kidnapping, it's the principal of this school. Okay, that's all."

As the words fell, the darkness in Sora's eyes gradually dissipated.

With a sound of "Bang!", Sora fell directly to the ground.

Lin Shan stared at the fainted Kong, speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until Kong woke up that Lin Shan withdrew from his messy thoughts.

"Elder...what's wrong with me?" Kong rubbed his painful head with doubts in his eyes.

"It's okay. You fainted because you were overly nervous. You can go out first." Lin Shan waved his hand and motioned for Kong to go out.

"Ah..." Kong opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, but seeing that Lin Shan had closed his eyes, he could only leave in frustration.

"There is no need to worry about promotion now. Is there anything else to do before going to the River of Time? I seem to have forgotten something important..."

"I remember, I forgot about the game on the other side... I wonder what happened to Icarus..."

The lucky sign in the game of the other shore has not been obtained, and the clue of the deer wood carving has not been solved.

While thinking in his heart, Lin Shan has taken out the old computer.

This computer is also magical. It does not require any energy and has no energy interface. It can be started anytime and anywhere.

Lin Shan clicks the icon of the game of the other shore.

The little black man appears next to the campfire.

There is no one next to the campfire that was never empty.

Lin Shan opens the friend list, and Ikaros is not online.

Since he is idle, Lin Shan controls the little black man to walk through the visible area towards the fog area.

After completing the dungeon last time, in addition to obtaining the deer wood carving, his level has also been raised to level 47. Not only that, he also obtained the elite template, which has the effect of increasing life attributes by 50%.

His current life attribute is 70.5 and his mana is 94, which are the respective effects of the elite template and the servant of mystery.

The combat power system of the game of the other shore is very simple, with level as the basic attribute and skills and talents as the means of amplification, which is very much like a game of numerical competition.

After that, Lin Shan continued to explore the foggy area and killed hundreds of level 20 monsters, but his level did not increase.

I don't know how long it took, but Ikaros's name lit up.

Almost only one second later, Ikaros sent a message, "You still remember to go online? It's okay if you don't go online, I just think you died somewhere, you didn't die, what have you been doing during this time, I tell you, don't think of me about the lucky sign!"

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