Above the gray fog

Chapter 1442 Mysterious Photo

The next day.

Principal's office.

Principal Crow stood opposite Lin Shan.

"Are you ready to go to the void?"

"Well, come here and say that I want you to help me take care of the tribe. If I don't come back, I will hand it over to the old people in Green Sun." Lin Shan looked at Crow.

"Is this a will?" Crow nodded, "Don't worry, I can still help with this matter, but make sure you agree in advance that no matter how long you stay, I will not pay attention to the development of your tribe. You Leave your fire of life with me. If your fire of life is extinguished, the next time I meet someone from Green Sun, I will give him your tribe.”

Crow was very serious when he said this, as if it was normal for Lin Shan to die in the void.

"Fire of life?" Lin Shan didn't understand what it was.

"The split soul is a large fire of life. The fire of life is countless times rarer than the soul. It will not affect your own strength. However, the fire of life is still a type of split soul, just like the split soul after the death of the main body. Just like it will dissipate, the fire of life will be extinguished," Crow explained patiently. Crow looked at Lin Shan as if he was looking at a dying person.

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded, splitting out a split soul that was one in a billion, and then continued to compress it until only the last tiny wisp of light blue energy remained.

Like a quietly burning flame.

This is the fire of life.

Crow took the fire of life and looked at it carefully, "Two big curses, one curse, and the other big curse is incomplete..."

"I can see it." Lin Shan's expression was slightly condensed.

"Yes." The crow opened his palm, and the originally blue flame became transparent at this moment. Two black light spots and one white light spot, like three fireflies, were hovering and flying in it. "

"Everything else can be integrated into your existence. Only big curses and curses cannot be integrated, and the authority within the lineage cannot be integrated. However, there is no information about authority on it, which proves that your authority is outside the lineage or comes from the void." The crow let go. Hand, the transparent flame is suspended in mid-air, "Guess, what will happen if this fire of life goes out?"

"What happened?" Lin Shan asked directly without guessing.

"After the flame goes out, the three light spots you see lose their restraints, and they will flee with a swoosh." The crow's wings rise, which is a metaphor for being very fast.

"So?" Lin Shan was confused.

"So I'm just proving to you that I can see." Crow said calmly.

"All right."

"Where is the tribe?" Crow asked.

"In my kingdom of God, please come in and receive it." After saying this, a light door appeared next to Lin Shan.

Under Lin Shan's guidance, Crow incorporated the entire solar system he created into his own kingdom.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you something." Afterwards, the crow began to rummage through the box. Ten minutes later, he took out a transparent glass bottle from under its wings. The glass bottle was only about the thickness of a little finger, and it contained half a bottle of bright red liquid.

Crow took out a drop from it and handed it to Lin Shan, "This is for you."

"What is this?" Lin Shan took the red liquid. Lin Shan guessed that what the crow gave him at this time must be a trump card to save his life.

"Your blood," said the crow.

"My blood?" Lin Shan was confused, and then seemed to think of something, "from the previous body?"

"Yeah." Crow didn't say anything, just nodded slightly, "In exchange, you give me two drops of blood."

Lin Shan heard this word for the first time, at least in Gray Fog, "What is essence and blood?"

"The blood that contains existence information is essence blood. Normal creatures can take about ten drops a year. Giving me two drops will have no effect."

"How to get it?"

"I'll help you, don't worry, it won't hurt or itch, just a little weak." Crow approached Lin Shan and put his wings on Lin Shan's shoulders.

Lin Shan suddenly felt a power he had never seen before being injected into his body.

"Use your mental strength to keep up." Crow reminded.

Lin Shan followed his words and controlled his mental power to keep up with this force.

At first, this power just circled in the body, walking and entering a strange space.

This is a small room.

From the looks of it, it's a bedroom.

The dark wooden floor will definitely squeak slightly if you step on it.

On the left wall next to the bedroom door, three bronze photo frames hang. They are arranged at a certain distance, but there are no photos in the photo frames, only light yellow background paper.

These three empty frames seem to be telling a silent past. There may have been precious memories, but now only the blank space is left for people to imagine.

A large bed occupies the farthest corner of the room.

There is an ancient telephone and a brass desk lamp placed on the bedside table. Under the desk lamp is an open ancient book. The content on it is blurry and no writing can be seen.

On the wall above the bed, there are three picture frames, also empty.

There are several pure white robes in the wooden wardrobe at the end of the bed. A long object hangs quietly in the corner of the wardrobe. It is covered with green rust, making it still lose its original appearance.

Next to the wardrobe is a writing desk, which is covered with a frosted glass protective layer. The desk is empty and empty. There are three photo frames on the wall above the desk, and only the light yellow background paper is left.

Lin Shan's mental energy was floating in an unfamiliar space, and confused thoughts echoed in his mind.

He asked himself in an almost whispering voice, "Where is this?"

"Why...why is there such a place in my body?"

The thin white silk seemed to have its own will. They slowly moved from every corner of the room, like a stream of water, to the center.

There was an indescribable tranquility in the air, and these white ribbons were weaving an incredible dance in this tranquility. They gradually gathered, entangled, and finally wove a white sphere like a cocoon in the center of the room.

"This is your existence. Try to draw out a little." The voice of the crow sounded in Lin Shan's ears.

Hearing this, Lin Shan's mental power was like a long snake, winding towards the white sphere. It seemed that it was attracted by the mental power. The white sphere separated a strand of silk ribbon and followed the long snake transformed by the mental power.

However, at this moment, the flow of mental power stopped abruptly, and Lin Shan's sight was attracted by a photo below.

The photo lay quietly on the floor, as if it was deliberately placed there, waiting for Lin Shan to find it.

There were six people in the photo.

He, Zhao Xiaoan, Tu Shan Ranqi, Wu Wang, Ikaros, and a strange man.

Lin Shan was sure that he had seen this strange man before, but he just couldn't remember where he was.

No, not six people, but seven.

There was another man next to him with only half of his face exposed.

It was Zhou Huansheng, and Lin Shan had a deep memory of this man.

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