Above the gray fog

Chapter 1445 Lighthouse

The two drove Teng Yun towards the direction of the empty track.

This time, Xiaoduo did not look for the staff again, but took Lin Shan directly into the circular building used for teleportation.

"Give me the empty orbit signal." Xiaoduo stretched out his hand.

Lin Shan took out the iron token and handed it to Xiaoduo.

Xiaoduo placed the token in a groove on the wall next to it, then walked to the console at the front of the room, pressed a few buttons on it, and pushed the largest lever.

The surrounding space began to distort, and everything began to blur like running water.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of silent darkness. During the empty orbit transmission, consciousness seemed to be separated from the body, and time and space lost their definition.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo seemed to be hung on an invisible thread, traveling through the endless void.

When their consciousness rejoined their bodies, they were already standing on a platform.

The stronghold of the void slowly unfolded in front of Lin Shan's eyes, and a majestic tower stood in front of him, as if reaching into the sea of ​​stars, towering over the endless darkness.

Each floor of the tower is like a staircase woven by nebulae. Gentle light flows through the mysterious mist. Each ray of light is a guiding light in the void, guiding the way for those who are wandering.

Surrounding the tower are huge platforms made of unknown material, like floating islands.

Transparent energy bridges, as clear as crystal, connect these islands, forming a giant network.

On these staggered platforms, creatures of various shapes wandered through. They were either dazzling or dark and mysterious, their figures flickering in and out between the interplay of light and shadow.

The activities of all living beings have brought vigorous vitality to this stronghold. The languages ​​of various races of creatures are intertwined here. Their existence makes this stronghold not only a strategic location, but also a meeting point of multiple civilizations, full of infinite possibilities. and mysterious charm.

In the distance, exquisite stone tablets stood in the void. Their surfaces were covered with layers of runes and shone with a quiet blue light.

"Is this void?" Lin Shan said to himself, his eyes capturing everything around him.

On both sides of the tower, there is a huge platform suspended every ten meters. Starships and various mechanical facilities are parked quietly, and there may be figures walking through it, just like a busy scene in an interstellar port.

For Lin Shan, who was accustomed to giant buildings, this giant tower, although huge, seemed insignificant in his eyes, and could not even compare to a random teaching building in the China Civilization Academy.

He turned his gaze back and saw the energy pipes connecting the platform and the tower. Rows of lights flashed in the night sky like beating notes, guiding the way forward.

"Welcome to the Void. The place where you are is the Lighthouse, the only stronghold of Yuanting in the Void." Xiaoduo introduced excitedly, "The total number of frontline personnel and logistics personnel of the Lighthouse is nearly 2 million."

"Two million people?" Lin Shan expressed a hint of surprise, "The space inside should be more than what you see in front of you, right?" Lin Shan's eyes have been firmly attracted by the building called the Lighthouse. The style of this building , is really attractive, with a wasteland science fiction style, and traces of repair can be seen everywhere.

"No, everything in the void is nothingness. Even space is nothingness. There is no superimposed space. The lighthouse is very big and can accommodate two million people. I have been here once and the facilities inside are very complete." Dora pulled Lin Shan and stepped on the energy pipe, "Come on, I'll take you inside to visit."

Without any obstruction, when the two of them walked to the door at the end of the passage, the door slid open automatically, as if their identities were recognized invisibly.

After passing through this door, you officially enter the interior of the lighthouse.

Lin Shan was immediately attracted by the sight in front of him.

Although the level he was on was only a corner of the lighthouse, it was also a magnificent microscopic city.

The space is cleverly planned, both efficient and harmonious, as if every stone slab and wall here has been precisely divided into uses, and each area has its own style.

On the high ceiling, light is spread softly and evenly, simulating the warmth and luster of natural sunlight. In the center is an open market, with the bustle of people in various languages, living areas, leisure areas and work areas. The districts are distributed in an orderly manner around the market, and each area is carefully designed to meet the daily needs of residents.

"We are now in the middle level of the lighthouse. This is a residential area. Although they are just ordinary residents, the minimum requirement for the residents of the lighthouse is to be gods. Therefore, the people you see living a normal life are actually gods. The gods and colleges here Those gods with no future are different, they are all promoted by strength within or outside the genealogy," Xiaoduo said.

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "I can see that."

Immediately he frowned slightly, "The void is so dangerous, what are these ordinary gods doing here?"

"A lighthouse requires a variety of staff to maintain its internal operations. These gods, most of the time, play such a role." Xiaoduo explained.

"But ordinary humans can do these tasks, right?" Lin Shan wondered.

"Yes, but ordinary people cannot live in the void. Even if there are artificially created oxygen and survival conditions, being deep in the void for a long time will cause irreversible mutations for ordinary people and even ordinary extraordinary people."

Lin Shan nodded and asked thoughtfully, "Are there many high-end combat forces here?"

Xiao Duo thought for a while and said, "I heard that there are no less than three main gods sitting here."

Xiao Duo took Lin Shan to stroll in the small ecosystem of this layer. According to Xiao Duo, she had contacted the lighthouse, and someone would come to find Lin Shan and make arrangements for him.

"What is the purpose of the lighthouse here?"

"Of course, it is for the resources of the void."

"What resources does the void have?" Lin Shan asked curiously. The only void resources he knew were immortal grains.

But Yuan Ting could not have established a base here for immortal grains.

"Too many, for example, the material used to build the lighthouse is only available in the void." Xiao Duo pointed to the solid walls around her, "Even the hardest alloy in the gray fog world cannot create a building that is still stable in the void."

She paused and continued, "You can understand it this way. The void is a place where even life is scarce, so everything that appears in the void that does not belong to nothingness is a top treasure. Even void monsters, or even beasts, contain extremely high value. In the void, the most abundant thing is nothingness."

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