Above the gray fog

Chapter 1613 Lin Shan’s Greatest Place of Faith——The Land of Dawn

Everyone returned to the gray fog universe, and Lin Shan immediately began to explore the location where they were.

In a hurry, he chose the brightest point to teleport.

The so-called brightest is the place with the most believers.

After some exploration, they learned that the place they came to was called "Land of Dawn".

It is a dimensional space that is semi-isolated from the outside world.

It is considered a hidden civilization.

As long as there is a place where death is about to happen, it is possible to be infiltrated by the Kingdom of Heaven, even if it is in a dimensional space.

This is a huge circular city, with a huge building in the middle as the center. All the buildings spread outward. There are fields in the middle and the last part, where special food is planted.

In this huge complex city, there are tens of trillions of creatures living.

"There is such a place..." Even Lin Shan himself was very surprised. He didn't expect that he had such a place of faith. What is that player in the Kingdom of Heaven so capable... Should he be rewarded? This kind of person must be a talent.

Keeping this in mind, Lin Shan continued to observe.

The sky here always glows with a soft silver-white light, as if countless silver stars are shining in the sky.

On the ground, white marble buildings are lined up one after another, emitting a holy glow.

The streets are spacious and clean, paved with pure white slabs, and pedestrians come and go with peace and piety on their faces.

The residents of the Land of Dawn are all believers wearing robes. Their clothes are simple and generous, mainly white and gold, representing purity and light.

The architectural style here is gorgeous and solemn, and churches are spread all over the place.

Each church has a towering spire, and the top of the tower is inlaid with huge crystals, reflecting dazzling light.

The interior of the church is beautifully decorated, and the tall stained glass windows reflect colorful light and shadow, highlighting the sacredness.

Inside and outside the church and even on the street, the sound of prayers comes one after another, echoing over the entire civilization.

The final destination of these prayers is Lin Shan.

The civilization of the "Land of Dawn" is extremely developed. It has not only reached its peak in architecture and art, but also has a unique branch in the integration of technology and spirituality.

On the street, countless hovercrafts and psychic devices are running, emitting a faint blue light.

Several people floated to the center of the city, which was a magnificent temple.

In front of the temple stood a statue that was almost as tall as the temple. It was the statue of Lin Shan.

The statue of Lin Shan was tall, majestic and lifelike. He was wearing a gorgeous robe, holding a glorious scepter, with a calm and solemn face, and his eyes were firmly looking into the distance, as if he was guarding the peace and tranquility of the entire city.

The details of the statue were handled very finely, even the folds on the robe and the lines on the scepter were clearly visible, which made people feel awe.

Next to the statue of Lin Shan, there was also a small statue. Although it was less than one-tenth of the height of the statue of Lin Shan, it was still very huge.

The shape of this small statue was peculiar,

Its posture was a bit funny, and it was particularly abrupt compared to the solemnity of Lin Shan.

When Lin Shan saw the small statue, he thought in his heart and probably understood that it was a masterpiece of a certain player.

He muttered to himself, does this guy want to steal his faith?

This method is unlikely to succeed.

The entire kingdom of heaven belongs to him. No matter what the players do, the final destination of all faith is Lin Shan.

Players had better earn points honestly. As for faith, Lin Shan has not allowed them to get involved.

"Such a large statue..." Jin Tianzong smacked his lips, "This scene is rare even in the prosperous period of the old days."

Yan Ruxin nodded slightly, "Just this piece of land, in the old days, could create an extraordinary god."

Hearing Yan Ruxin's response, Jin Tianzong seemed to fall into some memories, "It's a pity that the road of incense and gods has been cut off. Now many gods don't work hard on faith. The powerful gods no longer protect weak civilizations, which is also one of the reasons why the gray fog civilization often fights."

"Why do I remember seeing many tribes who believe in the master in the human circle, the night, the void, the vulgar, are these the beliefs that the master deliberately spreads?" Lin Shan interrupted and asked.

Yan Ruxin explained, "The Overlords stand above the rules and control the entire rules. They don't need to spread their beliefs themselves. The rules themselves will spread their existence. Living beings will accidentally learn about the existence of the Overlords and begin to believe in them. In fact, in essence, this is the protection of the rules for the new civilization. Facing various crises, believing in the Overlords can allow them to gain more extraordinary power."

"There are also some Overlords, such as the Overlord of the Void you just mentioned. This guy is a real evil god. He advocates sacrifice and leads people to evil. The civilization that believes in him basically has no good end, but he is the Overlord. No one will persuade him to do what he wants, and no one can persuade him. The Void itself has a stronger power than the general Overlord... and he..."

As if thinking of something, Yan Ruxin didn't continue.

"If the existence of that guy is mentioned many times, he will feel it. If he looks over, it will be countless times more troublesome than the Outer God just now."

Lin Shan nodded to show his understanding. Let alone the Overlord, even if someone reads his name too many times now, he will feel it.

"No problem, it's not my real name." Zhao Xiaoan waved his hand and said weakly.

Everyone realized that Zhao Xiaoan's condition was a little abnormal.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Zhao Xiaoan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm a little overdrawn, I'll be fine after a rest."

The four of them watched the grand scene below, completely forgetting the crisis of the Outer God.

Lin Shan looked at Zhao Xiaoan, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Since it is only the projection of the Outer God that tied up Tushan Jiuqi... With our current strength, can we save her?"

Zhao Xiaoan shook his head slowly, with a hint of helplessness on his face: "She is there voluntarily, she has her own plan, if you really want to go, I can go with you."

Lin Shan hesitated a little, and recalled that Tushan Jiuqi had said that she stayed there voluntarily, he sighed, "Let's talk about it later."

He stopped talking, his eyes wandered, and his thoughts returned to the moment when he just faced the Outer God.

That almost overwhelming force made him feel unprecedented powerlessness.

Although he had long understood in his heart that the idea of ​​confronting the Outer God was wishful thinking, he only felt the deep sense of powerlessness when he really faced it.

For nearly three thousand years, he made progress almost every day, which made him the current strength.

However, when he thought he was strong enough, the Outer God taught him a lesson again, making him realize his insignificance.

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