Above the gray fog

Chapter 1449 Void Creature, Limit Breaker

"Thank you." Lin Shan thanked him. Although Morrison's commission was involved, it had to be said that these two Sequence 1s were all about human nature.

"It should be so." Harteye shook his head slightly, "After I brought you out, I have to take you back, but this time because Yerkes and I are here, the journey is smooth. Next time if you want to walk alone in the void, remember Be careful, because dangers are everywhere, and we have traveled around this area a lot, so we can predict the dangers.”

"You are all Sequence 1, can you still encounter danger in this area?" Lin Shan was curious.

"Hahaha, so what about Sequence 1? The dangers in the void are not just living things, the void itself is also very dangerous." Hart Yale smiled roughly, "Put away your worldview in the gray fog universe, here is Void, although Sequence 1 has reached its peak, there are not many things that can pull us down.”

"Let's go." A mental wave came into everyone's mind, and Yerkes blew a bubble to signal everyone to go in quickly.

The bubble flew at an extreme speed. Several people sat on the side, and the beetle corpse lay in the middle.

Lin Shan touched the shell of the beetle with his fingers, and it was not as cold as expected. , even a little warm.

Hart Yale looked at Lin Shan and asked with a smile, "How is it? It's a good trophy, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded, thought for a while and said, "It's just a little small."

"Small?" Hateyeru said with a smile, "This is a void, a place where material is scarce. Monsters like this half-human height are already of a size that can only be encountered but cannot be found. If there appears in the void something comparable to Sequence 8- 7 Monsters with evil-shaped bodies will come in one bite at a time. Of course, the premise is that they are born in the void.”

"Remember, the size of the monsters you encounter in the void determines their strength. The only ones you can deal with now are probably small and medium-sized void creatures less than thirty centimeters. This beetle is the mature form of Xelais and belongs to Medium-sized void creatures normally have a life level of Sequence 1," Harteye said in a serious tone, lest Lin Shan encounter a smaller monster in the future and die because of underestimating the enemy.

"Yes, I remember." Lin Shan looked at Yerkes who was silent again, "Excuse me, Ms. Yerkes, is she a member of the Void Clan?"

Harteye glanced at Yerkes, "She doesn't like to talk. If you're curious, let me tell you."

"The Void monsters are essentially the same species as the Void people you know." Hart Yale explained, "The extreme of life leads to death, and the extreme of death leads to life. The void is the ultimate place of death. Therefore, the extreme of life Su Qia will be born from the dead pole, that is, void creatures. The characteristic of void creatures is that they grow very fast, but the upper limit is usually set from birth. Void creatures cannot breed and can only live in the void throughout their lives. Wandering in the void, either hunting other life forms, or absorbing the elements of nothingness to grow.”

"Everything the void creatures need is in the void, so there is no overlap with the interests of the gray fog and other worlds, because the void to us is only nothingness, and we get nothing from it, but for the void creatures, the void has everything. ”

"Although there is no conflict of interest between the two, for worlds such as Gray Fog, the bodies of void creatures are the most precious treasures. Some of the substances carried by the creatures in each world are also nourishing things for void creatures, but they hunt each other. It only happens to higher-level creatures, and it’s on a small scale, and it has no impact on the world or the Void people.”

Lin Shan frowned slightly, "I don't quite understand, since void creatures cannot breed, how can a tribe be born?"

"Essentially they are the same kind, but there are actually differences." Hart Yale sorted out the information in his mind and said slowly, "There is a prerequisite for the birth of the Void ethnic group, that is, the Void King must be born first, any one It is possible for void creatures to break through their limits and become the king of the void, that is, the master of the gray fog universe. After the void creatures are promoted to the king of the void, they can establish their own ethnic group. This ethnic group is what we call the void ethnic group. "

"I understand, first there is a king, and then there will be a group." Lin Shan was stunned, and then asked, "Since there is no profit, why are there so many void creatures in the lighthouse?"

"This question is very crucial." Hart laughed loudly and looked at Yerkes with a strange look, "Since the birth of void creatures, from the initial stage to the mature stage, their strength and ability are all There is a fixed limit, but a very small number of void creatures will break this limit. Such void creatures are called limit breakers. Each of them is an extremely dangerous existence. One of the prerequisites for promotion to the Void King is to become a limit breaker. The wisdom of void monsters is ordinary, even a little stupid, but once they become limit breakers, they will gain wisdom that is comparable to or even surpasses that of humans. Since there is wisdom, there is a basis for cooperation. "

After a pause, Hart Yale continued to add, "There are two limit breakers in the lighthouse, and Yerkes is one of them. The void creatures in the lighthouse were all recruited by them. The prerequisite for recruitment is wisdom."

"Limit Breaker...Does the lighthouse have what the Limit Breaker needs?" Lin Shan remembered this new term.

"Yes." Hart nodded affirmatively.

"What is it?"

"Knowledge, and humanity."

"Human nature?" Knowledge, Lin Shan can understand, what is human nature?

"Just like there are all kinds of strange people, some people don't want to be human, they want to be monsters, and the same is true for void creatures. Some void creatures desire humanity and hope to become human. For this kind of void creatures, the lighthouse will take them in." Hart Yale explained.

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded. Yes, there are all kinds of strange people. There is nothing wrong with some void creatures wanting to be human. The most important thing is that they don't have some moral burdens like real people.

Lin Shan thought about it and asked again, "What about the beasts? Where do the outer gods come from?"

"If the void creatures are life born from nothingness, then the beasts are a form of nothingness." Hart Yale looked at the endless void outside the bubble and lowered his voice, "Outer Gods, no one knows their origins. Maybe they come from outside the void, or maybe from the deep abyss."

Lin Shan asked some other questions, and Hart Yale also took the initiative to explain some unique phenomena of the void to Lin Shan. Through Hart Yale, Lin Shan felt that he had understood the void. Of course, this is just the feeling at the moment.

It took about a month, and everything was smooth.

Xiaoduo had fallen into a coma at this time. According to Hart Yale, she closed her consciousness to resist the invasion of the void.

Since Xiaoduo fell into a coma, no one in the bubble spoke anymore.

A few days later, Lin Shan noticed that the tentacles on Yekis' neck suddenly trembled wildly.

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