Above the gray fog

Chapter 1448: First Journey into the Void (5000 words) (1/2)

"Okay, Master Mumushan, I've registered. You can now enter and exit the lighthouse freely. I'm nearby. You can come to me anytime if you have any questions." Morrison handed a badge to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan took the badge. This badge was exactly the same as the one Morrison wore on his chest. There was a miniature lighthouse in a round badge.

When the badge touched Lin Shan's palm, a warm feeling spread from his palm. The badge melted into his body like a drop of water, turning into a warm flow. He could feel it flowing in his blood.

"The Void Hunter's badge will echo the guide monument outside the lighthouse, ensuring that you will not get lost within the range of the lighthouse." Morrison explained.

"Are those stone tablets you saw outside before?" Lin Shan recalled the stone tablets he saw when he first came in.

"Yes, your observation is indeed subtle." Morrison nodded slightly, crossed his hands on his chest, and smiled.

Xiao Duo muttered beside him, complaining, "Such a big stone tablet, even a blind person can see it!" As she spoke, she made an exaggerated gesture.

Lin Shan couldn't help but smile slightly, and then his eyes became serious again, "When will the immortal food be delivered?"

Morrison apologized a little, "I don't know, but it shouldn't be long. Such precious materials are all placed in the source court and need to be reviewed at all levels. It will take a certain amount of time to deliver them." Morrison explained.

"Has anyone obtained immortal food near the lighthouse?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

Morrison nodded gently, "Yes, if the hunter obtains immortal food that is not used, he can sell it to the lighthouse. The lighthouse will transfer the precious materials to the source court for storage and transfer them when needed."

Lin Shan pondered for a moment and asked a new question, "I want to explore the void, do you have any suggestions?"

Morry thought about it and gave a suggestion, "Don't go too far, Lord Mumushan, with your strength, although you are almost fearless within the protection range of the lighthouse, accidents may happen at any time. After all, we are in the void, and everything here is unpredictable."

"What does 'don't go too far' mean specifically?" Lin Shan asked.

"It is best not to leave the protection range of the lighthouse." Morrison explained in more detail, "But you don't need to worry too much. The protection range of the lighthouse is extremely wide. At your speed, it is difficult to cross it even if you fly for ten years."

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded and took Xiaoduo to this layer of energy channel leading to the outside world.

There is no extraordinary power and technology in the void, so this energy channel is essentially a real substance.

You can reach the platform through the channel.

These platforms suspended outside the lighthouse are not smaller than the interior space of the lighthouse, and are even much larger.

Except for these huge suspended platforms, there is boundless nothingness all around, as if these solid iron plates are isolated islands suspended in endless darkness.

Lin Shan looked around and saw that the platform was crowded with people. Compared with the space inside the lighthouse, the vitality here was more intense, although the edge of the void was close at hand.

He noticed that temporary habitats built with daily supplies were scattered around the platform. Some were tents erected with old canvas or tough fabrics, and some were more rudimentary shelters from the wind and rain.

Of course, there was definitely no wind and rain here, and the lighthouse did not provide accommodation. For hunters, this should be considered a small home in the void, although it was an extremely simple home.

Some people gathered together, perhaps to discuss their livelihoods, or perhaps just to find a trace of warmth in the loneliness of the void.

Lin Shan could feel that although this was a man-made miracle isolated in the void, everything here was so real and full of vitality. His eyes swept through the busy figures.

"Wow, this is really..." Xiaoduo exclaimed, thinking for a while before saying, "A place full of survival style! These are all high-level gods, right? I can't tell."

"Well, most of them are sequence 3, and the rest are sequence 2." Lin Shan nodded.

"Well, the void is really a place of torture." Xiaoduo commented.

"Torture?" Lin Shan disagreed, looking around and said, "I can see that these people are enjoying themselves, not everyone likes comfort."

"Enjoyment? How can you tell?" Xiaoduo widened her eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

"Little sister, it is enjoyment, he is not wrong." A voice came from behind.

Lin Shan and Xiaoduo turned around at the same time, and their eyes fell on a figure with a strong aura.

It was a middle-aged humanoid with blond hair, and a beard covered the lower half of his face, showing a wild majesty. A wide cloak fluttered gently with his movements. The texture of the cloak looked heavy but unusually soft, and the edges were slightly worn, revealing that he had been dusty for a long time. He wore heavy metal armor under the cloak.

The most eye-catching thing is the two unsheathed long swords on his waist. The handles are finely crafted and full of exotic style. The blades are long and straight, with cold light overflowing, revealing extraordinary sharpness.

Lin Shan is somewhat familiar with these two swords, as if he has seen them somewhere, but for a moment he can't remember anything.

"Mumushan, right? My name is Hart Yale, from the God's Grace World. Mr. Morrison has entrusted me to take you to understand the void." The middle-aged man with a beard introduced himself.

