Above the gray fog

Chapter 1612: Powerful Outer Gods, Impending Crisis

Zhao Xiaoan noticed Lin Shan's gaze.

She suddenly appeared next to Lin Shan.

His eyes never left the fierce battle between Jin Tianzong, Yan Ruxin and the Outer God in the distance.

"Both Jin Tianzong and Yan Ruxin are very experienced in fighting against foreign gods. They have actually made this foreign god very painful."

"But the two of them have no chance of winning against this alien god who doesn't even have a name."

"This is the Outer God, the great enemy of the Gray Mist Universe. Even the most common nameless Sequence 0 Outer God, only a few strong ones can defeat it independently."

"There are very few gray fog powerhouses who can defeat many, even most of the famous foreign gods."

"Jin Tianzong and Yan Ruxin, they used to be one of the few super strong men, but now, they are just a wisp of fire in the blazing flame..."

"However, this wisp of residual fire should not be underestimated."

"We'll just watch. Anyway, you're not here to fight this time. You want to prove your strength. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"It seems... this will be a tough battle." Lin Shan relaxed his clenched fists, "Is it because of the 'grey' that the Outer God's defense is so strong?"

"Beasts can also use 'grey', but they cannot use the effects of the outer gods. The outer gods and 'grey' have unique compatibility." Zhao Xiaoan explained, "In the gray fog universe, there are also a few people who are adapted to blue. Their blue is much stronger than that of ordinary people, Jin Tianzong is like this."

"Because the basic level is too low, even if Jin Tianzong uses his ability to the limit, it will be difficult to break through the defense of the outer gods." Lin Shan could tell at a glance where Jin Tianzong was weak.

Zhao Xiaoan nodded lightly, "That's right."

"Is there any possibility for them to continue to improve?" Lin Shan asked.

"Why not? They can continue to recover, but it is a little difficult." Zhao Xiaoan said.

"What are the conditions?" Lin Shan asked.

Zhao Xiaoan smiled, "Both existence and consciousness are not in the same dimension as our bodies. When we regard the body as the anchor point of existence, we can use this tracing point to find the specific location of existence and the special space that contains existence. , Everyone is different. The things they lost are there. Whether they can find them back is a matter of probability and whether they are willing to do so. It is somewhat similar to you. "

Lin Shan looked thoughtful.

There is a space, and he has entered it.

The crow had sent him into the existential space in order to collect his essence and blood.

His existence space is just a very ordinary small room.

Some furniture, and many photos of unclear appearance.

"Can a battle of this level help them find what they lost?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

Zhao Xiaoan nodded slightly, "The probability is very small, but there is a probability."

"That's why you didn't take action..." Lin Shan suddenly understood. It seems that the way to restore their strength is to stimulate their potential in battle.

"No, I'm just... not in the right state." Zhao Xiaoan still smiled, but after hearing her words, Lin Shan clearly felt that Zhao Xiaoan's smile was a bit fake.

Her hands were even twitching unconsciously.

"What's going on?" Lin Shan asked in a voice.

"There is a powerful foreign god watching here. He is an acquaintance." Zhao Xiaoan's voice sounded in Lin Shan's mind.

Hearing this, Lin Shan was about to use his 'eyes from the sky' to observe where the enemy was, but was stopped by Zhao Xiaoan, "Don't use perception, his pollution is hard to bear."

Lin Shan's fists tightened, and his heart became solemn. Is this the Outer God?

Judging from Zhao Xiaoan's appearance, I'm afraid the four of them can't defeat him together.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and asked, "So... what is the situation now?"

Heavenly Games can teleport them back to the gray mist universe at any time, and the magic box also has the inside information. It's really dangerous, so escaping shouldn't be a problem.

"The situation is more complicated."

"When Jin Tianzong and the others started fighting, the Outer God had already discovered this place."

"He knew me and saw my weakness, but he still didn't dare to act rashly. He was thinking."

"I fought with Him on purpose. He should not be able to figure out my strength yet."

"But He has sealed this void. You can't leave. Don't be anxious and wait for the opportunity."

Zhao Xiaoan quickly explained the current situation.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly, roughly understanding Zhao Xiaoan's plan.

Zhao Xiaoan was waiting for the outside god to jump out on his own.

The powerful alien god must have come here to save the basin-shaped alien god who was fighting fiercely in front of him.

Once the basin-shaped alien god appears in danger, the powerful alien god will inevitably take action. The moment he takes action is the best time for several people to escape.

Yan Ruxin and Jin Tianzong's attacks became more and more fierce. Jin Tianzong knew that he could not break through the outer god's defense, so the two began to exchange positions. Jin Tianzong defended and Yan Ruxin attacked.

‘White’ has the ability to directly attack consciousness and can penetrate Ash’s defense.

As Yan Ruxin started to attack, bursts of shrill screams continued to come out of the gray mist.

Zhao Xiaoan and Lin Shan stood on the edge watching the battle, motionless, both of them looking extremely confident.

Not all alien gods look like the basin-shaped alien gods. Smart alien gods can understand the expressions of humanoid creatures.

I don’t know how long it took, but the basin-shaped outer god’s screams became weaker and weaker, and the ‘grey’ shrouded outside showed signs of being unable to hold on.

Suddenly, a powerful aura suddenly approached in the void.

Lin Shan's expression condensed, that powerful foreign god was finally going to take action.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaoan raised her finger, and a red light ball the size of a grain of rice condensed at her fingertips.

Although this light ball was tiny, it exuded an extremely terrifying power.

Waves visible to the naked eye appeared in the void, as if the void itself was under unimaginable pressure.

The extreme breath of death spread from the light ball, locking tightly on the attacking Outer God, making the atmosphere of the entire battlefield suddenly become stagnant and depressing.

Lin Shan couldn't see the appearance of the Outer God, but could only see a small black shadow, like a human figure.

On the side close to Zhao Xiaoan, he arranged countless shields made of "ash", and his body quickly approached the battlefield where the basin-shaped Outer God was located.

"Break!" Zhao Xiaoan said softly.

In an instant, a beam of slender light compressed to the extreme ejected from her fingertips, emitting a creepy scream.

Although the beam was thin, it contained a terrifying power to destroy the world, like a sharp blade cutting through the sky.

Wherever it passed, the void was torn in half.

The slender red beam, with its extreme speed and irresistible penetration, went straight to the Outer God, and the pressure it carried made the entire battlefield fall into a dead silence.

The black shadow made a strange cry, then suddenly accelerated and directly avoided Zhao Xiaoan's attack.

The beam hit the air and passed directly through the deep void. Then, Lin Shan heard a "pop" sound, as if a huge bubble was punctured.

"Now." Zhao Xiaoan's voice echoed in Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan, who had already used his mental power to hook everyone, immediately started the heavenly teleportation.

The red light that illuminated the void had not yet dissipated, and the nearby void was empty.

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