Above the gray fog

Chapter 1441 The boring mirror universe, ready to go to the void

There was humility in Xiaoduo's voice: "It's just hearsay, hearsay, these are other people's exact words." There was a noncommittal ease in his words.

Lin Shan sighed, "In that case, let's look for it again."

If the world is completely consistent, then the other self at this time has already overlapped with him.

If it is true as Xiaoduo said, when he enters the mirror universe, another self will be regenerated, then this self can be anywhere.

Maybe in the Bailing Circle area just now, I might have missed it perfectly.

Thinking in his mind, Lin Shan entered the mirror again.

The environment this time was very unfamiliar. On the land with thick gray fog, the sun was shining high, and huge evil creatures were walking aimlessly.

Lin Shan diffused his perception and searched an area of ​​100,000 light-years.

There are only two evil degenerates at the level of gods.

Lin Shan exited the mirror again, and then entered again.

The world inside is refreshed again.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of snow-capped mountains.

Lin Shan let go of his senses and discovered that this was a floating island located in an unknown number of heavens.

The moment he entered, he was already locked by several breaths.

Danger, extremely dangerous.

Lin Shan did not hesitate and immediately took a step back.

The scene is shattered like a mirror.

Lin Shan stepped in again, and the scene was refreshed. It was still a strange place, like being in a scale 4 empty prison.

Violent energy fluctuations continued to sweep over, and two gods were fighting fiercely.

However, these fluctuations could not hurt Lin Shan at all.

These two gods seemed familiar to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan remembered... weren't these two gods two of the five gods who gave him benefits when he first became a god?

Having said that, these five gods still owe themselves a starship. Because they don't have time, they haven't asked for it, so they won't need it later.

Therefore, this is Mugelite, the Moro Star Empire in Beihai affiliated to the Great World of China, and it is also the seat of astrological authority.

I wonder how Brog is doing...

This is really a long history, so long ago that he almost forgot about it.

Lin Shan looked at the two people fighting and thought in his mind, this is the North Sea Territory, very close to the Great World of China, and there is even a jump channel directly to the Great World of China.

But the size of the universe behind the mirror is limited, and I'm afraid it will reach the limit before it reaches the great world of China.

Lin Shan's figure was like a bolt of lightning, appearing out of thin air in the middle of the battlefield between the Iron God and the Ice God.

His appearance was like an unknown meteorite falling into the turbulent ocean, causing the two gods to panic.

He stood between the two gods. They stopped fighting fiercely, with a trace of fear and suspicion flashing in their eyes.

Lin Shan asked in a calm voice, "Do you know me?" The ones fighting were the Iron God and the Ice God. It was too troublesome to call them that for the time being. Lin Shan didn't want to know their names.

The Iron God and the Ice God looked at each other. When the two gods saw Lin Shan, no matter what conflicts they had fought with before, they were now directly on the united front of escaping.


"!" They all issued incomprehensible words or warnings, but to Lin Shan's ears, they were just a series of incomprehensible sounds.

"What?" Lin Shan frowned slightly, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. Even his mental power could not translate their words.

Seeing the two gods running away, Lin Shan carried the two gods back one by one. The two gods struggled desperately. For Lin Shan, this was much easier than holding two babies.



Still don't understand.

Lin Shan turned his head and called Xiao Duo in the ring, "Xiao Duo, do you know what is going on?"

Xiaoduo's answer was, "It's okay. We can't communicate with the creatures in the mirror universe. This is normal."

"Why are they afraid of me?" Lin Shan asked.

"You are an existence that they cannot understand." Xiao Duo's voice carried a philosophical depth, "This has to be seen from the perspective of the possible universe. The reason why the mirror universe can become a possible universe The only basis is that after the gray fog creatures enter the mirror universe, we will become very contradictory in the eyes of the creatures here. This contradiction is the basis. I don’t know the specific time, but to put it simply, in their eyes, we It’s a terrible monster.”

Lin Shan looked far away, his face was calm, but a glimmer of exploration flashed in his eyes from time to time, "Well... the possible universe is a parallel universe, right?"

"It used to be called this, but it was not comprehensive." Xiaoduo explained, "Parallel universe is in countless universes, and the fate of living beings will have countless branches. However, parallel universes have been proven not to exist, because the long river of time has only One, and the existence of the abyss is even more powerful evidence to the contrary.”

Lin Shan was thoughtful, his eyes fell back on the two gods in front of him, and he let go, allowing them to escape, "What about the possible universe?"

Xiaoduo paused for a moment, "Possible universes have been verified to have a great possibility of existence. They are other universes derived from the gray fog universe as the center. The mirror universe is just one of them. The characteristics of the possible universes are everything. With the gray fog universe as the core, in addition to the mirror universe, there should be many other possible universes, but they cannot be discovered at present.”

Lin Shan nodded. Parallel universes do not exist. The possible universe is a universe that revolves around the gray fog universe.

The mirror universe was discovered because it was too conspicuous, just under the gray fog. What are other possible universes like... Why can't they be discovered?

Lin Shan took a step back, the mirror shattered, and he returned to the starting point again.

After just a few attempts, two familiar scenes appeared. This refresh doesn't seem to be difficult. If you refresh a few more times, you may be able to refresh the big world...

While thinking about it, Lin Shan stepped into the mirror again.

There was nothing. The area of ​​100,000 light years around was covered by asteroids. It was impossible for creatures to survive here.

Lin Shan exited and continued to refresh.

After trying dozens of times, the familiar scene was no longer seen, but the danger was approaching quietly.

At a certain moment, when Lin Shan was about to step into the mirror, the environment in front of him suddenly changed and turned into a forest.

"It's the mirage... It actually found this place, it's really persistent..." Seeing this familiar forest, Lin Shan immediately guessed that the mirage had caught up.

"Xiaoduo, let's go and look somewhere else." The ability of the mirage is almost unsolvable. At least he didn't find a way to crack it. It would undoubtedly be a waste of time to fight it.

"Okay." Xiao Duo responded, and when they appeared, the two were already on the pipeline of the base.

After a circle, they returned to the starting point.

This mirror universe seemed to have nothing, but also seemed to have everything.

It had everything because it had almost everything that the gray fog universe had.

It had nothing because the world behind the mirror was not fixed, and it was almost impossible to get to where you wanted to go.

It was like a fairy tale to find another self in this infinite space, and Lin Shan had given up.

As for the degree of danger, it could only be said to be average. Except for the existence of the mirage and the snowy mountain island, Lin Shan did not encounter any creatures that could bring him danger.

Perhaps it was because he stayed for too short a time, but in this short time, Lin Shan had already set a boring label for the mirror universe.

He wanted to look for it again, but since he was already back, forget it.

It was estimated to take fifty years, but it actually took only two months to explore the mirror universe.

It was better to go to the void to prepare early, at least the immortal food was real, unlike the 'other self', which was not certain whether it was true or false.

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