Above the gray fog

Chapter 1443 The Unspeakable Existence

Each of them was wrapped in the icy background atmosphere, wearing thick cotton jackets to resist the biting cold wind.

The background behind was a round transparent building, and the ground below was thick ice.

Zhao Xiaoan was next to Lin Shan, and the two of them were both natural and intimate. Tu Shan Ranqi stood next to Lin Shan, and her smile was so subtle and elegant, like a plum blossom blooming in the severe winter, quietly and indifferently beautiful.

Ikaros made a "yeah" gesture and smiled the happiest.

And Zhou Huansheng, half of his face was surprised, as if he jumped into this picture at the last moment and accidentally became a witness to this story.

Wu Wang was undoubtedly the most dazzling existence in this picture. His grinning smile revealed an unruly wildness, and the golden flame in his hand was like his inner passion, vigorous and unstoppable.

From left to right, they are Zhao Xiaoan, Lin Shan, Tu Shan Ranqi, Wu Wang, a strange man, Ikaros, and on the far right is most of Zhou Huansheng's face. Everyone's expression and posture are so natural and real.

And this photo is like a node in time, fixing the relationship between them and the emotions at that moment.

Doubts spread in Lin Shan's heart. When was this photo taken?

Is it in the old days?

Where was it taken? Who was the photographer?

His eyes wandered over the photos, and every face was familiar.

"Lin Shan, don't be distracted." The voice of the crow sounded in his ears.

Lin Shan came back to his senses and found that the wisp of existence force that was drawn out was moving away from him.

He felt that he controlled his mental power to go back and seduce again, until he took these existence forces out of the door, into his body, and merged them into the blood.

As the blood flowed out, Lin Shan felt his whole body soften and almost fell to the ground.

He could intuitively feel that he had become weak.

This feeling is like an ordinary person with a 40° fever, with no strength, soreness, dizziness, and difficulty standing.

"Too much, take these few drops, you can make up for it." There were five drops of blood in front of the crow, and he returned three drops very faithfully.

Lin Shan quickly swallowed it, and then he felt much better.

"What happened to that room just now?" Lin Shan sat on the chair, and after adapting to his current body, he looked at the crow and asked.

"How can I know? Your existence must have been decorated by yourself. Most of these places are decorated with the most important nodes in life. Don't you have similar memories?" The crow asked Lin Shan back.

Lin Shan shook his head, "No..."

"If you ask me, I won't know. It's better to ask yourself. If there is really no answer, maybe your strength is not enough to know the answer." The crow said lightly.

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded. According to the information he currently has, these photos are most likely taken in the past.

But there are some doubts, which can't be regarded as doubts, but can only be said to be time points.

Everyone in the photo is wearing thick winter clothes. What kind of weather can freeze a superhuman?

Perhaps when this photo was taken, these people were not superhumans yet. This can be traced back to a long, long time ago, in the old days.

In the photo, Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan have a better relationship, and they may even be in a relationship.

But according to the memories of his previous life, why is he better with Tushan Ranqi?

The only one who can be called suspicious is Wu Wang. The golden flame in his hand is obviously a superhuman power, but why is he also wearing a thick cotton jacket...

The closest answer is... At this time, they are actually all superhumans, but the cold environment at this moment is not something that ordinary superhumans can resist.

Lin Shan shook his head and threw these messy thoughts behind his head.

Guessing is impossible.

Since the truth is there, he will know it sooner or later.

Lin Shan looked at the crow and asked, "What is the use of the blood of the previous life?"

"It makes you invincible for ten minutes." The crow said bluntly.

"...Can I change more?" Lin Shan was a little tempted.

The crow's head shook slightly, and its feathers glowed in the dim light. "No." Its tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Is this blood useful to you?" Lin Shan did not give up. The temptation of invincibility was too great.

There was a hint of playfulness in the crow's voice, "Guess why I have this bottle of blood essence?"

"Why?" Lin Shan was also very curious.

"Many of the old embers have it. You gave it to me." The crow said casually.

Lin Shan fell into silence, waiting for the crow's next words.

The crow's eyes passed Lin Shan and stared at a certain point in the void, as if recalling something, "Infinite sealers, the title of 'sealer' is not a random title, blood essence, can be used to strengthen the medium of the seal"

"What is sealed?" Lin Shan asked.

"Some outer gods and an existence that cannot be said." The crow became serious, "It cannot be said because once it is said, He will look at you."

"It has been sealed, and it cannot be said?" Lin Shan chewed on this information. What a terrifying existence.

"That's right. Such beings are sealed and cannot be mentioned." Crow nodded. "As for 'name calling resonance', this is an ability that the Overlord has. Every time you say the Overlord's name, even if it is not his real name, He will feel it, but He is too busy to pay attention to you."

Lin Shan pursed his lips and digested this series of information. "Well, I understand. I'll leave first if there's nothing else."

"Go to Yuanting's base in the void first to get familiar with the void. I can let the witch accompany you on this journey. You can only rely on yourself after leaving the base." The crow reminded at last.

"I thought so too." Lin Shan nodded. Since there is a quota, it's better not to use it.

"Go ahead and take a day off. I'll let the witch find you tomorrow." The crow flapped its wings and returned to the high-backed chair in front of the French window.

In the villa.

Lin Shan logged into the game of the other shore that he hadn't logged in for a long time.

He still cares about that photo

Thinking of the photo of Ikaros and the toy rabbit when he cleared the game of the other shore.

These two photos are most likely taken at the same time.

Ikaros is in the photo of the predecessor, which proves that the two knew each other a long time ago, and Ikaros may know something.

Lin Shan stared at the friend list next to him. Ikaros was not online.

Lin Shan sat there waiting.

Ikaros seemed to care about the game on the other side, and she would definitely go online frequently.

Sure enough, after waiting for a few hours, Ikaros's name lit up.

Lin Shan took the initiative to contact.

[Are you free? ]

Ikaros: [Yes. ]

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