Lin Shan looked behind him, and Morrison waved with a smile not far away.

"You are going to the void, and I am going too. Let's go together, but let's make it clear that if you don't contribute, you won't get a chance to share the spoils." Hart Yale walked in front.

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded. He knew nothing about the void and really needed an experienced person to lead him first.

Hart Yale walked to a void creature sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Let's go." Hart Yale said.

The void creature looked up at Lin Shan and Xiao Duo, and a faint mental wave dissipated, "Who are they?"

"Just took a small job, this time, the two of them are with us." Hart Yale explained.



"From the gray fog?"

"That's right."

"Okay, you protect them, don't count on me." The void creature stood up and walked in front.

"Didn't you notice that he has the ability to protect himself?" Hart Yale followed behind with his arms folded.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo walked at the end, and Lin Shan stared at the void creature in front.

This void creature has a human-like appearance, and its skin color is a deep blue-black.

Its head is relatively small, and its two large and deep eyes seem to be able to penetrate the depths of the soul. There is no white in the eyes, and they are all a deep blue that is permeated with wisdom.

The most conspicuous thing is the multiple tentacles located on its neck, which are slender and tough. The surface of the tentacles is covered with scale-like details. Each scale is shining with a silver luster. They are flexibly intertwined, weaving and twisting freely with each other.

It walks in front with two slender legs, leaving black circular footprints on the floor where it passes, and these footprints will disappear after a few seconds.

This is the first time that Lin Shan has carefully observed the void creatures. There are many differences between them and the gray fog creatures, but there are also many similarities. The biggest commonality is wisdom.

He didn't know when he heard such a sentence, the interests of the void creatures are different from the interests of the gray fog and other worlds, the pursuits of the two are different, and the needs are different, so there will be no connection, but here, there are so many void creatures, what's the matter?

Although he was confused, Lin Shan did not ask anything. He followed the path and understood many things naturally.

The void creature led the way and went straight through the barrier at the edge of the platform into the void.

Hart Yale followed closely behind, and Lin Shan and Xiaoduo followed at last.

When Lin Shan stepped over the barrier, a strange chill invaded his whole body. This was not the coldness of the flesh, but a chill deep in the soul, as if his existence was being eroded and swallowed by the void.

This was the first time he touched the void with his flesh.

The part that had been emptied immediately appeared on the surface of the skin, and it was experiencing an irreversible acceleration of emptiness.

Lin Shan could not describe his feeling at the moment.

The void was boundless, and he seemed to be a breeze in this boundless space. This was a feeling called freedom that went deep into the soul.

"Empty? Have you been to the void before?" Hart Yale's voice was full of concern and seriousness. His palm patted Lin Shan's back, and a warm current was injected into Lin Shan's body, stabilizing the process of emptiness.

"I haven't been here before." Lin Shan's voice was a little hoarse.

"I haven't been to the void, but my body has become empty. I seem to have seen it somewhere..." Hart Yale thought about it, but couldn't figure it out. "In short, there are good and bad sides to emptying. It depends on whether you are willing to accept it. I'm afraid that you have no chance to accept it, because emptying is difficult to reverse."

"What are the good and bad sides?" Lin Shan asked.

"The good side is that after emptying, you will be more in line with the void, just like a real void creature. No matter how long you stay, you will not feel uncomfortable. The bad side is that emptying will change your species form in your existence and turn you into a real void creature." Hart Yale explained, and then specifically reminded, "Because of emptying, you have become a void creature, your existence will become incomplete and you will lose the qualification to compete for the highest."

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded seriously. The so-called supreme should be the master. From this point of view, he must find a way to curb emptying, or even eliminate emptying.

"Can blue fairy food be used?" Lin Shan asked suddenly.

"Blue fairy food... what can it do?" Hart Yale didn't react for a moment.

"Can it clear the void?" Lin Shan added.

"Of course it can, blue fairy food can purify all the negatives that do not belong to existence." Hart Yale gave a positive answer.

"Yeah." Lin Shan knew it in his heart. The blue fairy food given to him by Yuanting had worked by accident.

"Yekis, spit out a bubble." Hart Yale shouted to the front.

Hearing this, the void creature named Yekis opened his mouth and spit out a transparent bubble.

"Come in." Hart Yale took the lead in entering the bubble and called out, "This bubble is Yekis's talent, which can make us travel faster."

When everyone entered the bubble created by Yekis, colorful colors suddenly burst out from behind it, like a flowing abstract painting, and then the bubble cut through the void at an incredible speed and rushed forward.

"Where are we going?" Lin Shan asked, his voice echoing in the bubble.

"There is no destination. Anything found in the void can be our goal." Hart Yale's words reminded Lin Shan that they were in a world that could not be measured by common sense.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded lightly and did not speak.

