Above the gray fog

Chapter 1446 Void Hunter

Lin Shan and Xiaoduo almost walked around this floor.

The senior staff of the lighthouse finally approached Lin Shan.

In a meat farm.

The breeding farm is very large, with thousands of void pigs penned in one factory building.

A staff member wearing a gorgeous dress blocked Lin Shan's way. He was tall and wearing a well-tailored blue dress. The badge on the dress shone under the light, making it particularly eye-catching.

His skin is a healthy wheat color, and his hair is black and short, combed neatly and with a slight side parting, revealing a trace of rigorous professional temperament.

The neckline of his dress was straight, the cuffs were clean and neat, obviously carefully taken care of, and every button on the dress was buttoned just right.

When he came to Lin Shan, he leaned slightly, showing proper respect, with a professional smile on his lips, which was both friendly and polite, "Hello, Mr. Lin Shan, you used the void pioneer qualification to enter the lighthouse. Yes." As an important guest of our lighthouse, within our capabilities, the lighthouse can agree to one condition. Please follow me to the upper level of the lighthouse, where a distinguished gentleman is waiting for you.”

Lin Shan looked at a badge hanging on his chest. It was a symbol of a miniature lighthouse, indicating that he was different from ordinary staff members.

"Lead the way." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

After asking, Lin Shan learned that although screening qualifications are required to enter the void normally, the void advance qualifications will not be used, and they will only be screened in various big worlds.

Those who enter the lighthouse through the Void Advance qualification are all distinguished guests and can ask the lighthouse to do something within its capabilities.

The Void Advance qualification is one of the highest rewards given by the Source Court. It cannot appear in the Tribulation Level Deed mission of Sequence 3. You must be at least Sequence 2 to be eligible.

Lin Shan didn't know why he had this, and guessed it had something to do with the fictitious pregnancy field.

"Lord Lin Shan, are you interested here? These pig-like creatures are synthesized through genetic life technology. They are fused with a foreign substance unique to the void, making the basic life level Sequence 5, and they are rare meat. , of course, its main function is to neutralize the adverse reactions of the lighthouse staff to the void." The staff member led the way straight ahead while explaining the purpose of the farm to Lin Shan.

"Passing by." Lin Shan said lightly.

"So that's it? I thought Master Lin Shan was interested in this breeding farm. There is a magnetic car over there. Let's take the car to the central elevator. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. It's really rude. My name is Mori Sen. Corbett, just call me Morrison," Morrison said, pointing to the open-top bus in front.

This simple big Balinshan has been seen before, and it is the only means of transportation in the lighthouse.

"As you can see, this is the only means of transportation to the lighthouse. It must be your first time to come to the lighthouse. You must not know many things about the void and are very curious. There is still some time to go to the upper level. I think I can do it for you. You answer part of it." After getting into the car, Morrison said, his posture was extremely elegant.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo sat on seats made of unknown metal, while Morrison stood aside with his hands folded under his belly.

"What are you doing standing there? Sit down!" Xiaoduo greeted.

Morrison shook his head slowly, "It's so rude to sit on the same level as Mr. Lin Shan."

"Are you saying I'm rude?" Xiaoduo glared at Morrison.

"Only people like you can sit on an equal footing with Master Lin Shan." Morrison added.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it." Xiaoduo held his head high, feeling very satisfied.

"There are too many questions. I don't know what to ask." Lin Shan stroked his forehead, "Can't the void use technological vehicles? This floating vehicle can move. It should only be a matter of material."

"You are really discerning. The floating car is made of void magnet. This is an extremely rare void mineral. It is usually only found in the nests of crystal birds and scorpions. Void magnet repels all materials. As long as the repulsion is controlled well, it can Use it as thrust." Morrison paused for a moment and continued to add, "The void has no spirituality and is no longer under the control of the master of technology. All gray fog technology is ineffective in the void, and the void is not the same. Without its own technology, there is no technology here, and there is no transcendence. It is a place of nothingness built from pure nothingness.”

"There is no transcendence? What are those void tribes and beasts?" Lin Shan asked.

"It's a high-level creature," Morrison said.

Lin Shan looked at him, "Isn't that still extraordinary?"

"I'm afraid Lin Shan has misunderstood. There is no mortal in the void, so where does the extraordinary come from?" Morrison explained patiently.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded, "I understand, they are all extraordinary, so there is no extraordinary."

"It can be understood in this way, but it is not comprehensive and there is no transcendence. It means literally, from the perspective of void, all living beings are equal." Morrison said seriously, "Void is a place without any extraordinary power."

Extraordinary power...

This is indeed the case. Since entering the void, spirituality and divine power have all dried up in the body. The only ones that can be used now are soul power, mental power, and perception.

Lin Shan had been confused before. Didn't his authority come from the void?

Why couldn't divine power be gathered in the void? Only after hearing what Morrison said did he understand that the reason was very simple. There was no extraordinary power in the void.

Powers such as mental power should be regarded as inherent innate abilities. They are carried by high life levels and no one can take them away. Although in Lin Shan's view, these abilities are also extraordinary, but Void's definition of extraordinary does not seem to be quite right. Same.

"The central elevator station has arrived."

The driver in front shouted.

Lin Shan discovered that the driver was a robot.

"We're here, we're at this stop, get off the bus." Morrison led the way.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo stepped out of the elevator with Morrison and entered another dimension of the lighthouse.

"Is that driver just now a robot?" Lin Shan asked.

Morrison understood what Lin Shan meant, and he explained, "That is mechanical life."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded and looked forward.

They stood in front of a huge cylindrical structure, which was like a giant pillar, tightly connecting the ceiling to the ground. The door at the bottom slowly opened, revealing a space that was completely different from an ordinary elevator.

"There are ten elevators to the upper floors." Morrison explained as he led them to the central elevator. "We are taking the core one now, which will take us directly to the 332nd floor."

The three of them stepped into the elevator, and the door slowly closed behind them.

The interior decoration of the elevator is extremely simple, like iron plates sewn together.

"The 332nd floor is the highest level of the lighthouse except for the management, and it is also where the void hunters gather." Morrison in the elevator introduced, "There, you can see some weird void creatures."

Lin Shan was curious about this title, "What is a Void Hunter?"

"The Void Hunters are a void organization established by Yuanting. In addition to gray fog creatures, they also recruit void creatures and provide them with shelter and a place for development. The Void Hunters are an organization that targets void materials. Due to the high-end warfare of Yuanting, With all his power and skills, the Void Hunter has not yet become famous in the vast void, but this is exactly the low-key posture Yuanting expects. After all, he is chasing the wind with a tall tree. "

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