He almost forgot that he was in the void now. The void should be a place without a purpose.

He was looking forward to what he would encounter on his first trip to the void.

The void is an endless nothingness. It is not an illusion of nothingness, but a negation of existence, a concept that even the word "empty" seems too full.

In such a void, there is a consistent silence and silence in all directions. There is no direction, no scale, no passage of time, only endless depth and stillness, and only the essential loneliness and desolation.

In this indescribable emptiness, there is a kind of tranquility that makes the soul tremble. It is different from any kind of silence in the tangible world. This silent silence will make the gods crazy.

I don't know how long it took.

"Ah! I can't stand it." Xiaoduo shouted, punching the bubble with his fist, which only brought a ripple to the bubble.

"Lin Shan, let me get into your ring, I can't stand it, it's too sad!" Xiaoduo looked at Lin Shan with a very bad face.

"It can't be opened." Lin Shan shook his head. In the void, no space can be opened. Even the kingdom of God has become like a dusty stone.

"Calm down, walk a little more, and you'll be there." Hart Yale slowly opened his eyes after noticing the movement.

"Are we there? Isn't there a destination?" Xiao Duo complained, "My head hurts so much!"

"After the rain, there will always be a rainbow. Just think about it. When walking in the void, the destination is in your heart." Hart Yale pointed to the position of his heart, "Otherwise, I will go crazy. This kind of emptiness is not something that ordinary gods can bear."

"Better." Xiao Duo sighed lightly, "It's better to talk. Otherwise, let's chat!"

"What do you want to talk about?" Hart Yale looked at Xiao Duo.

"Just talk... Can you tell me about your experience in the void?" Xiao Duo became interested and immediately felt that her headache was gone.

"I have had too many experiences in the void. I have been in the void for more than 30,000 years. Every time I leave the lighthouse, I am on the edge of a life-and-death struggle. But if you want me to talk about my experiences, I really can't explain them. Some things are like hemp ropes, constantly entangled in my mind. It's too messy and I can't figure it out." Hart Yale shook his head.

Xiaoduo pouted, "I don't want to say it, I just don't want to say it, what's too messy."

Hart Yale still smiled and shook his head.

"Is it like this every time you go out, searching aimlessly?" Lin Shan asked.

It is estimated that they have been flying for nearly six or seven months since they left the lighthouse. Due to the special characteristics of the void, it feels like six or seven hundred years have passed.

"Almost. If you are lucky, you will encounter something not long after you go out. If you are unlucky, you will get nothing even if you reach the border." Hart Yale nodded, "If you are not here, Yekis and I may go deep into the abyss to look for it, but with you here, we can only wander around the edge of the lighthouse."


Lin Shan looked forward, "There's something ahead."

Hearing this, Hart Yale turned around and looked back, "It's Xeres... You two are really lucky pendants, I haven't met this for a long time."

In Lin Shan's perception, there is such a picture.

In the boundless darkness, there is a creature wandering alone, like a half-human-high beetle, with a shell as dark and hard as the bottomless night sky.

The head is triangular, and two huge compound eyes are staring in the direction where they are, obviously also found them.

"Yekis!" Hart Yale reminded in a low voice.

"Get ready." Yekis's small head turned, and the next second, the bubble burst.

Yekis and Hart Yale came to the beetle in an instant.

The beetle called Xeres has a pair of unique wings on both sides of its body. When the two came in front of them, Xeres spread his wings and immediately turned into a residual image and fled.


Yekis and Hart Yale chased closely behind.

The speed is directly related to spirit and perception. Wherever the perception extends, people can reach it. It has nothing to do with divine power, so even in the void, the speed will not change.

Lin Shan watched Keith and Hart Yale disappear from his sight.

After thinking about it, he decided to wait there.

Those two are both Sequence 1, and the beetle just now is also Sequence 1. If he gets involved, he will only be cannon fodder.

It's too dangerous. The first creature he encounters is Sequence 1. If he is the only one here, the identity of the chase will definitely change.

After waiting for several months, Keith and Hart Yale came back dragging a big beetle.

"Sorry for the wait. This thing is a bit difficult. We are lucky this time. We are going to go deeper. Can you still bear it?" Hart Yale looked at Lin Shan and Xiao Duo.

"I'm fine." Lin Shan shook his head and looked at Xiao Duo, "How do you feel?"

"I'm dying." Xiao Duo said with a pale face.

Lin Shan saw that the two of them had tasted the sweetness and would definitely want to take advantage of their luck to go deeper.

But he was concerned about Xiao Duo, or Morrison, so he hesitated.

"You guys go deeper, I'll send Xiao Duo back." Lin Shan stood up and said.

"This... it only takes us a few months to go back, but you want to fly back from here and it will take more than ten years. Forget it, let's quit while we're ahead and go back together." Hart Yale's face changed several times and finally made a decision.

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